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1、句子翻译及背诵200句1. 我是学生.(简单句)Im a student.2. 他在做的与我无关.What he does is none of my business.3. 我来了,但他已经走了. (复合句)I came, but he has left.4. 我不知道他已经走了,但是她知道. (并列复合句)I dont know he has left, but she does.5. 你能回答我的问题吗?Can you answer my question?6. 我在写信.Im writing a letter.7. 请开门.Please open the door.8. 他是一个多聪明

2、的男孩啊!What a clever boy he is!9. 我非常喜欢这本书.I like the book very much.10. 他昨天去哪儿了?Where did he go yesterday?第二组:词类11. 你应该用正确的方法做这件事.You should do it in the right way.12. 最终, 他受到了惩罚.At last, he was punished.13. 他在湖里游泳.He is swimming in the lake.14. 至今,我已经读了100部小说.So far, I have read 100 novels.15. 我不喜欢这

3、乐曲.I dont like the music.16. 你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?17. 如果我是你, 我会跟他在一起.If I were you, I would stay with him.18. 面对困难,一定要保持冷静.When facing difficulty, you should keep calm.19. 最终,他梦想成真.At last, his dream came true.20. 你所说的听起来很有道理.What you says sounds reasonable.第三组:词类 21. 我无法容忍你那样对母亲说话.I cant have y

4、ou speaking to mum that way.22. 我看见他上学去了.I saw him going to school.23. 他的演讲大大鼓舞了我们.His speech encouraged us greatly.24. 使我们惊奇的是你不愿来.What surprised us was that you were unwilling to come.25. 军人的天职是执行命令.It is a soldiers duty to carry out orders.26. 摇头意味着不同意. (v-ing作主语)Shaking heads means disagreement.

5、27. 将有一个更大的地震袭击这个国家.Another big earthquake will hit this country.28. 我同意你所说的. (名词从句作宾语)I agreed with what you said.29. 我后悔告诉了你那件事. (双宾) I regret telling you that.30. 事实是他不相信我们. (名词从句作表语) The fact is that he doesnt believe us.第四组:句子成分31. 楼上的那家人很外向. (adv 作定语) The family upstairs are outgoing.32. 我认识一个

6、加TOM 的男孩 (过去分词作定语) I know a boy named Tom.33. 在有问题的地方做记号. (从句作状语) Make marks where you have questions.34. 我发现他仰卧在地上 (v-ing 作宾补) I found him lying on his back on the ground.35. 他敞着窗睡觉, 醒着. ( adj.作状语) He slept with the window open, awake.36. 我发现他不在家. (adv.作宾补) I found him out.37. 这就是我过去工作过的那家工厂. This

7、is the factory where I used to work.38. 他是一个学生, 一个受学生们欢迎的学生. (同位语代词) He is a student, one who is popular with the students.39. 我的工作是教英语.(V-ing作表语) My job is teaching English.40. 我去看他却发现他不在家. (不定式作结果状语) I went to see him only to find him out.第五组:句子结构41. 他进来了. (主-谓) He came in.42. 我喜欢英语. (主-谓-宾) I lik

8、e English.43. 他解决了这道难题. He worked out the difficult problem.44. 我给了他一本书. I gave him a book.45. 我把这些钱借给了他. I lent the money to him.46. 我们选他当班长. We made him our monitor.47. 什么让你那样想? What makes you think that way?48. 我们抓住他偷窃. We caught him stealing.49. 你穿这件外套很好看. You look nice in this coat.50. 这菜味道不错.

9、The dish tastes great.第六组:冠词51. 这只马是动物. The horse is an animal.52. 一只马是动物. A horse is an animal.53. 马都是动物. Horses are animals.54. 我喜欢音乐. I like music.55. 我喜欢这曲音乐. I like the music.56. 请开门. Please open the door.57. 在这里演讲是一种荣幸. Its an honor to give a speech here.58. 他历史知识丰富. He had a good knowledge of

10、 history.59. 在夏天跳进河里游泳是多么有趣啊! What fun it is to jump into the river and swim in summer.60. 汽车正以60公里的速度行使. The car is going at a speed of 60 kilometers an hour.第七组:名词61. 他做了个竹窗帘. (名词作定语) He made a bamboo curtain.62. 我从学校走回家要10 分钟. (名词所有格) Its ten minutes walk for me to come home from school.63. 这一次他真

11、的犯了错. (固定) He really made a mistake this time.64. 他给我们提供了一些信息. He offered us some information.65. 同学们正在纠正试卷. The students are correcting the papers.66. 是中国最先造纸的. It is China that first made paper.67. 我将去拜访Smith 的家人. I will call on the Smiths.68. 我将去Smith家看看. I will call at the Smiths.69. 这地图对你很有价值.

12、The map is of great value to you.70. 他英语知识丰富. He has a good knowledge of English.第八组:代词71. 让我们讲清楚, 迟到的人是要受罚的. Lets make it clear that the one who is late should be punished.72. 是在我工作的那家工厂我遇上他的. (强调) It was in the factory where I worked that I met him. 73. 请大声说, 以便别人能听清楚你. Please speak aloud so that

13、you can make yourself heard.74. 中国人口比日本多. The population of China is much larger than that in Japan.75. 一个石头房子比木头房子坚固. A house of stone is much stronger than one of wood.76. 我们每一个人都应该听老师的话. Every one of us should listen to the teacher.77. 在路大两旁有许多树. There are many trees on both sides of the road.78.

14、 许多工厂在污水排出之前几乎没有采取措施. Little has been done before polluted water goes into the river from many factories.79. 我有两个妹妹, 一个是老师,而另一个是护士. I have two sisters . One is a teacher while the other is a nurse.80. 她听到一声巨响,这使她震惊不以. She heard a loud noise, which made her frightened.第九组:形容词,副词81. 我在街上偶然遇到了一个三岁的小孩.

15、(复合adj.) I came across a three-year-old child on the street.82. 这老人独居却不孤独. The old man lives alone but he is not lonely.83. 他进来了, 看起来精神抖擞. (系表) He came in, looking in a high spirit.84. 费了很大力, 他推开了门. He pushed the door open with great strength.85. 他下到深深的井里救我,这使我深为感动.He went deep into the well to save me, which makes me very



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