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1、九年级英语unit11知识点总结 九年级1. SO+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语表达前面所陈述的情况也适合另外一人,意为“某某也一样”知识点来源:A.Im hungry,Amy.我饿了,艾米.B.So am I.Why dont we get something to eat.我也饿了,我们为什么不弄点吃的东西呢?助动词举例:do,did,does,have,has.be 动词举例 : am,is ,are ,was ,were.情态动词举例 : can,could,may,should,must,.例句:He goes to school every day. So do I.他每天上学

2、,我也如此。He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四。He can speak English. So can I. 我也会。对别人情况加以肯定时常用so+主语+助动词如:The students work hard.So they do. 他们学习努力,他们确实努力。He is good at maths. So he is.(他善长数学,他确实善长数学。)练习I went to the movies yesterday._(Dale也去了。)Dales brother is a student. _(我也是。)I have finished my homework.

3、 _(Dale也完成了。)Dale should see a doctor._(Mike也应该去。)2. why dont you do sth =why not do sth你为什么不做某事呢?知识点来源;Why dont we get something to eat.翻译句子:你为什么不早起呢?_.我们为什么不去看电影呢?_.3. make的用法make sb do sth 使某人做某事知识点来源:The soft music makes me relax.柔和的音乐让我放松。Loud music made me want to dance.大声的音乐让我想跳舞。Sad movies m

4、ake me cry.悲伤的电影让我哭泣.练习The boss make their clerks(员工)_for 9 hours every day.A. work B.works C.to workSad movies make me_leave.A.to want B.want to C.to want tomake sb +形容词 是某人怎么样知识点来源:Those awful pictures on the walls make me uncomfortable.墙上的那些可怕的图片让我不舒服。4. the +比较级.the +比较级 越.就越.知识点来源:The more I ge

5、t to know Julie,the more I realize that we have a lot in common. 我越了解朱莉,我越意识到我们有跟多共同点。句子翻译:你读的越多,知道的就越多。_.你学习越努力,就会取得越好的成绩。_you study, _grades you will get.5. would rather do sth宁愿做某事Would rather 的缩写是d ratherWould rather do sth 的否定形式是would rather not do sth 知识点来源:Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I

6、 like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为在吃饭时我喜欢安静的音乐。练习句子他不愿意听爵士音乐。He_ _ _listen to jazz.Would rather do sth than do sth=prefer to do rater than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿去做某事练习我宁愿看书也不愿看电视。_._.他宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车。_._.6. lately 最近,不久前,是副词。相当于recently Latest “最近的,最新的”是形容词。Later“过后,稍后”是副词。可单独使用。“一段时间

7、+later”意为“过了.以后”Late“晚的(地),迟到的(地)”做形容词或副词用上面的词填空:I havent seen her_.This is the_song.Two days _,she left for London.He was_again yesterday.7. 需要记住的句型和短语have something in common有共同点have nothing in common没有共同点have a lot in common有很多共同点have fun=have a good time玩的开心,过得愉快。go to the movies 看电影be friends w

8、ith sb 成为某人的朋友make friends with sb 意为“与某人交朋友”drive sb. crazy/mad是某人发疯/发狂drive sb to do sth迫使某人做某事8. ask sb.to do sth要求某人做某事知识点来源:why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie.当每次和朱莉在一起做事的时候,你为什么不邀请爱丽丝加入你们呢?Dale was late for class yesterday,so he _to stand out for a while.A

9、. asked B.to ask C.was asked 9. feel left out感觉被冷落测试题目:When a child feel _,he will cry to get his parents attention.A. leave out B.left out C.leaving out10. 英语中,以here/there开头且主语为名词(短语)的句子要用完全倒装语序,谓语动词通常为lie(躺),be,come,go,live,stand(矗立)语序结构为:here/there+谓语+主语知识点来源:A long time ago,in a rich and beautif

10、ul country,there lived an unhappy king.很久以前,在一个富饶又美丽的国家里,住着意为不快乐的国王。例句展示:公共汽车来了。Here comes the bus. 山上有一座庙。There is a temple on the top of the hill。铃响了。There goes the bell.11. feel like sth.=want sth=would like sth想要某物feel like doing sth想要做某事知识点来源:The king slept badly and didnt feel like eating.那个国王

11、睡不好觉并且不想吃东西。例句展示:你想吃鱼吗?Do you feel like fish?我想像鸟儿一样飞。I feel like flying like a bird.feel like还可以意为:“感觉像;感觉到”后常接名词或从句。例句展示:他感到自己像个孩子。He feels like a child.我感觉自己像一只鸟。I feel like I was a bird.知识点测试:I have a bad cold.I dont feel like _anything.A.to eat B.eating C.eat12.neither.nor.意为“.和.两者都不;既不.也不.”连接两

12、个并列成分。当连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的形式需与nor后的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近一致”的原则。其反义短语为both.and.(.和.两者都;既.又.)知识点来源:Neither medicine nor rest can help him.药物和休息都不能帮助他。例句展示:他既不进去也不出来。He neither came in nor went out.戴尔和迈克都不偷东西。Neither Dale nor Mike steal things.戴尔和迈克都喜欢玩电脑游戏。Both Dale and Mike like playing computer games.知识点测试:_the

13、 students_the teachers is going to climb the mountain.A. Both; and B.Neither;nor造句引导:戴尔既不看电影,也不玩电脑游戏。第一步:He doesnt watch TV or play computer games.第二步:He neither watch TV nor play computer games.模仿造句:我既不听音乐,也去看电影。_.12. be friends with sb.成为某人的朋友 make friends with sb 和某人交朋友知识点来源:It makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.那使朱莉不高兴,因为她觉得朱莉现在成为了



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