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1、 汨罗市职业中专学校教学方案设计(首页)教学内容Book3 Unit3What courses do you prefer? Reading and writing (PPT-17)课型学时节次授课班级授课日期出勤情况纪律情况教学目的知识与技能过程与方法情感态度价值观语言技能目标:听-能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书、和注册方式等的问题说:能使用有关培训课程的句子进行咨询读:能从文章中提取作者留学期间做兼职工作的类型;能转述作者的留学经历写:能运用关键词简单介绍培训内容;能根据提示完成一段培训经历描述。学生能在学习中发现问题和解决问题1、 小组合作法2、 情景教学法3、 游戏教学法4、 探索发现

2、法文 化 意 识: 能认识到终身学习对于个人职业发展的重要性。情 感 态 度:了解终身学习的重要性,努力培养自己终身学习的习惯和能力教学重点能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。能使用有关培训课程的句子进行咨询能运用关键词简单介绍培训内容教学难点能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is .”的主从句结构能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句教学资源多媒体教学后记Step 1 Review 1. 默写上节课所学习的单词。2. 教师让学生表演activity 6的对话。Step 2 Lead-in Everyday EnglishCan you say som

3、ething about the course? 能介绍一下课程吗?Are there any courses for ?有.方面的课程吗?Can I know the fees for the course? 请问学费是多少?Do you have any requirements? 有什么要求吗?1. 先由学生自由朗读句子。2. 教师请学生站起来朗读句子,如有错误,帮助学生纠正。3. 给予学生几分钟的时间练习,并且要求学生能背诵下来。Vocabulary learningovercome v. 克服 overseas adj. 在海外 pressure n. 压力 register v.

4、登记 schedule n. 时间表 strongly adv. 坚定地 support v. 供养;支持 tuition n. 学费 tutor n. 私人教师;导师 give up 放弃1. 教师先让学生自己看着音标拼读单词。2. 然后教师请学生站起来读单词,读错的单词给予纠正。(可以多请几位学生读单词)3. 教师带读单词,并且给予补充。4. 给予学生几分钟的时间练习读单词。5. 教师可以通过做游戏的方式检验学生掌握单词的程度。Step 3 presentation Text learning Activity 9 Discuss and answer.与同伴讨论,回答下列问题。1. Wh

5、at do you think of doing part-time jobs?2. What is the value of doing part-time jobs? 3. If you can have a part-time job, what kind of job do you prefer? Why?Activity 10 Read and complete 阅读短文,完成张琳的个人信息表。 Personal Information CardName Zhang Lin Age 21Nationality Chinese Country to studyPart-time wor

6、k experienceTypes of workCo-workersAttitude towards the future Activity 11 Discuss and answer.与同伴讨论,回答下列问题。1. Why could the writer work under pressure?2. Why does the writer feel happy and inspired?3. Why does the writer say “I will never give up”?Step 4 practice and consolidationActivity 12 Intervi

7、ew and report .四人一组,用以下问题采访同学并汇报。questionname Do you need financial support from your parents?Have you ever tried part-time jobs?Will you do as Australian students do?Will you do the same kind of part-time jobs as Zhang Lin did?1. 教师和一名学生示范采访形式。2. 四人一组,轮流采访并完成表格填写。3. 教师请几名同学汇报采访结果并给出反馈。Activity 13 L

8、ook and complete .看图,根据图片内容补全句子。1. Zhang Lin is _ English course this term.2. It was a _ program.3. Zhang Lin _ students from different countries.4. Zhang Lin worked in _ to practice his English.5. Zhang Lin completed the program with an A _for spoken English.Step 5 Homework1. 学生自己默写本节课所学习的单词。2. 把课文

9、读熟练。3. 完成activity 14 的练习。Difficult and Important points:1. . the great teamwork enabled me to work under pressure. enable 在这里的意思是“使能够”。表示“使某人能够做某事”时用“enable sb to do sth”.Eg: This pass enables me to travel half- price on trains.我用这张通行证可以半价乘火车。Airplanes enable people to travel through the air.飞机使人们能够

10、在空中旅行。Pressure 在这里是“压力”的意思,表示“在压力下”时用“be under pressure”Eg:He works best under pressure.他在压力下工作得最出色。He is constantly under pressure and it is affecting his health.2. It impressed me that many Australian students earn their tuition fees through part-time employment.给我留下很深印象的是很多澳大利亚学生都靠兼职来挣取学费。Impress

11、 的意思是“给.留下印象”。Eg:He impressed me as a scholar.他给我留下了学者的印象。My father impressed me with the importance of hard work.我父亲让我明白了努力工作的重要性。3. Ive learned to support myself in a foreign country我学会了在异国他乡独立生活。Support 在这里是“抚养、供养”的意思。Eg:Her father supported her until she got married. 她父亲抚养她到结婚。He needs a high in

12、come to support such a large family.他需要有高收入才能养得起这样一个大家庭。4. I feel very happy and inspired. 我为自己的成长感到快乐也备受鼓舞。Inspire 在这里是“鼓舞”的意思。Eg:His speech inspired the crowd.他的演说鼓舞了群众。5. Studying in a foreign country is not easy, but I will never give up.在外国学习并不轻松,但是我决不放弃。give up 在这里是“放弃”的意思。Eg:Bad habits are no

13、t easily given up.恶习难改。She will give up this journey.她会放弃这次旅行。5. I become more confident in overcoming difficulties.我更有信心去克服种种困难。Confident 在这里是“自信的”意思。表示“对某人/某事有信心”时用“be confident in sb/sth “Eg:One has to be confident in himself.一个人一定要自己有信心。We are confident in passing this exam.我们有信心通过这次考试。 可以让学生从文中提取作者对问题的回答,然后与自己的回答进行对比。教师要让学生在文中找到答案的出处,以确定学生是否理解课文内容。学生如遇到表达困难,可让学生适当使用汉语解释自己回答的依据。教师应指导学生从图片中读取哪些重点信息,并恰当描述图片。电视墙也就是电视背景装饰墙,是居室装饰特别是大户型居室的重点之一,在装修中占据相当重


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