三年级英语下册 module 2 unit 1 they’re monkeys课件 外研版(三起)

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Module 2,Unit 1 Theyre monkeys.,Can you read?,Whats this?,Its a monkey.,Whats this?,Its a lion.,Whats this?,Its a tiger.,Whats this?,Its an elephant.,Monkey,monkey,是猴子, 猴子monkey真机灵。 Tiger , tiger ,是老虎, 老虎tiger真威武。 Lion , lion ,是狮子, 狮子lion真厉害。 Elephant,elephant,是大象, 大象elephant鼻子长。 Panda,panda,是熊猫, 保护动物要做到。,Lets chant.,They are monkeys. They are all in the zoo.,What are they?,They are lions.,What are they?,They are tigers.,What are they?,They are elephants.,What are they?,What are they?,Say goodbye to them.,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,


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