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1、中考语法考点-形容词和副词 (一)形容词与副词的比较等级1.Emma loves animals and looks after her pet dog _(careful) than her friends.2.Balanced diets are just as _ (important) as regular exercise in our daily life.3.-I dont really like big cities.-Neither do I.I feel much_ (free)in the countryside.4.Im pretty good at tennis.Ac

2、tually,Im probably_ (good)in the club.5.Our country now has _(long) high speed rail network in the world.6.Zhaozhou Bridge is one of _ (old)stone bridges in the world.7.-You have made great progress on your-Thank you.I believe_(hard)you work,the better grades you will get.8.China is almost as_ (big)

3、 as the US,and it is the _ (big)country in Asia.9.-Can I keep the book a little _ (long)?I havent finished reading it yet.-Sorry.You have to return it on time.10.-Whos the winner of womens 200m freestyle final in Swimming World Cup 2019?-Yang Junxuan.She swam_ (fast) of all.11.Julie takes good care

4、of the family dog. She is _(patient) than her brother.12.Youve done a good job,and Im sure you can do it _.(good)13.-If there are _ (少)people driving, there will be _(少)air pollution.-Yes,and the air will be fresher.14.The _ (多) we do for other people, the_(快乐) we will be.15.-What is _(long) river i

5、n China?-The Yangtze River.Its about 6,300 kilometers long.16.Jenny,its time to practice the plane._(多) you practice,_(好) youll play.17.-Who sings _(beautiful)in your class?-Li Jing does.18.-Mom,could you buy me a dress like this,please?-Of course.We can buy a_ (更好) one than this,but_ (和.一样好)it.A.a

6、better;better thanB.a worse;as good asC. a cheaper;as good asD.a more important;not as good as19.-Home is _ (warm)place whenever you go.-East or west,home is the best.(二)形容词及副词的辨析20.Its necessary for kids to team to spend money _.A.easilyB.cheaply C.wiselyD.quickly21.-Who is the _ runner, Mike or Sa

7、m?-Mike is. He is good at running.A.fasterB.slowerC.weakerD.heavier22.My English teacher is a _ lady and she often corrects my pronunciation again and again.A.patientB.creativeC.modestD.curious23.-Its _ today.Lets go to the beach.-Sounds great! Dont forget your sunglasses.A.rainyB.windyC.sunnyD.clou

8、dy24. Li Lei didnt play computer games last weekend._,he worked as a volunteer in an old peoples home.A.Instead B.Certainly C.Though D.Gradually25.You can bravely tell others what you think if you have different ideas.But _remember to choose the proper way.A.neverB.seldom C.alwaysD.sometimes26.I lov

9、e this city, _ in the spring, even though I was not born here.A.certainly B.nearlyC.especially D.properly27.The restaurant is very popular because the waiters there are_ customers.A.thirsty for B.strict with C.hard on D.friendly to28.-How was your trip to the British Museum?I could _ speak English a

10、nd was completely silent during the visit.A.hardlyB.always C.usually D.often29.Chinese food is so delicious that_ foreigners are learning to cook it.A. manyB.muchC.fewD.little30.-Lily looks down these days. -She has lost a watch which is _for her.A.enjoyable B.valuable C.available D.comfortable31.-M

11、y 80-year-old grandma has learned to chat on WeChat!Amazing!Its truly _too late to start doing things.A.alwaysB.neverC.sometimesD.usually32.-Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular around the world.Yes.Some foreigners _ printlaoganmaon their T-shirts.A.evenB.stillC.justD.hardly33.-He hardl

12、y had friends because he used to be mean.But now he has changed a lot. He treats others _ and is popular.A.nicelyB.carelesslyC.rudelyD.heavily34.If your friend sends you a message to borrow money from you on the Internet,youd better callHim _ first to make sure of that.A.recently B.finally C.hardlyD

13、.directly35.In order to protect the environment,all the countries should work_ with each other.A.closeB.closely C.nearD.nearly36. Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you?A.quicklyB.happilyC.slowlyD.clearly37._ say the English is too difficult for us to learn. We can learn it well with

14、 efforts.A.AlwaysB.SometimesC.SeldomD.Never38.Nelson _ exercises because he has too much work every day.A.usually B.alwaysC.oftenD.seldom39.-You dont like British breakfast, do you?-Not _.I just need some time to get used to it.A.moreB.onlyC.trulyD.exactly40.-Anny,my mother never gets up late for my breakfast.What about your mother?-My mother,_,Mothers in China do more for us children.A.100B.alsoC.eitherD.neither41.-Who is your



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