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1、电力箱柜除湿器设计与控制研究Design and Control of Dehumidifier for Power Cabinet学 院:电气工程学院专 业 班 级:学 号:学 生 姓 名:指 导 教 师: 2017年 6月 I摘 要潮湿一直是影响电网安全运行的一个难题,空气湿度过大会给电力系统箱柜设备运行带来非常大的危害。特别是我国南方地区,空气相对湿度过大,尤其是在雨季、暴风雨天气下凝露现象比较明显,如果电气设备长期在这种环境里工作,那么电气设备的绝缘强度会大大降低。对于开关柜、端子箱等设备内部空间很小、对于控制湿度要求程度很高的设备,加热除湿方法的效果不是很好。本文结合实际情况设计出基

2、于51单片机和半导体制冷技术的除湿设备。本设计是以STC89C52单片机作为控制核心,利用DHT11 温湿度传感器监测空气中的实时温湿度值。温度和湿度信号由传感器传送给单片机,单片机会根据不同情况实施相应的控制方案,检测到的温湿度值会在LCD1602液晶显示屏上显示。湿度控制部分由TEC1-12706半导体制冷片构成。当环境湿度高于设置限定值时,单片机控制半导体制冷片自动工作,将电力箱柜内潮的湿空气凝结成水排除箱外,达到降温除湿干燥的效果。软件部分采用C语言编制系统运行控制程序,结合硬件电路调试结果正确,实现了智能除湿的目的,该系统的优点是响应快、抗干扰能力强、性价比高等,电路设计简单。与加热

3、除湿相比,制冷除湿工作后,湿度不会反弹的很快,防止除湿设备反复运行。与此同时,本文详细介绍了各元器件的功能特点和部分模块电路的设计。关键词:单片机;DHT11传感器;半导体制冷 IIAbstractMoisture has always been a problem affecting the safe operation of the grid, the air humidity over the General Assembly to the power system cabinet equipment to bring a very large harm. Especially in t

4、he southern region of China, the relative humidity of the air is too large, especially in the rainy season, the storm weather condensation phenomenon is obvious, if the electrical equipment in the long-term work in this environment, then the electrical equipment insulation strength will be greatly r

5、educed. For the switchgear, terminal box and other equipment, the internal space is very small, for the control of humidity requirements of a high degree of equipment, heating dehumidification method is not very good. In this paper, based on the actual situation designed based on 51 single-chip and

6、semiconductor refrigeration technology dehumidification equipment.The design is STC89C52 microcontroller as the control core, the use of DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors to monitor the real-time temperature and humidity values in the air. Temperature and humidity signals from the sensor to the

7、 microcontroller, the microcontroller will be implemented according to different circumstances the corresponding control program, the detected temperature and humidity values will be displayed on the LCD1602 LCD display. The humidity control section is made up of TEC1-12706 semiconductor cooling she

8、et. When the ambient humidity is higher than the set limit, the single-chip control of the semiconductor cooling sheet automatically work, the power tank tide of the wet air condensed into the water outside the box to achieve the effect of cooling dehumidification drying. The software part adopts th

9、e C language system to run the control program, and the hardware circuit debugging result is correct, and the purpose of intelligent dehumidification is realized. The system has the advantages of fast response, strong anti-interference ability and high cost performance. The circuit design is simple.

10、 Compared with the heating dehumidification, refrigeration dehumidification work, the humidity will not rebound quickly, to prevent dehumidification equipment to run repeatedly. At the same time, this paper describes IIIin detail the functional characteristics of the various components and part of t

11、he module circuit design.Keywords:Single chip ; DHT11 sensor; Semiconductor refrigeration I目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 课题研究的背景 .11.2 课题研究的内容及意义 .11.3 常规除湿器的发展现状 .21.4 单片机的发展现状 .3第 2 章 总体方案设计 .52.1 系统功能设计 .52.2 系统设计的原则 .52.3 系统硬件总体设计方案 .62.4 半导体制冷及除湿的基本原理 .72.4.1 半导体制冷的原理 .72.4.2 半导体制冷除湿的原理 .8第 3 章 系统硬件的设计 .93.1 主控器件 .93.1.1 复位电路 .93.1.2 时钟电路 .


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