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1、表语从句讲解一定义: 表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语。位于系动词之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。比较:The problem ispuzzling.主语 连系动词 形容词作表语The problem is when we can get a pay rise.主语连系动词 一个句子作表语-表语从句结构:主句+系动词+表语从句二、系动词的分类(了解哪些词为系动词) 系动词有表示状态的;有表示状态变化的。 表示状态的有:1) be, seem ,appear 等。2) look ,sound ,feel ,taste ,smell 等,由感官动词变化而来。意思“看(听、摸、尝、闻)起来”。M

2、r. Li looks quite young. 李先生看起来很年轻。3) stand ,keep ,prove ,remain 等由不及物动词转化而来。The machine has been standing idle. 这台机器一直闲着不用。2.表示状态变化的:become ,get ,grow, fall, turn等 He has fallen ill. 他已经病倒了。三连接表语从句与主句的关系词主要有三类:1.从属连词:that(无有词义,不可省略), whether是否 ,if (不能引导表语从句)2.关系代词:who(主格)whom(宾格),whose(所有格 what(什么)

3、,which(哪个,哪些)3.关系副词:when(什么时候) where(什么地方)why(为什么), how(怎样)例如:The fact is that we have lost the game. 事实是我们已经输了这场比赛。Thats just what I want. 这正是我想要的。This is where our problem lies. 这就是我们的问题所在。That is why he didnt come to the meeting. 那就是他为什么不到会的原因。It looks as if it is going to rain. 看上去天要下雨了。It is be

4、cause you eat too much那是因为你吃得太多了。The reason why he was late was that he missed the train by one minute this morning (当主语是reason时,表语从句要用that引导而不是because)另外,与其他名词从句有所不同的是as, asif/though,because 也可用来引导表语从句.如:He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。Sheseemsasifshehaddoneagreatthing

5、. 她看起来好像做了一件大事。Itisbecauseyoueattoomuch. 那是因为你吃得太多了。【注意】because 可引导表语从句,但与之同义的since, as, for等也不用于引导表语从句。四 注意事项(重点看)1. 表语从句要用陈述语序。如: That is where the famous scientist was born. This is why she is so happy today2. that和what在引导的表语从句 That本身没有词义,在句中只起连接作用,不充当句子成分;what则表示“所的(人或事)”,在表语从句中充当主语或宾等。如:That fa

6、ct is that more than seventy percent of the earthssurface is covered by water.What he told you was what had been discussed at the meeting.3. If 与whether 均意为“是否”引导表语从句时,只能用whether, 不能用if。如:The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrowevening.4 语气 1)主语为advice, order, idea,notion,proposal,

7、 suggestion,request等一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词,之后的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如:My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。 Ouronlyrequestisthatthisshouldbesettledassoon aspossible.我们唯一的请求就是尽快解决这个问题。2 As if/though引导的表语从句时,从句谓语多用虚拟语气。因为从句中的情况与事实不相符。具体来说,如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语

8、动词用一般过去式;与过去事实相反时,谓语动词“had+done”,如果从句表示将来的可能性不大,用would(might ,could )+动词原形,如:Li Lei is now in a new jacket he looks as if he were anAmerican boy.The girl is giving us a vivid description of moon. It seems as if she had been to the moon many times.但是,如果as if ,as though 引导的表语从句所表示的与事实相符,从句则用陈述语气,如:The

9、 clouds are gathering. It looks as if is going to rain.5 时态 不像宾语从句,在有表语从句的复合句中,主句时态和从句时态可以不一致。The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow. The question is why he cried yesterday.6记住两个句型A The reason is that例如: The reason is that he didnt catch the bus. 理由是他没有赶上公共汽车。“That is why.”与“Tha

10、t is the reason why.”同义, 只不过从语法结构上讲, “That is the reason why.”中why引导的是个定语从句,将其中的the reason去掉则与“That is why.”结构一样, 例如: That is (the reason) why I cannot agree. 这就是我不能同意的理由BThat is why (because)常用句型, 意为“这就是的原因/因此”, 其中why引导的名词性从句在句中作表语, 该句型通常用于针对前面已经说明过的原因进行总结 That is why he came late. 那就是他晚的原因。That is

11、 because he didnt catch the bus. 那是因为他没有赶上公共汽车。That is because.也是个常用句型, 意为“这就是为什么/因为”。“That is because.”与“That is why.”之间的不同在于“That is because.”指原因或理由, “That is why.”则指由于各种原因所造成的后果He did not see the film last night. That is because he had to help his little sister with her homework.昨天晚上他没有去看电影, 那是因为

12、他得帮助他的妹妹做作业。(第一句话说明结果, 第二句话说明原因)He had seen the film before. That is why he did not see it last night.他以前曾看过那部电影, 因此他昨天晚上没有去看。(第一句话说明原因, 第二句话说明结果)练习1. The question is _ we will have our sports meet next week.A. that B. if C. when D. whether2The reason why he failed is _he was too careless.A. because

13、 B. that C. for D. because of3. Go and get your coat. It s _you left itA. where B. there C. there where D. where there4The problem is _to take the place of TedA. who can we get B. what we can getC. who we can get D. that we can get5. What I want to know is _ he likes the gift given by us.A. that B.

14、if C. whether D.不填6. The reason is_I missed the bus.A. that B. when C. why D. what7. That is _ _ we were late last time. A. that B. when C. why D. what8. She looked _ she were ten years younger.A. that B. like C. as D. as though9.I fell sick!-I think it is _ you are doing too much.A. why B. when C. what D. because10. The reason why he hasnt come is _.A. because his mother is ill B. because of his mothers being illC. that his mother is ill



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