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1、考研英语基础班讲义基础词汇 主编:Ada 司内部讲义 翻版必究考研英语基础词汇内部讲义本次课程基本情况介绍:1、 授课时间:2、授课目标:1)掌握考研真题中常考高频词汇和短语2)熟悉基础阶段词汇备考方向3、授课特点:1)直击重点,把握核心词汇考点,提高综合应试能力。2)笔记较多,互动性强。4、授课思路:以真题为中心进行核心词汇全面透彻剖析第一章:单词记忆方法“三分”原则分 频一:认知词汇二:高频词汇分 题一:写作词汇二:阅读词汇阅读词汇分 类 一:专业词汇 二:熟词生义 三:固定搭配 四:构词方法一熟词生义1)80%可猜测例1.women are particularly likely to

2、develop depression and anxiety disorder in response to stress compared to men.例2.Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves. 例3.The Supreme Courts decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine s

3、eeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering. 2)20%特殊含义例1.I dig your sister. You got a beef with me?You cannot pick one me just because i got a pretty face.例2.Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone.译文:义愤填膺似乎并非只是人类所特有的。例3:During the same period,famil

4、ies have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income.例4.“Theres no career counseling implicit in all of this.” Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to c

5、heck the database again. The expression “tip service” (Line 4, Paragraph 3) most probably means .A advisory. B compensation. C interaction. D reminder.例5.Adeline Alvarez married at 18 and gave birth to a son, but was determined to finish college. “I struggled a lot to get the college degree. I was l

6、iving in so much frustration that that was my escape to go to school, and get ahead and do better.” Later her marriage ended and she became a single mother: “Its the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to pa

7、ycheck.24.The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck”(line6.para.5)shows that_.A. Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.B. Alvarezs salary barely covered her household expenses.C. Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.D. Alvarez paid practically everything by check.二构词猜词法例1.Contempor

8、ary/contemptuous /contemptible /contemplativePresident/preside/resident/reside/residence/subsidyPerish/persevere/perplex/perceive例2.Even Tommasini, who had advocated Gilberts appointment in the Times, calls him “an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.”Tommasini r

9、egards Gilbert as an artist who is _.A influential B modestC respectable D talented例3.In spite of “endless talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.The word “homogenizing” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means_.A. identifying B. associating C. assimilat

10、ing D. monopolizing3. 总结写作词汇写作技巧ObviousGoodBadAdvantageDisadvantage遣词造句:some folks argue that.has some merits,which can be listed as follows. Initially,. additionally,. accordingly,.It is apparent that the cartoonist endeavors to put a spotlight on_, which is one of the most essential qualities in t

11、he Middle Kingdom.4 常见猜词方法1. 重述猜词法 例1.In several of the studies, when stressed-out female rats had their ovaries (the female reproductive organs) removed, their chemical responses became equal to those of the males.例2.But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet un

12、aware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.例3.We live in a society in which the medical and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee t

13、o get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.20.The word “pervasive” (line 1, paragraph 2) might meanA widespreadB overwhelmingC piercingD fashionable例4.In this intensely and fiercely competitive society, collaboration is on no account an option but a must if he or she has an urge to attai

14、n success. Stated in another way, one will accomplish nothing if he or she lacks this quality.2.逻辑猜词法(连接词猜词法)例1.Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal例 2.This is no flash in the pan; over the past couple of years, inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America.29.The sentence “This is no flash in the pan” (line 5, paragraph 3) means that.A the low inflation rate will last for some timeB the inflation rate will soon riseC the inflation will disappear quicklyD there is no inflation at present例3.Like ot


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