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1、人教新目标八年级英语下册阅读理解练习题(含答案)Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.First, eat different food, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but youd better eat something different. If you eat different food, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)y

2、our body needs.Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When youre really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙)your body needs to grow strong bones.Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When youre eating, n

3、otice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you feel fat.Fourth, limit screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball,

4、bike riding and swimming. You cant watch TV for more than two hours a day.Fifth, be active. One thing youd like to do, as a kid, is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.1Which kind of drinks can give you more calci

5、um?AMilk.BTea.CJuice.DCold water.2You shouldnt watch TV for _ a day.Amore than two hours Bmore than three hoursCless than two hours Dfour hours3You should eat different food especially_.Afish Bsweets Cmeat Dfruit and vegetables4According to the passage, you should follow_ rules if you want to be hea

6、lthy.AfourBfiveCnineDfifth5According to the passage, which of the following sentences is not true?AWhen youre eating, you have to notice how your body feels.BYou can eat your favorite food, but youd better eat something different.CYou can watch TV as long as you like to get more information.DWe shou

7、ld try to live in an active way in our life.Robinson Crusoe is one of the most famous adventure( 探险) novels in England. It was written by Daniel Defoe, an English novelist. The novel has been popular for centuries. The main character in it is an Englishman named Robinson Crusoe. It tells about his a

8、dventure on a deserted island after his ship was broken in a terrible storm. He is a hero fighting against nature and human fate(命运). He is one of the most successful characters in English novels.Alice in Wonderland is a work of childrens literature by a British writer, Lewis carroll. It tells the s

9、tory of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a wonderland. Many strange things happen her and she also meets many playing cards and creatures(生物) that can talk. Finally, she finds everything is just a part of a wonderful dream.Harry Potter is a set of fantasy(魔幻的 )novels written by t

10、he British author J. K. Rowling. She was born in 1965. The success of the novels has made her the most highly-paid novelist in history. The idea for Harry Potter came to her in 1990 during a train ride. The story is about seven years life of an orphan(孤儿)Potter who learns magic. There are seven book

11、s in total.6According to the passage _is a man who is fighting against nature and fate.ARobinson CrusoeBDaniel DefoeCHarry PotterDLewis Carroll7In fact, Alice in Wonderland is a story of a_.Areal adventureBmagical boyCterrible experienceDwonderful dream8Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?AAdventu

12、re novelsBFantasy novels.CChildren s literatureDHistorical novel On a summer day, a man sitting under a tree on the bank of a river, watched a group of ducks on the river.Soon a branch(树枝)with leaves came drifting(漂浮)among them, and they all flew away. After circling in the air for a little time, th

13、ey landed again on their feeding ground.Soon another branch came drifting down among them, and again they took flight from the river. But when they found the branch had drifted by without any danger, they flew down to the water as before.After four or five branches had drifted by in this way, the du

14、cks gave little attention to them. At last, they hardly tried to fly out of their way, even when the branches nearly touched them.The man who was watching all this, now wanted to know who had drifted these branches. He looked up the river, and noticed a fox slyly(偷偷地)watching the ducks. “What will h

15、e do next?” thought the man.When the fox saw that the ducks were no longer afraid of the branches, he took a much larger branch, and hid himself behind it. Then he drifted himself with the larger branch. When he was right among the ducks, he caught two young ducks quickly and swam off with them. The rest of the ducks flew away in fright(惊吓), and did not come back for a long time.The fox must have enjoyed a fine dinner for what he had done.9What did the man watch on the river at first?ADucks.BFoxes.CLeaves.DBranches.10What did the ducks do as s


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