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1、,快速提升工作效率,Fast improving work efficiency,时间常有,时间在于优先,There is always time . Time is priorities.,我如何度过我的一天,我多么希望我能度过我的一天,工作,无聊,睡觉,娱乐,睡觉,娱乐,工作,How I spend my day,How I wish Id spend my day,Days always fill up.,Only plan for 4-5 hours of real work per day .,每天只计划4-5小时真正的工作,- David Heinemeier Hansson(大卫

2、 海涅麦尔.汉森),时间总会有的,Its normal to have days where you just cant work and days where youll work 12 hours straight.,当你在状态时,就多干点;不然就好好休息,Work more when you are in the zone.Relax when you are not.,有时几天不在工作状态, 有时连续几天工作12小时,这都很正常。,- Alain Paquin, Whatsnexx,Respect your time and make it respected.,你的时间值 1000

3、美元/小时,你得动起来。,Your time is 1000/hour , and you need to act accordingly .,- Jason Cohen , asmartbear(詹森.科恩),重视你的时间,并使其值得重视,不要多任务,这只会消耗注意力,Stop multi tasking. It merely kills your focus .,Multi (多项) tasking like a big shot(像大人物一样一次处理很多事),Single(单一) treading and home at 5pm(专注一件事情,五点回家),Set up a work ro

4、utine and stick to it . Your body will adapt .,养成工作习惯,并持之以恒, 你的身体会适应的,在有限的时间内,我们总是非常专注并且有效率,Were always more focused and productive with limited time .,SEND EMAIL TO DESIGN TO DESIGN TEAM,ORGANIZE HOME OFFICE,CREATE BUSINESS PLAN,进入工作状态的最佳方式就是工作,从小任务开始做起,让工作运转起来,Work is the best way to get working.

5、Start with short tasks to get the ball rolling.,发送电子邮件到 设计团队设计,制作业务计划,整理家居办公室,Start here,从这里开始,迭代工作,期待完美收工会令人窒息,Work iteratively. Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling .,Doing is better than perfect .,动手做,胜过任何完美的想象。,- Facebook company motto(Facebook公司的座右铭),工作时间越长,并不等于效率越高,More work hours

6、doesnt mean more productivity. Use constraints as opportunities .,按重要性工作,提高效率,Sparate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive.,- Sol Tanguay, Imarklab,将思考和执行区分开来,使执行速度更快,思考更有成效。,及早安排会议,准备会议的时间通常都浪费掉了,Organize meetings early during the day. Time leading up to an event is often wasted,

7、10 am 上午10点,Work,2 pm 下午2点,Really try,Try to work,12 noon 中午12点,4 pm 下午4点,Really important meeting,工作,尝试工作,努力尝试,真正重要的会议,A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.,Group meetings and communication (email or phone) to create block

8、s of uninterrupted work. 将团队会议和沟通交流(通过邮件或电话)做集中安排,腾出不间断的工作时间。,单独一个会议就能把整个下午搞砸 如果下午被截成两段,而每一段时间都短得不足以处理任何难事。,- Paul Graham, YCombinator,Keep the same context throughout the day. Switching between projects/clients is unproductive.,在一天当中保持同一种工作情境。 在项目或客户之间切换,效率会低。,绕开拖延进行工作。在高强度集中工作的时间段之间拖延(蕃茄工作法),Work

9、around procrastination. Procrastinate between intense sprints of work(Pomodoro).,番茄工作法五个基本步骤: 1.决定待完成的任务 2.设定番茄工作法至 n 分钟(通常为25分钟)。 3.持续工作直至定时器提示,记下一个x。 4.短暂休息3-5分钟。 5.每四个x,休息15-30分钟,将不切实际的任务分解成一些合理的小块。 一个远大的目标,只有当你每天做的每件小事都将你拉近它时,才会实现。,Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks. A big

10、 goal is only achieved when every little thing that you do everyday gets you closer to that goal.,- Maren Kate, Escaping the 9 to 5,从没有两项任务具有同等重要性。总是设置优先级。 要格外谨慎地处理待办事项列表,BUY MILK,OPEN FOREIGN BANK ACCOUNT,PERFORM OPEN-HEART SURGERY,CLENA DESK,No two tasks ever hold the same importance. Always prior

11、itize. Be really careful with to-do lists.,Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day,必须清楚白天必须完成的那件事,是什么,Only ever work on the thing that will have the biggest impact 只去做那件有着最大影响的事情, Jason Cohen,Break tasks into hour increments. Long tasks are hard to get into , feels like

12、it all needs to get done.,将任务分解成以小时计量的时间段。 复杂任务很难切入,感觉好像全都需要做。,Delegate and learn to make use of other people.,委托他人,让他人发挥作用。,If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate!,- John C. Maxwell, Author,如果某件事情他人能以80%的程度做得同样好,那就委托他人去办!,将昨天的一页翻过去。只考虑今天和明天。,Turn the page on yesterday. Only

13、ever think about today and tomorrow.,Yesterdays home runs dont win todays games.,- Babe Ruth, Hall of Fame Baseball player(名人堂棒球选手),昨天的本垒打不会赢得今天的比赛。,Set deadlines for everything. Dont let tasks go on indenitely.,为每项任务都设置截止日期。 不要让任务无限期地持续下去。,Set end dates for intense or stressful activities. Everythi

14、ng ends at some point.,针对时间紧或有压力的任务,设置结束时间,万事皆可终结,随时做笔录。,Always take notes.,Get a reminder app for everything. Do not trust your own brain for your memory.,为每件事情都设置一个提醒应用程序。正所谓好记性不如烂笔头。,- Julien Smith, Author,Write down anything that distracts you - google searches,random thoughts, new ideas, whatever. The point is, if you write them down, theyll stop bubbling up when youre in the zone.,进入高效状态后,记下任何分散你注意力的东西, 比如Google搜索词、灵光乍现的想法、新点子等等。 如果你把它们记下来,它就不会再蹦来蹦去了。,Take breaks. Sometimes.,偶尔休息放松。,THANKS YOU,感谢您的聆听,



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