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1、七上单词、词组、句型Unit 1 1. German adj. 德国的,德国人/Germany n.德国2. complete v. 完成 adj. 完全的,彻底的completely adv. 完全地,彻底地,完整地3. hobby复数:hobbies附名词的复数变化规则:A: 规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:1.一般情况加 s : book- books mouth-mouths house-houses girl-girls2.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x结尾的加 es : class- classes box-boxes match-matches 3.辅音字母 + y结尾的变 y

2、为 i加es: city-cities country-countries party-parties factory-factories 4.以 o 结尾的词 +es的只有以下词 :heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes zeroes/zeros 以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 +s radios, zoos, bamboos ,(pianos ,kilos photos)5.以f, fe 结尾的 变f或fe为v +es : thief wife life knife wolf half leaf shelfThe thiefs wife killed thre

3、e wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.B: 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:1. manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet, goosegeese childchildren, mousemice,2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss. 3.以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servantmen servants. (boy/girl students)woman doctorwomen doc

4、tors.4. at the age of在岁的时候5. dream of/about 梦想6. 不定代词有:something, anything, everything, nothing, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone等等7. elder/older的区别:这两个词均是old的比较级。在用法上有所区别。 elder表示“前辈的”、“年纪较长的”,仅用于同一家庭成员的比较;older则不限于此。例如: Myyoungersonisfiveandmyeldersonisnine。我

5、的小儿子5岁,大儿子9岁。 TomistwoyearsolderthanI.汤姆比我年长两岁。 elder在句中只用作定语,不作表语;older两者皆可。例如: Myeldersisterdoesherhomeworkallbyherself.我的姐姐独自做作业。 Hiseldersongotmarriedlastweek.他的长子是上星期结婚的。 Ithinkhismotherisolder.我认为他的母亲年龄大引起。 elder只能用来指人;older既可修饰人,也可修饰物。例如: Myelderbrotherjoinedthearmywhenhewasonlyfifteen.我哥哥年仅1

6、5负就参了军。 Thisdogisolderthananyotherdogshere.这条狗在这里是最老的一条。 Ihaveasisterolderthanmyself.我有位比我大的姐姐。 ItissaidMrChenisovertenyearsolderthanMrsLi.据说陈先生比李女士大10多岁。8. Japan n. 日本Japanese n. 日本人9. flat/apartment 公寓10. 反身代词:11. close to = near 接近12. 介绍名字:Im = My name is 13. 介绍来自哪里:Im from = I come from 14. 介绍年龄

7、:Im years old.15. live with sb.和某人住在一起16. by+交通工具,如:bus、bike等,by和交通工具间不用加任何介词,表示交通工具的名词用单数形式17. be good at.擅长于18. make friends with.与.交朋友/结识某人19. all over the world = around the world 全世界20. My favourite is /are 我最喜欢的.是.21. be far away from.离.很远22. hear from sb = get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信Unit 21.

8、 daily = everyday adj. 日常的,每天的2. 表示频率的副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never等等3. table tennis = ping-pong ball4. ride的过去式是rode5. 表示科目的名词:Chinese, math, English, history, politics, physics, Geography, chemistry6. take/have a break = have a rest 休息一下7. ring的过去式是rang8. practice doing sth. 练习干某事

9、9. junior high school 初级中学/senior high school 高中10. on foot = walk 步行11. take part in = join in = participate in 参加附:join 与join in 的区别:1) 加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,用join,不可用join in。如:He will never forget the day when he joined the Party.他永远也忘不了他入党的那一天。His brother joined the army three years ago.他哥哥是三年前参军的。2)

10、说参加某种活动用join in,如说“与其人一起做某事”,则用join sb. in sth. / doing sth. 。如:May I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?Come and join us in the discussion. 来和我们一起讨论吧!We are having supper now.Would you like to join us?我们正在吃晚饭,你也来和我们一起吃好吗?12. have a good/wonderful time = enjoy oneself = have a lot of fun玩得开心13. like to do

11、 表示一次性的动作/ like doing 表示经常性、习惯性的动作love to do / doing 的用法同上14. enjoy doing sth 享受干某事15. 感叹句的两种表达:【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!What beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!【句型二】How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!How well you lo

12、ok! 你气色真好!How kind you are! 你心肠真好!How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听!16. fromto可以表示从某个时间点到另一个时间点,也可以表示从某个地点到另一个地点17. go to bed 睡觉/get up 起床18. have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早、中、晚饭cook breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 煮早、中、晚饭19. prepare to do sth 准备干某事20. help sb with sth 帮助某人某事/help sb do sth 帮助某人干某事21. arri

13、ve at/in = reach = get to 到达22. in the end 在最后/ at the end of在末端/尽头Unit 31. 宇宙各种星体的表达:Earth(地球)、sun、star、moon、Mercury(水星)、 Venus(金星)、 Earth(地球)、 Mars(火星)、 Jupiter(木星)、 Saturn(土星)、 Uranus(天王星)、 Neptune(海王星)2. quiz = test测试、测验3. protect v. 保护protection n. 保护4. report v.报告/n. 报告5. a part of. .中的一部分6. l

14、arge = big = enormous = huge 大的7. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物provide用作“提供”较为客观offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物offer 用作“提供”具有较大的主观性,常常指某人自愿提供某物8. burn的过去式为burned/burnt9. pollute v.污染pollution n. 污染10. must = have to 必须11. important adj. 重要的importantly adv. 重要地12. catch 的过去式

15、为caught13. few adj. 不多,很少/a few 一些后加可数名词复数little 很少/a little 一些后加不可数名词14. throw 的过去式为threw15. There be 结构, 表示某地有某物或某人在干什么,如:There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有一支笔。There are some children playing outsides. 一些小孩在外面玩。16. a lot of = lots of = many = much,其中,a lot of/ lots of后既可加可数名词复数,又可加不可数名词, many 只能加可数名词复数,而much



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