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1、 大学英语(2)期末考试A卷 姓名:唐湘玲学号:202202009642237专业:计算机科学与技术学习中心:湖南怀化奥鹏学习中心11 答 卷(本试卷所有客观题答案必须填入如下答卷表格中,否则不得分)一、阅读:20% (每小题2分)12345678910AACDDCABBC二、交际用语20%(每小题2分)12345678910CCCDDDAABB三、语法与词汇:30%(每小题2分)12345678910BBCBBDDCDD1112131415AACCC四英译汉:30% (答题请不要超出边框)You have no social life other than work-related even

2、ts. Work is on your mind 24 hours, 7 days.You feel stressed because of your work. You get upset when others suggest you cut back on your work. You do not take vacations, or take your work with you on vacation.(翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分)答:除了与工作相关的活动之外,您没有社交生活。你7 天 24 小时都想着工作。你因为工作而感到压力。当别人建议你减少工作时,你会感到不安。你不休

3、假,或者就是带着你的工作去度假。一、阅读:20% (所有答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分) ( 1 )Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something that has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach th

4、em, and what he wants them to learn from him.What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experience into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countl

5、ess billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and f

6、rom human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even the

7、y do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.If one painter chooses to paint a decaying leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasiz

8、ing somethingall of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.1. An artist hopes that the public will _a_. A. understand him and learn from him B. notice only shapes and colors in his work C. teach him something D. believe what he says in his work2. It is hard to expla

9、in what a painter is saying, because he/ she _A_. A. uses shapes and colors instead of words B. uses unusual words and phrases C. does not express himself /herself well D. does not say anything clearly3. The writer points out that contemporary artists might say their choices of subject _C_. A. only

10、provide interesting patterns B. teach the public important truths C. have no pattern or form D. carry a message to the public4. The writer also points out that contemporary art contains _D_. A. nothing but meaningless patterns B. uninteresting aspects of the world C. completely meaningless subjects

11、D. subjects chosen partly for their meanings5. What is implied in this passage? D A. A painting is more easily understood than a symphony. B. Art is merely the arranging of shape and color. C. Every artist tries to say something to the public. D. One must look beyond shape and color to find what the

12、 artist is saying.( 2 )Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the season and crime patterns.The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period

13、of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do rape and other violent attacks. Murder, moreover, is more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm,

14、burglary(夜盗) has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. The most uncriminal month of all? May except for one strange statistic. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year.

15、Apparently our intellectual seasonal cycles are completely different from our criminal tendencies. Professor Huntington, of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, made extensive studies to discover the seasons when people read serious book, attend scientific meetings, make the highest scores on examinations, and propose the most changes to


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