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1、湖南小升初英语真题及答案解析学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_评卷人得分一、字母题根据字母表的顺序写出相邻的两个字母的大小写形式,注意书写标准。1_Ee_2_Hh_3_Mm_4_Pp _5_Ss_【答案】1 Dd Ff 2 Gg Ii 3 Ll Mm 4 Oo Qq 5 Rr Tt 【解析】1根据字母的顺序可知Ee的左邻右舍是Dd和Ff。2根据字母的顺序可知Hh的左邻右舍是Gg和Ii。3根据字母的顺序可知Mm的左邻右舍是Ll和Nn。4根据字母的顺序可知Pp的左邻右舍是Oo和Qq。5根据字母的顺序可知Ss的左邻右舍是Rr和Tt。评卷人得分二、抄写题6抄写句子。用手写体在横线上抄写,注意大小写及标点

2、符号. Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling._【答案】Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling.【解析】【详解】按照要求抄写即可评卷人得分三、填空题选词填空。从句子上面的方框中选择适宜的词汇写在横线上。China the UK Childrens Day Christmas English7 New York is in America. The people speak _.8 Big Ben is in _.9 The Mid-Autumn Festiv

3、al is an important festival in _.10_ falls on the first of June.11_ is on 25th December.【答案】7English8the UK9China10Childrens Day11Christmas【解析】7句意:纽约在美国。人们说_。根据常识可知美国说英语,所以答案为English。8句意:大本钟在_。根据常识可知大本钟位于英国伦敦。故答案为the UK。9句意:中秋节在中国是一个重要的节日。故答案为China。10句意:儿童节在6月1日。故答案为Childrens Day。11句意:圣诞节在12月25日,故答案

4、为Christmas。选词填空。从句子上面的方框中选择适宜的词汇写在横线上。exercise Earth holiday trees water12Planting _ is good for us. It can keep the air clean.13The _looks like a ball in space.14Everyone needs _.We should save every drop of it.15We should do _every day, then we can be strong and healthy.16In July and August, we wi

5、ll have a happy summer _.【答案】12tree13Earth14water15exercise16holiday【解析】12句意:种树对我们有益,它可以使空气清新。所以答案为trees。13句意:地球在太空中看起来像一个大球。故答案为Earth。14句意:每个人都需要水,我们应该节约每一滴水。故答案为water。15句意:我们每天应该锻炼,然后我们会变得强壮和健康,故答案为exercise。16句意:在7月和8月,我们有一个快乐的暑假,暑假是summer holiday, 故答案为holiday。评卷人得分四、匹配题问答配对。读问句,选择相应的答句,将其序号填在括号中。

6、ANo, you cant.BIts red.CYes, I do.DI went to the park with my mother.E. Its twenty yuan.17What colour is it? _18Do you want some cake? _19How much is it? _20Where did you go yesterday? _21Can I have a pet, Mum? _【答案】17B18C19E20D21A【解析】17问句:它是什么颜色?问的是颜色,所以答句中也要包含颜色,所以B. It is red.它是红色。符合句意,故答案为B。18问句

7、:你想要一些蛋糕吗?do 引导的一般疑问句,所以答复也要用do,C. Yes, I do,符合句意,故答案为C。19问句:多少钱?问的是价格,所以答句也是关于价格,E. Its twenty yuan.符合句意,故答案为E。20问句:你昨天去哪儿了?问的是地点,答复也是关于地点,D. I went to the park with my mother.我和妈妈去公园了。符合句意,故答案为D。21问句:我可以有一个宠物吗?问句是由can引导的一般疑问句,答句为Yes, you can.或No, you cant.故答案为A。评卷人得分五、连线题22看图连线。用直线将图片与对应的短语连接起来。【答

8、案】【解析】【详解】1.由图片可知是一家人外出,对应的是 family outing。2. 由图片可知是在玩游戏,对应的是play games。3. 由图片可知是在休息,对应的是have a rest。4. 由图片可知是在画一幅画,对应的是paint a picture。5. 由图片可知是蔬菜,水果,对应的是健康食物healthy food。评卷人得分六、选内容补全对话补全对话。从方框中选择适宜的句子,将其序号写在横线上。 AYoure welcome.BWhats this?CHappy birthday!DOpen this box!Wendy: Wow! 23Helen: Its a c

9、amera.Wendy: Oh, cool! Thank you, Helen.Helen: 24Rex: Wendy .25Wendy: Oh, how beautiful!I like them.Rex: 26Wendy!【答案】23B24A25D26C【解析】23由答句Its a camera可知问句应该是问的是什么东西,故答案为B. Whats this?24根据上一句谢谢,礼貌答复为Youre welcome.不客气。故答案为A。25由下一句的答复可知Wendy很喜欢这个礼物,所以上一句是让他翻开盒子,故答案为D。26最后祝生Wendy日快乐,故答案为C。评卷人得分七、任务型阅读阅读

10、海报,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Fashion ShowBoys and girls summer clothesTime: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.this SaturdayPlace: Wanda MallAll clothing is on sale after the show for under 200.27The fashion show is for girls clothes. _28We can see the fashion show at 5:00 p.m. _29Theres a show at Wanda Mall. _30We can buy

11、the clothes after the show. _31Maybe we can buy the coat, sweater and trousers. _【答案】27F28F29T30T31F【解析】27由句子Boys and girls summer clothes可知是男孩子和女孩子的衣服都有,所以只是女孩子的衣服的说法是错的,故答案为F。28由句子Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.可知时间是3点至4点,所以5点就没法看到了,故答案为F。29由句子Place: Wanda Mall可知地点是Wanda Mall,所以答案为T。30由句子All clothing

12、 is on sale after the show for under 200.可知衣服的布料200美元一下就可以买,故答案为他T。31题干的意思是我们可以买外套,毛衣,和裤子,根据第二句Boyss and girls summer clother可知都是夏季的衣服,故答案为F。阅读短文,完成习题。People usually think dinosaurs are very big and huge.The largest dinosaur is the Bruhathkayosaurus巨体龙. It was found in India. Its about 44 m long. It

13、 is about the height of a seven-storey(7层)building.But some dinosaurs can sleep in your bed. How? The smallest dinosaur is about the size大小,型号of a dog. It is the Compsognathus美颌龙and it is only about 1 m long.And it weighs about 2.5 kg. It was found in Germany and France. Would you like to walk this dinosaur in the park?32This article文章is about_. ( )Asize of dinosaursBnames of dinosaurs33. What do we usually think about dinosaurs? ( )A



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