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1、七年级上册Unit 1 第一课时: New words and phrases (P95-96) Learning Goals(一)、知识目标:Practice reading the new words,such as name , nice , to , meet , too , your , Ms. , his , and , her , yes , she , he , no , not , zero ,one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , telephone , number , phone ,

2、first , last , friend , China , middle , school(二)、能力目标:1. Remember the new words in specific situations. (在语境中记忆单词)2. Make up new sentences and make up a story with the new words . (能学会用新单词造句子并编故事)3. Understand, translate and retell a passage made up of the above Curriculum words and phrases accord

3、ing to a mind map (理解、翻译并复述用课标内单词编写的故事。)(三)、情感目标:Introduce yourself ; greet people.(培养学生见面主动与人打招呼、问好的习惯). Teaching and learning steps Step 1:Learn to read the new words in Unit 1 on P95-96一、Remember the words by looking at pictures. middle schoolIm Zhang Ming.My names Mary. 名字Nice to meet you,too(也)

4、. 遇见 Nice to meet you.令人愉快的 Whats your name? I am Dale. My names Dale. Whats your name? I am Eric. My names Eric. Are you Alan? Yes, I am. Are you Mike? No, Im not. My names Bob. Are you Gina? No, Im not. My names Linda. Are you Ms.Brown? Yes, I am. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too!Hes Wu Xiu

5、bo.His first name is Xiubo.His last name is Wu.Shes Grace Cao.Her first names Grace.Her last name is Cao.They are in China now.(设计意图:通过男孩和女孩的照片,学习男生和女生的名字。利用图片的男女生对话学习了姓与名的区别,简单易懂。激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的求知欲,掌握最基本的人称代词和物主代词。 同时让学生对于本单元的重点句型有所了解,为下一步的学习做好了铺垫)2.Remember the words by guessing. school ID card numb

6、er: Step 2 Learn to read the words and phrases on P95-961.Ask the students to read the words by themselves using the phonetics, underline the difficult words. 2.Encourage the students to read the difficult words with their partners.3.Get two or three middle-level students to read all the words, the

7、others listen and correct their mistakes in pronunciation. If necessary, the teacher helps them.4. Read after the tape, imitate the pronunciation. 5.The students read aloud to memorize the words. (The teacher walks around to see whether students have any questions.) 6.考考记忆力(学生根据所给电话号码的逐渐消失来回忆所消失的数字)

8、7. Remember the words by describing the pictures.2、 Remember new words. Remember the words by their similar pronunciations. (1)/ u: / to too two (2)/a/ nine five nice China (3)/fn/ telephone phone (4) / know no zero (5) / what not Tom (设计意图:根据相同/似读音拼写英语单词,建立单词音、形的对应关系,能够让学生利用已经学过的音标去识读新单词。)三、 Rememb

9、er the words by conversion(转换) and comparison(对比)(1 )转换(主格形容词性物主代词) I-my you - your he - his she - her it-its(2)对比(反义词) yes no first last this that (设计意图:根据构词法记忆单词效果很好。 )四、 Remember the words by using their meanings ()遇见 ()宜人的 ()也 ()和 ()不 ()电话 ()号码 ()朋友 (设计意图:用汉语记忆英语单词,可采用记忆大擂台,看谁记得又快又准确,让学生举手积极抢答)五

10、、Read the passage.Step 3: Read the story and translate into Chinese.1. Ask the students to read the story, and underline the new words.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of three.3. Read the story fluently by themselves.Zhang Mingmings friendsZhang Mingming is a middle school student. He

11、lives in China. His telephone number is 9298155.His good friends are Gina Smith, Eric Brown and Dale Miller. Gina Smith is a nice girl. Her first name is Gina and her last name is Smith. Her telephone number is 2324672. Eric Brown is a good boy. His first name is Eric and his last name is Brown. His

12、 telephone number is 3575689.Dale Miller is an English boy. His first name is Dale and his last name is Miller. His telephone number is 3586344.When they meet, they always say: “Nice to meet you!” “Nice to meet you, too!”张明明是一个中学生。他居住在中国。他的电话号码是929-3155.他的好朋友叫吉娜史密斯和埃里克布朗。吉娜是一位好女孩。她的名字叫吉娜,姓史密斯。她的电话号码

13、是232-4672。埃里克是一位好男孩。他的名字叫埃里克,姓布朗。他的电话号码是357-5689。戴尔米勒是一个英国男孩,他的名字叫戴尔,姓米勒。他的电话号码是3586344。当他们相遇时,他们总是相互问候说:“见到你很高兴!” “见到你我也很高兴!”.(设计意图:词汇教学应采用词句文的教学模式,让学生将单词用到句子和语篇中。简单明了的小故事,增强了学生学习英语的兴趣,从语用角度让学生在语篇中体会词语用法,体现了词不离句的教学原则,有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇。)Step4 Mind map.1. Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the


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