新疆石河子第八中学八年级上册英语unit5《can you come to my party》练习题

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《新疆石河子第八中学八年级上册英语unit5《can you come to my party》练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新疆石河子第八中学八年级上册英语unit5《can you come to my party》练习题(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Can you come to my party?一. 单词与词汇.A. 根据句子内容完成已给了首字母的单词。1. Tom asked me what that day was and I told him it was M .2. Mary i Tim to her birthday party but Tim couldnt, because he had lots of homework to do.3. When I phoned Xiao Ming , he was playing s .4. We will go to the movie with our paren

2、ts on W .5. Thank you for your invitation to visit, but I have to go to the d .I have got a toothache.6. You should write everything you have to do next week on the c .7. This Sunday I will have a p lesson. Ill learn some new music.8. Mary cant go on a trip. She has to study for a g test. 二. 从A、B、C、

3、D四个选项中选出正确答案。1.“Can you help me my English? “ ”.来源:学优中考网xYzKwA. with; with pleasureB. for; with pleasureC. with; a pleasureD. for; a pleasure2.“ Im sorry I have broken your cup .” “ ”A. You are welcomeB. Its all rightC. Not at allD. It is no matter3. “Would you like to join us in basketball?”“ but I

4、m afraid I have to study for my science test.”A.I wouldntB. Id love to C. I d likeD.I dont like it 4. Both of his parents died of illness so he support his family at the age of 14A. mustB. shouldC. couldD. had to 5. May 12th is Xiao Mings birthday. He us to his birthday party. A. asksB. invitesC. ma

5、kesD. tells6. Thanks your help, and now I have made great progress in my English.A. toB. withC. forD. by7.“Can you go to the movie with us on Sunday?”“Of course. is it?”“5:00 in the afternoon.”A. WhereB. What time C. How soon D. When8. The poor lady had to go out for food a cold morning.来源:学优中考网A. i

6、nB. atC. onD. during9. The big star on our national flag the Party.A. stands upB. stands forC. instead ofD. mean10. is made in Guangzhou.A. All kinds of bicycleB. This kind of bicyclesC. All kinds of bicyclesD. Bicycle of this kind11. “Have you got e-mail address?”“Oh, yes. Mine is wjb80 yahoo. com.

7、”A. theB. anC. a D. /12. Mrs. Liu teaches English. We like class very much.A. me; hisB. me; her C. us; hisD. us; her13. Our school is only walk from here.A. five- minuteB. five minutesC. five minutesD. five minutes14. I dont like the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me one?A. otherB. the otherC.

8、 anotherD. others15. me carefully, boys and girls. Can you me?A. Listen to; hear fromB. Hear; listen toC. Hear; hearD. Listen to; hear三. 从方框中选出恰当的句子完成下面对话。A. I like blue.B. Oh! Its great .How much does it cost?C. Id like a sweater for my son.D. Size“L”.E. Hmm. Thats cheap. Ill have it.F. Size“L”G. T

9、hats a good idea.A: What can I do for you?B: 1 A: What size do you want?B: 2 A: What color do you like?B: 3 A: Which would you prefer, the woolen ones or the cotton ones?B: 4 A: What about this one?B: 5 A: Fifty-five Yuan.B: 6 四. 完形填空。 Christmas was coming. A lot of 1 were going to town. They hoped

10、to 2 some vegetables, fruit and meat in the market. And then they were going to buy some 3 for their families. A bus came. They tried to 4 . Robert, a strong young man, rushed in first. He occupied(占)two 5 :one for his girl friend Mable and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look 6

11、the bus. He saw a lot of people 7 there. There were some old men among them. He hurried to 8 his eyes. Mable found it and thought he felt 9 and asked, “Whats wrong with you, dear?”“ 10 ,”answered the kind-hearted (好心肠) young man. “I cant bear (忍心) to see the poor old men!”1. A. workers B. soldiersC.

12、 farmersD. drivers2. A. lend B. sellC. borrowD. show3. A. books B. pensC. newspapersD. presents4. A. get on B. get off C. lifeD. sit down5. A. tables B. seats C. boxesD. steps6. A. after B. forC. up D. around7. A. standing B. sitting C. lying D. sleeping8. A. touch B. look over C. openD. close9. A.

13、terrible B. sadC. happyD. dangerous10. A. SomethingB. AnythingC. NothingD. Everything五、阅读下面文章,并根据文章内容从所给选项中选出正确答案。来源:学优中考网xYzkwAOnce there were three old men. They were rather forgetful. They always forgot what they were doing.One of them said, “I always wonder if I want to buy a coat or a pair of socks.The second old man said, “I often forget if I should put something in or take something out of the fridge as soon as I open its door.”“I am even more forgetful than both of you.” Said the last old man ,and he knocked at the table. Then he turne


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