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1、Unit 10专题导入1. for the first time 第一次2. the first time . 第一次3. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事4. be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事5. shake hands with sb. 和某人握手6. hold out 伸出7. to ones surprise 令/使某人意外的是8. be relaxed about . 对感到放松 9. rush around 匆忙赶路10. value the time 珍惜时间 11. in ones everyday life 在日常生活中12.

2、 drop by 顺便拜访|;随便进入13. after all 毕竟、终究14. get mad with sb. 生某人的气 15. make an/every effort to do sth. 努力做某事16. heavy traffic 繁忙的交通 17. Its no big deal! 小事一桩!18 clean . off 把擦掉19. be worth doing 值得做20. table manners 餐桌礼仪21. stick . into . 把伸进22. take off 脱下|;(飞机)起飞23. as . as possible 尽可能24. be worth

3、the trouble 值得麻烦25. point at 指着(侧重对象)26. point to 指向(强调方向)27. go out of ones way to do sth. 特地/努力做某事28. make sb. feel at home 使感到宾至如归 29. be comfortable doing sth. 自在地做某事 30. feel good about doing sth. 对做某事感觉良好31. behave well / badly 表现好/不好32. good / bad behavior 良好/恶劣举止33. Chinese customs 中国的习俗34.

4、at the table 在桌上35. at table 就餐36. show up 出现|;显现|;赶到|;使出丑 37. show off 炫耀|;显摆38. show sb. around sp. 带某人参观某处知识点梳理1. Thats how people in Japan are expected to greet each other. 这就是在日本人们应该互相问候的方式。greet v. 问候|,打招呼|;迎接(= welcome / say hello to) 常与with . 或by doing .搭配|,表示“以方式问候/打招呼”Its a friendly way to

5、 greet each other. 这是一种互致友好问候的方式。She rose to greet her guests. 她起身迎接客人。expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事be expected to do sth. 被期望某事His parents expect him to see them in a short time. 父母期望他马上来看望他们。She is expected to finish the job on time. 期望她按时完成工作。练一练 The host _ at the gate. 主人在大门口迎接我们。 He _ good morn

6、ing. 他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。 She _ a friendly smile. 她向我微笑致意。2. Where Im from|, we are pretty relaxed about time. 我来的那个地方对时间非常放松。where从句(的地方) where引导地点状语从句|,说明主句行为发生的地点。Just stay where you are. 就留在你原来的地方。Where there is a will|, there is a way. 有志者|, 事竟成。be relaxed about . 对感到放松 Take it easy|, just be relaxed

7、 about the interview. 别紧张|,轻松面试。练一练 Go back where _ . 你从何处来到何处去。 We must camp _ . 我们必须在能找到水的地方露营。 You just _ this examination.你只需要放松地面对考试就可以。3. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. 我们重视日常生活中和家人、朋友在一起的时光。 value v. 珍惜|;重视 in ones everyday life 在日常生活中 Ive always

8、 _ . 我一直很重视老师们所给的建议。 Many people make different kinds of friends _ (在他们的社交生活中). 4. We often just walk around the town center|, seeing as many of our friends as we can. 经常我们只是到市中心四处走走|,尽可能多的见见我们的朋友。句中seeing|,属于现在分词短语作伴随状语。伴随状语:指伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在另一的动作或状态|,即同一个主语发出两个动作或处于两种状态。Thedogenteredtheroom|,fol

9、lowingthe boy.这条狗跟着男孩进了屋。(现在分词作伴随状语|,表主动。)Theboyenteredtheroom|, followedbyhisdog.男孩进了屋|,后面跟着他的狗。(过去分词作伴随状语|,表被动。)练一练 They walked around the town|, _ (开心地说着笑着). He was lying on the sofa _. 他躺在沙发上看电视。5. Were the capital of clocks and watches|, after all! after all 毕竟|;终究|;到底放在句首时|,用来提醒对方别忘记或忽略某个重要的事实

10、或理由。So you see I was right after all! 你看|,毕竟还是我对吧!After all|, shes a big girl now. 毕竟|,她现在是大姑娘了。6. So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. 因此我在见朋友时都努力做到守时。make an effort to do sth. 努力做 You should make an effort to learn something new everyday. 我们必须努力去每天学一点新东西.练一练 I will _ . 我要尽力戒烟。

11、 You should _ your reading ability. 你应该努力提高你的阅读能力。7. Also|, we never visit a friends house without calling first. 另外|,我们从不事先未通电话便登门拜访朋友。never和without是双重否定句|,合在一起表达肯定意义。You will hardly ever be able to speak good English without practicing.你不练习几乎是不可能把英语学好的。8. They go out of their way to make me feel a

12、t home. 他们特意使我觉得舒适自在。go out of ones way to do sth. 特别费心地做|;努力做 If you are in trouble|, I will go out of my way to help you. 如果你遇到麻烦我会尽全力帮助你。 make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归/无拘无束/自由自在Good hotel service will make guests feel at home. 好的旅馆服务让游客有宾至如归的感觉。练一练约翰想方设法使他的女朋友高兴。 John _ his girl friend happy. 我

13、在尽我一切所能使他们感到宾至如归。Im doing everything I can to _.9. You wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved because of that.你绝不会相信就因为这样我的法语提高得有多快。常用句式:You wouldnt believe 你无法想象/你想都想不到/你绝不会相信表示所陈述的事情超出想象之外|,类似的表达有You would never / hardly believe。You wouldnt believe how active she is. 你无法想象她有多活跃! 你绝对想不到他在台湾找到了失散多年的姐姐!_ that he found his long-lost sister in Taiwan! 你根本无法想象|,自从他听了您的讲课后进步有多大。_ what quick progress hes made ever since he attended your cla


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