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1、辽宁省丹东市2019-2021年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编句子翻译2021年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题IX. 句子翻译(101106每小题1分。107113每小题2分,共20分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将其答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。101. 将来会有越来越多的新技术使我们的生活更便利。_ new technologies in the future to make our life more convenient.102我们班的学生不允许玩网游。The students in our class _ online games.103我们正在闲逛,这时开始下大雨。_ when it be

2、gan to rain heavily.104丹东的山水如此绚丽,他立即便爱上了这座城市。The mountains and rivers in Dandong were so colorful _ at once.105听!她唱得多美啊!Listen! _!106我们非常憧憬未来是什么样子的。Were really expecting_107. Tina和David工作一样努力吗?108这部电影值得再看一遍。109直到失去健康你才会意识到它的重要性。110他到这儿半小时了。111你是怎样为今天的考试做准备的?(B)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文,并将其答案写在答题卡的相应位置

3、上。When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but we often look so long at the closed door that we dont see the one that has been opened for us.112. Giving someone all your love doesnt mean that theyll love you back. Dont expect love in return. Just wait for it to grow in their hearts. Dream w

4、hat you want to dream, go where you want to go, and be what you want to be. Because you have only one life. 113. And it is the only chance for you to do all you want to do.Dont let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what happens.答案:(A) 101. More and more 102. are not allowed to p

5、lay 103. We were hanging out104. that he fell in love with the city105. How beautifully she is singing106. what will be like in the future107. Does Tina work as hard as David? 108. The film is worth seeing again. 109. You wont realize the importance of it until you lose your health. 110. He has been

6、 here for half an hour. 111. How did you prepare for todays exam?(B) 112. 给别人你所有的爱并不意味着他们会给你回报。 113. 这是你做你想做的事的唯一机会。2020年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题.句子翻译(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将其答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。81. 有几个人在门口等你。_ waiting for you at the door.【答案】There are several people82. 昨晚九点你在做什么呢?_ at nine oclock last night?【答案】What were

7、you doing83. 他自从来到我们学校就教我们物理。_since he came to our school,【答案】He has taught us physics84. 格林先生使我们很容易地学习英语。Mr. Green made it _ to learn English.【答案】easy for us85. 一个人书读得越多,就会变得越聪明。The more books a person reads, _.【答案】the wiser/cleverer he will be/ become.86. 昨天雨下得太大了,我们无法在室外打篮球。_ that we couldnt play

8、 basketball outside yesterday.【答案】It rained so heavily87. 不要扔掉这些旧书。_【答案】Dont throw away these old books.88. 如果他努力学习,就会通过考试。_【答案】If he studies hard, he will pass the exam.89. 你什么时候意识到它是有害的?_【答案】When did you realize that it was harmful?90. 这儿明年要建一座新桥。_【答案】A new bridge will be built here next year.91.

9、这把雨伞一定是我妹妹的。_【答案】The umbrella must be my sisters. (B)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文,并将其答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。One day a lonely girl found two weak birds while she was walking in the woods. She took them home and fed them.One day the girl let the cages door open. One bird flew out of the cage. 1 The girl watched wor

10、riedly as it circled high above her. She was afraid that it would fly away. When it was close to her, she caught it wildly. To her surprise, the bird was dead in her hand! Her love for the bird killed it.She opened the cage and flew the other bird into the air.2 The best way to keep love is to let i

11、t fly! The fastest way to lose love is to hold it tight.92. _93. _【答案】92. 当它在她头顶上空盘旋时,小女孩焦急地看着。 93. 留住爱的最好方法就是让它自由飞翔!2019年辽宁省丹东市中考英语试题六、句子翻译(本大题共7小题, 共14. 0分) 57. 祖国越强大, 我们就越自信。 The stronger our country is, _. 58. 你能猜猜在老师的帮助下我们班多少个学生会远离电脑吗? Can you guess how many students _ the computer with the tea

12、chers? help in our class? 59. 他记得关电视了。 _60. 不要害怕在人们面前说话。_61. 孩们正在操场上练习打篮球。_62. 我们应该鼓励孩子们自己做决定吗?_63. 我已经加入讲故事倶乐部两个月了。 _七、完成句子(本大题共4小题, 共8. 0分) 64. 我发现学习英语很有趣儿。 I _ to learn English. 65. 这些女孩们谁书写得最认真? Who writes _? 66. 她是一个如此善良的老师, 学生们都喜欢她. (such. . . that) She is_ kind _ all her students like her. 67. 这些登山者和家人告别后就出发了. These climbers set out _. 57. 【答案】the more confident well be 58. 【答案】can; keep; away; from 59. 【答案】He remembered turning off the TV. 60. 【答案】Dont be afraid to speak in front of people. 61. 【答案】The boys are practicing pl


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