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1、考单招上高职单招网一、单句填空1.The problem puzzled me so much that I stopped for a moment to try to makeout.2.Do you know where David is? He is not in the office.Well,hehave gone farhis coats still here.3.In the good care of the nurses,the boy is(gradual) recovering from his heart operation.4.Becausethe recent ba

2、d weather,the project is several weeks behind schedule.5.Mum,I dont want to take the medicine.Oh,dear,you should know that good medicine for health(taste)bitter to the mouth.6. It even leaves the wise scientists in wonderthey should call the newly-born creature,which looks half-human and half-animal

3、.7.I heard the voices,but couldnt makewhat they were saying.Why not go over? It wont do you any harm.8. When askedthey needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.9.Old batteries cant be discarded(抛弃)(casual)even when they are no longer useful,because theyll pollute the environ

4、ment.10.Theres no doubt2013 will bring more changes when the world economy is still unclear.二、语法填空In spring,a mother pig took her little pig Lulu to the foot of the mountain.They planted some watermelon seeds.When1 came,there were many big round watermelons in the fields.One day,the sun was2(burn)li

5、ke fire;it was terribly hot on the ground.The mother pig said to Lulu,“Lulu,go to the fields to pick a watermelon back,OK?”Lulu said3(happy),“OK!No problem.”Then he ran to the watermelon fields.When he got to the fields,he was happy4(find)so many big green watermelons.He chose one of the5(big)waterm

6、elons and picked it from the vine.Then he held it with his hands trying to lift it on his shoulder to carry it home.“Wow!Its so heavy!”Lulu tried several times,6he failed.Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi.He7(play)with a hoop.Lulu patted himself8 the head and said,“Ive got it.”He thought,the round hoo

7、p can roll,and the watermelon is round too,then9 can roll too.He then put the big watermelon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly.At last he got home with the watermelon.10the mother pig knew the story,she exclaimed,“My child,youre really clever!”三、阅读理解Choosing the Right

8、Resolution(决定)Millions of Americans began 2014 with the same resolution they started 2013 with,a goal of losing weight.However,setting weight loss as a goal is a mistake.To reach our goal of losing weightthe output,we need to control what we eatthe input(输入).That is,we tend to care about the output

9、but not to control the input.This is a bad way to construct goals.The alternative is to focus your resolution on the input.Instead of resolving to lose weight,try an actionable resolution:“Ill stop having dessert for lunch,”or “Ill walk every day for 20 minutes.”Creating a goal that focuses on a wel

10、l-specified input will likely be more effective than concentrating on the outcome.Recently a new science behind incentives(激励),including in education,has been discussed.For example,researcher Roland Fryer wanted to see what works best in motivating children to do better in school.In some cases,he ga

11、ve students incentives based on input,like reading certain books,while in others,the incentives were based on output,like results on exams.His main finding was that incentives increased achievement when based on input but had no effect when based on output.Fryers conclusion was that the incentives f

12、or inputs might be more effective because students do not know how to do better on an exam,aside from general rules like “study harder”.Reading certain books,on the other hand,is a well-set task over which they have much more control.As long as you have direct control over your goal,you have a much

13、higher chance of success.And its easier to start again if you fail,because you know exactly what you need to do.If you want to cut down on your spending,a good goal would be making morning coffee at home instead of going to a caf,for example.This is a well-specified action-based goal for which you c

14、an measure your success easily.Spending less money isnt a goal because its too general.Similarly,if you want to spend more time with your family,dont stop with this general wish.Think about an actionable habit that you could adopt and stick to,like a family movie night every Wednesday.In the long ru

15、n,these new goals could become a habit.1.The writer thinks that setting weight loss as a goal is a mistake because.A.it is hard to achieve for most AmericansB.it is focused too much on the resultC.it is dependent on too many thingsD.it is based on actionable decisions2.In Roland Fryers research,some students did better than the others because.A.they obeyed all the general rulesB.they paid more attention to examsC.they were motivated by their classmatesD.they were rewarded for reading some books3.According to the writer,which of the following



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