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1、2021-2021年宁夏小升初英语真题及答案班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分考前须知:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.A: What are you going to do tonight?【答案】【解析】略2.I wanted you _ the balls .A、to bringB、bring C、brough【答案】【解析】略3.Linda doesnt like playing chess. She _ plays chess.【答案】A【解析】略4.How_ Wu Yifans father g

2、o to work?A. do B. does C. did【答案】【解析】略5.I write an email _ Alice every week. B. of C. to【答案】C【解析】略6.你想知道同桌啥时候起床,可以这样问:A. When do you get up?B. How do you go home?【答案】A【解析】略7.A: I water the plant once a day. What will happen? B: _.AIt will grow quickly.BIt wont grow.CIt will grow quick.DIt will die.

3、【答案】【解析】略8.Thank you for _ me.Ae-mailBe-mailingCto e-mailDemails【答案】B【解析】略9.听录音,选择适当应答。1AIt means “No litteringBIt means “No parkingCIt means “No cyclingDIt means “No smoking2AThey are going to open the boxBThey are going to stay away from the boxCThey are going to close the boxDThey are going to th

4、e box3AIn the parkBIn the computer roomCIn the reading roomDIn the playground4AFiveBTwo CThree DOne5AYes,it isBYes,its a signCSorry,I dont knowDIts a public sign6AYesit isBNo,I cantCNo,I am notDNo,I can7AYes,the teacherBThe cookCThe park keeperDThe doctor8AThere are threeBThere are twoCTheres only o

5、neDThere are four【答案】1A 2B 3C 4C 5C 6B 7C 8D【解析】【听力材料】1A:Does this sign mean “No littering? B:Yes,it doesQ:What does the sign mean?2Look at the sign on that boxIt means “DangerQ:What are they going to do?3Please dont eat and drink here! Look at the sign on the wallThere are many books hereQ:Where ar

6、e they now?4A:Look! There are two signs on the grassB:Yes,Theres a sign on the birds cage,too.Q:How many signs can you see?5What does this sign mean?6Cant you see the sign over there?7The teacher is thin and tallThe cook is short and fatThe park keeper is short and thinQ:Whos thin and short?8Theres

7、a fifty-yuan note and two ten-yuan notes in my purseOh,Heres a five-yuan noteQ:How many notes are there in my purse?10.Do you have a dictionary?_AYes, I dont.BNo, I dont.CNo, Im not.DYes, I am.【答案】B【解析】思路分析:一般疑问句的答复方式有两种。名师解析:推测句意:你有一本词典吗?_.用Do 来提问的一般疑问句答复里面要有do,所以其肯定答复是Yes,I do.否认答复是No,I dont.答案为B。

8、句意:你有一本词典吗?不,我没有。易错提示:容易误选C,问题中没有be动词,答语中也不能出现be动词,可以借助助动词do。11.选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正。10分【答案】C well;D for;B sisters;D mine;C goes;【解析】思路分析:此题考查的是asas句型的用法以及副词原级与比拟级的固定用法。需要对常用的句型牢记。名师解析:所给句子句意为“苏阳和苏海画画一样好。asas为固定句型,中间应跟形容词或副词的原形,而本句中better为副词比拟级,因此应改为原级,主语修饰谓语动词draws应用副词,故应改为well。易错提示:此题容易忽略asas句型中间应跟形容词或

9、副词的原级,且要注意修饰动词draw应用副词,而误改为形容词原级good。思路分析:此题考查的是buy的固定用法,要牢记一些固定动词的固定句型。名师解析:所给句子的句意为“我想买一份礼物给我的妈妈。要注意buy sth. for sb.为固定短语,意为“给某人买某物,这是固定搭配,不能用介词to搭配。易错提示:此题很容易忽略动词buy的特殊用法,误认为给某人买就是用介词to。思路分析:此题考查的是名词所有格的掌握,要注意对名词所有格这一知识点的牢记。名师解析:所给句子的句意为“Jim的姐姐的名字是Mary。这里用到了双重所有格表示“Jim的姐姐的名字,正确表达应为Jims sisters na

10、me。易错提示:此题最容易忽略双重所有格的用法,因此给出了错误的答案。要注意在表示所属关系时要用到s的所有格形式。思路分析:此题考查的是代词与名词性物主代词的用法,需要分析句中的代词的成分,从而得出正确的答案。名师解析:所给的句子的句意为“你的书包和我的书包一样大。这里是比拟结构,表示两人的书包一样大,me是I的宾格,与主语不一致,而后面没有名词,因此应用名词性物主代词mine指代my schoolbag。易错提示:此题属于比拟结构中常用的句型,要注意比拟的前后两个主语要保持一致,比拟的对象要一样。思路分析:此题考查的是固定短语的用法,要牢记一些常见的动词短语,这样才不会出现搭配错误的情况。名

11、师解析:所给句子的句意为“他经常晚饭后去散步。表示“去散步应用go for a walk,这是固定短语,因此应将谓语动词takes改为goes。易错提示:此题需要牢记固定的动词短语,才能正确找出错误。12.( ) What are you going to _ ?A. do B. doing C. does【答案】A【解析】13.Meat , chicken _ fish?A. and B. but C. or【答案】C【解析】略s _ the cinema.A. go to B. going to C. to go to【答案】A【解析】考查Let sb. do sth.,应选A。15.Sh

12、anghai is _ in China.A、big citiesB、the biggest cityC、biggest cities【答案】 B【解析】三者或三者以上之间的比拟用形容词最高级。句意:上海是中国最大的城市。形容词最高级结构:the most+形容词。应选B。【点评】考查形容词最高级评卷人得分二、填空题16.词性转换。(20分)1sun(形容词)_2stamp(复数)_3dry(反义词)_4arrive(过去式)_5bicycle(同义词)_6write(现在分词)_7we(宾格)_8was(原形)_9Lets(完全形式)_10meet(同音词)_【答案】【解析】略17.阅读以下

13、表格,并根据其内容完成以下对话。 9%HolidayWhenWhat do people doEasterMarch or Aprilmake and eat Easter eggsHalloweenOctober 31dress up in costumes,make pumpkin lanternsMid-Autumn FestivalSeptember orOctobereat moon cakes, play with lanterns and watch the moonIts Sunday evening.Ben and Gao Shan are talking about holidays.



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