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1、班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 家长签字_一、根据提示填单词(10分)1. The changes have brought many _ (好处).2.Now there was a lot of traffic. So we should r noise pollution.3、The environment has (改变) a lot.4、There are many new _ (发展) here.5、The airport has been in s_ since 1998.6、I will have an _(采访) with the super star this weeken

2、d.7、The government (意识到)the importance of protecting the environment。8、I (借)my bike to Jack yesterday.9. -My bike is broken. _ Can you r it for me?10. People live a better life and eat (新鲜)meat and vegetables every day.二、用单词适当形式填空(10分)来源:学优中考网1.Have you been to Hong Kong _ (recent)?2、Listening to a

3、talk is _ (pleasant). We all feel bored.3、He is _ (polite). So he isnt welcome.4、I _ (do) my homework already.5、I _ (leave) Shanghai last week.6、He comes from the (south) part of China.7.The waste has (pollution) the river and killed all the fish.8. the train (arrive) yet?Yes, it (arrive) ten minute

4、s ago.9.The bowl is empty. He (eat) the food.10、There (be) many changes in China since 1987.三、选择填空(20分)( )1.Mr Green has worked in Zhenjiang since his family to China years ago. A.has moved B.moved C.moves D.move( )2.Its very to talk him. A.pleasue,t B.pleased,with C.pleasant,with D.pleased,to( )3.W

5、e invite experts to give us talks . A.from a day and night B.from time to time C.from past to now D.from one to another来源:学优中考网xYzkw ( )4.He didnt live here. He moved the city ten months ago. A.out from B.out of from C.onto D.out of ( )5.The woman was in that hotel before she came here. A.on service

6、 B.on the service C.in service D.in the service( )6.The twins has studied in this school . A.two yearsago B. since two years ago C.for two yeas ago D. since two years( )7.The child has come to school by bike his own. A.in B.by C.on D.of( )8.Tom went to work late the snowstorm. A.because B.for C.beca

7、use D.because of() 9. He feels _ when he was _.来源:学优中考网A.lonely,lonelyB.alone,alone C.lonely,alone D.alone,lonely() 10. The trip was _ and we were _.A. pleasant, pleasedB. pleased, pleasant C.pleased, pleased() 11. When _you _ your breakfast this morning? At 6.00.A. have, hadB. did, haveC. are, have

8、 D. has, had() 12. Its _ to sleep late and get up late.A. healthyB. healthilyC. unhealthy D. unhealthily来源:学优中考网() 13. The place has turned _ a garden already.A. inB. intoC. to D. for( ) 14. Have you finished you homework ? No,I havent finished it . A. already ,yet B. yet , already 来源:xYzKw.Com C. y

9、et ,yet D. already ,already() 15. Have you _ been to New York?- No, _. A. ever, yetB. ever, neverC.never,not D.never ,never() 16. The changes are good for people.-_ . I like the present transport but I cant stand(忍受) the pollution. A. Yes, I agree with you. B. No, you are wrong. C. In some ways, I a

10、gree with you.D. No, I agree with you. () 17. I dont know how long it_ in use?来源:xYzkW.ComA. has beenB. it has beenC. was it D.is () 18. _ have just visited Nanjing? Three times.A. How many times B. How oftenC. How long D.How soon ( ) 19.There are four words : ball ,bank,balk,balm. Which is the firs

11、t in the dictionary.A. ball B. bank C. balk D. balm( ) 20.-When you begin to play the piano? -In 1990.I the piano for about seven years. A. did,played B. have ,play C. did, play D. did, have played四、句型转换(10分)1、My father was a teacher in the past.(改为同义句) My father be a teacher.2、He has been here for

12、two week.(改为同义句) He has been here two weeks .3、Lishui has changed a lot over the years.There _ _ many _ in Lishui during the last years.4、He doesnt live here any longer. He _ _ _ here.5、Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. (提问)_ _ _ Eddie lived with Millie?6.I have eaten something for brea

13、kfast.(改为一般疑问句) eaten for breakfast?7.It no longer provides a good environment.(改为同义句)来源:xYzKw.Com It a good environment .五、完型填空(10分)Have you _1_ drunk the water directly(直接地) from a river? Im sure your answer is Yes. Perhaps you may have _2_ the water from a well (井), or from a tap(水龙头) before. _3_, as I know, most of you only drink hot water or the bottled(罐装的) water from a shop now.But


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