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1、Mr Cardinals father, Sir David Cardinal, had been for many years his lordships closest friend and colleague, but had been tragically killed in a riding accident some three or four years prior to the evening I am now recalling. Meanwhile, the young Mr Cardinal had been building something of a name fo

2、r himself as a columnist, specializing in witty comments on international affairs. Evidently, these columns were rarely to Lord Darlingtons liking, for I can recall numerous instances of his looking up from a journal and saying something like: Young Reggie writing such nonsense again. Just as well h

3、is fathers not alive to read this. But Mr Cardinals columns did not prevent him being a frequent visitor at the house; indeed, his lordship never forgot that the young man was his godson and always treated him as kin. At the same time, it had never been Mr Cardinals habit to turn up to dinner withou

4、t any prior warning, and I was thus a little surprised when on answering the door that evening I found him standing there, his briefcase cradled in both arms.Oh, hello, Stevens, how are you? he said.Just happened to be in a bit of a jam tonight and wondered if Lord Darlington would put me up for the

5、 night.Its very nice to see you again, sir. I shall tell his lordship you are here.Id intended to stay at Mr Rolands place, but there seems to have been some misunderstanding and theyve gone away somewhere. Hope its not too inconvenient a time to call. I mean, nothing special on tonight, is there?I

6、believe, sir, his lordship is expecting some gentlemen to call after dinner.Oh, thats bad luck. I seem to have chosen a bad night. Id better keep my head low. Ive got some pieces I have to work on tonight anyway. Mr Cardinal indicated his briefcase.I shall tell his lordship you are- here, sir. You a

7、re, in any case, in good time to join him for dinner.Jolly good, I was hoping I might have been. But I dont expect Mrs Mortimers going to be very pleased with me.I left Mr Cardinal in the drawing room and made my way to the study, where I found his lordship working through some pages with a look of

8、deep concentration. When I told him of Mr Cardinals arrival, a look of surprised annoyance crossed his face. Then he leaned back in his chair as though puzzling something out.Tell Mr Cardinal Ill be down shortly, he said finally. He can amuse himself for a little while.When I returned downstairs, I

9、discovered Mr Cardinal moving rather restlessly around the drawing room examining objects he must long ago have become familiar with. I conveyed his lordships message and asked him what refreshments I might bring him.Oh, just some tea for now, Stevens. Whos his lordship expecting tonight?Im sorry, s

10、ir, Im afraid I am unable to help you.No idea at all?Im sorry, sir.Hmm, curious. Oh, well. Better keep my head low tonight.It was not long after this, I recall, that I went down to Miss Kentons parlour. She was sitting at her table, though there was nothing before her and her hands were empty; indee

11、d, something in her demeanour suggested she had been sitting there like that for some time prior to my knocking.Mr Cardinal is here, Miss Kenton, I said. Hell be requiring his usual room tonight.Very good, Mr Stevens. I shall see to it before I leave.Ah. You are going out this evening, Miss Kenton?I

12、 am indeed, Mr Stevens.Perhaps I looked a little surprised, for she went on: You will recall, Mr Stevens, we discussed this a fortnight ago.Yes, of course, Miss Kenton. I beg your pardon, it had just slipped my mind for the moment.Is something the matter, Mr Stevens?Not at all, Miss Kenton. Some vis

13、itors are expected this evening, but there is no reason why your presence will be required.We did agree to my taking this evening off a fortnight ago, Mr Stevens.Of course, Miss Kenton. I do beg your pardon.I turned to leave, but then I was halted at the door by Miss Kenton saying: Mr Stevens, I hav

14、e something to tell you.Yes, Miss Kenton?It concerns my acquaintance. Who I am going to meet tonight.Yes, Miss Kenton.He has asked me to marry him. I thought you had a right to know that.Indeed, Miss Kenton. That is very interesting.l am still giving the matter thought.Indeed.She glanced down a seco

15、nd at her hands, but then almost immediately her gaze returned to me. My acquaintance is to start a job in the West Country as of next month.Indeed.As I say, Mr Stevens, I am still giving the matter some thought.However, I thought you should be informed of the situation.Im very grateful, Miss Kenton. I do hope you have a pleasant evening.Now if you will excuse me.It must have been twenty minutes or so later that I encountered Miss Kenton again, this time while I was busy with preparations for dinner.In fact, I was half-way up the back staircase, carrying a fu


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