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1、高中英语教案不同课型【篇一:高中英语优质课教案】 writing how to write an english diary 班级_姓名课型:写作课 主编教师:张 楠 teaching aims: a) how to write an english diary. b) the form of english diaries. c) to improve the students writing ability. important points: the skills of english writing. difficult points: how to make every senten

2、ce appropriate and precise. teaching procedure: step i. leading-in after exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in english.(as we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. but few of you write in english, which is a good way to im

3、prove your writing and speaking. so why not write english diaries? today our topic is how to write english diaries.) step ii. discussion first, give the students about three minutes to check theirvocabulary about days in each week and the twelve months of the year, and ask two students to write them

4、 on the blackboard. second, give them about five minutes to discuss the words and phrases about weather and mood. step iii. writing show the students a writing exercise to read and discuss, then ask each member of the first six groups to write a sentence respectively according to the important point

5、s given in the writing exercise. after about five minutes, ask them to write their sentences on the blackboard, and ask group seven, eight and nine to correct these sentences. at last, all of the students work together to make up an complete article with these sentences. step iv. enjoy a good versio

6、n jan.3 2014 friday rainy in the evening some of my friends invited me to the ktv. it was the first time that i had been there. at first i didnt want to go. i felt depressedin the afternoon because i did badly in the math exam.at the ktv, everyone sang songs happily while i was the only one of the a

7、udience.i thought i was not good at singing and didnt dare to sing. due to my classmates encouragement,i at last picked up the microphone and sang i believe i can fly, after which i felt very happy.above all, i come back to be a self-confident person. its really true that “i see me running through t

8、hat open door. i believe i can fly”. there is always a door open to you. so just believe yourself and you can do everything you can. 满分揭秘 it was the first time that表示第一次做”,that后从句用过去完成时,此句表达准确,说明了作者娴熟的语言运用能力. depressed”沮丧的”,该词为高级词汇,使用恰当. while在此处表示对比,通过”我”和其他同学之间表现的对比返衬上文所说明的我心情郁闷这一事实. 该句用due to表示原因

9、,同时用名词encouragement,说明了作者用词的考究,不落俗套. after which引导非限制性定语句,介词和关系代词使用准确.用it作形式主语,后面用了主语从句,而该主语从句是选自i believe i can fly这首歌中的歌词,不仅引用恰当,且作者丰富的知识令读者叹服. step v. homework 请你根据以下提示,用英语写一则日记(时间:9月25日,星期六,刮风) 1)早上8:00起床 2)晨练后吃早饭,妈妈包了饺子,味道好 3)做完作业后帮妈妈做家务 4)午饭前打电话约朋友李梅下午二时看电影,片名叫titanic 5) 乘公共汽车于1:50抵达电影院,李梅在等 6

10、)电影院里人很多 7)电影很有趣,过得很愉快 参考范文 september25, saturdaywindy this morning i got up at 8:00. after i did morning exercises, i had breakfast. my mother made dumplings for breakfast. they were delicious. after breakfast, i did my homework. then i helped my mother do housework. before lunch, i phoned my frien

11、d li mei. i asked her to go to the cinema with me at 2 oclock this afternoon. the name of the film was titanic. i went to the cinema by bus. i arrived there at 1:50 p.m. li mei was waiting for me at that moment. the film was very interesting. we had a good time. vi.vii.viii.ix.x.xi.xii【篇二:高中英语公开课教案】

12、 公开课教案 xxx x x model 1 how good are your social skills? learning aims: 1. learn some words related to social manners. 2. get a general understanding of social skills using different reading strategies 3. be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their ow

13、n social techniques step 1 lead-in what kind of book is it from? a. b. a business course a how-to book teaching social skills step 2 while- reading skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. learn how to do small talk develop your listening skill. learn the rules. the general idea is _. a. b. soci

14、al skills listening skillsc. d. talk skills social rules step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed information. 1. we will not be shy if we have good _. 2.according to paragraph 1and 2 ,we should _. a.avoid talking to someone whom you know b. lack the confidence to talk to a stranger c.

15、 talk confidently to a stranger 3. communication is a _ process .it involves _ and _. step 4post- reading learn more about social skills and culture in different countries ! step 5home work: find more social rules in different countries.【篇三:初中英语的几种课型】 初中英语的几种课型、基本教学环节及教学方法 一、课型分类 英语课不同于其他学科,如数学、物理、化学、历史、地理等,它是语言学科,但又有别于语文课,鉴于其特殊性,故在初中英语教学中研究几种基本课型及其教学方法是势在必行的。 课型:1、对话课(基本句型课) 2、词汇课3、语法课4、试卷讲解课5、阅读课 二、各课型的教学主要目的及教学基本环节 1对话课(基本句型课):目的:操练句型,以达到熟练。 教学基本环节: 句型呈现机械操练:听说创设情景应用句型 巩固练习 主要教学方法:机械操练为主 基本模式: 先学后教、当堂训练 2词汇课:目的:记住单词的音、形、义 教学基本环节: 词的读音 词



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