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1、Chapter 8,Business negotiation Price, currency; Packaging; Minimum or maximum quantity; Quality; Shipping date, mode; Terms of payment; A timeframe during which your offer is available,Example of firm offer by fax:,Offer without engagement(虚盘) Offer without engagement is contrary to the one with eng

2、agement, which is unclear, incomplete and with reservations. This kind of offer is not binding on the offeror. Such expressions as “reference price”, “subject to our final confirmation” and “subject to goods being unsold” are often used.,Example of offer without engagement:,3. Counter-offer An count

3、er-offer is an offer made by an offeree to an offeror, accepting some terms and changing other terms. It can be made verbally or in writing. A counter-offer is also of two kinds: Counter-offer with engagement Counter-offer without engagement,Counter-offer Counter-offer is a rejection of the offer. H

4、ence, it is a new offer and at the same time, the original offer lapses. In a counter-offer a new price as well as other new terms is suggested. In order to make certain that the other terms embodies in the original offer remain unchanged, the date and/or reference number of the original offer is us

5、ually so referred to in the counter-offer as to be no mistaking what it is aimed at.,Example of counter-offer,4. Acceptance An acceptance is the assent to the terms of an offer, required before a contract can be valid. It must be absolute and unconditional (otherwise it is not an acceptance but a co

6、unter-offer).,补充: (1)承诺是无条件同意要约的全部内容:承诺必须与要约一致,所谓一致应包括承诺的内容与要约的内容一致,承诺的形式必须符合要约的要求。如果被要约人增加、限制或修改了要约的内容,则是反要约,承诺不能成立。 (2)承诺必须是被要约人作出:通常一项要约是向特定人所发,只有这个特定的对象表示接受才可以,任何第三者表示接受均无法律效力,要约人不受约束。 (3)承诺必须通知要约人:承诺不能以沉默的方式表示,承诺必须以某种方式通知要约人,明确表示承诺。,Example of acceptance:,Glossary of Trade,Bad faith 恶意 Bagged c

7、argo 袋装货物 Bale cargo 捆包货物 Barter 易货贸易 Bearer 持票人、持有人 Broker 经纪人 Bulk cargo 散装货 Bulk carrier 散装船 Bulk sale 成批销售,Call 催缴 Call money 活期借款 Capitals protest 海损异议书、海难证明书 Cargo 货物、船货 Cash against documents (CAD) 凭单支付 Charter service 包租 Chartered ship 租轮 Clearance 出港手续、通关、结关 Container vessel 集装箱船 Cost plus

8、成本加利,Deck cargo 舱面货、甲板货物 Discharging 解除、卸货 Demurrage 滞留费 Dispatch 急件、发运、速遣费 Distributor 经销商 Door-to-door 门对门服务 Dry cargo 干货 Dumping 倾销 Durable goods 耐用品,Heavy lift 重件 Heavy lift charge 超重费 House-to-house 户到户、厂到厂 Intellectual property 知识产权 Jettison (船遇难时把货物)投弃 Letter of intent 意向书 Lighter 驳船 Liner 定期班轮,Market economy 市场经济 Most favored nation 最惠国 Multinational corporation 跨国公司 Market access 市场准入 National treatment 国民待遇 Pier-to-pier 码头到码头 Quay 停泊码头 Sales tax 销售税 Settlement date 交割日,


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