九年级英语全册 unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands(词汇篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands(词汇篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《九年级英语全册 unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands(词汇篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 unit 10 you’re supposed to shake hands(词汇篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 词汇篇 _第十单元重点单词和句型25短语集锦:drop by顺便拜访after all毕竟/终归get mad大动肝火/气愤make an effort作出努力clean sth off把擦掉take off脱下/起飞go out of ones way to.特地/格外努力make sb feel at home使某人宾至如归be used to doing习惯于shake hands握手Sb be supposed to do被期望做/应该做Sb be expected to do被期待着做be important to do (做)是重要的meet for the fir

2、st time首次见面make some mistakes犯一些错误the welcome party欢迎晚会make friends交朋友be expected to do被期待着hold hand伸手to ones surprise使惊讶的是arrive a bit late晚到点make plans to do sth做计划做on time按时/准时invite sb to do sth邀请某人做avoid heavy traffic避开交通高峰期eat with ones hand用手(拿)饭吃stick sth into 插入里on the plate在盘子里hit an empty

3、 bowl撞击一个空碗point at sb with sth用指点the biggest challenge最大的挑战have a good time/have fun/ enjoy oneself玩得高兴/过得愉快learn how to do sth学会怎样做talk to sb in French用法语和我谈话because of 由于/因为be different from与不同pretty strange相当奇怪cut up sth切开make sb adj使得某人show up显而易见/ 到场重点语法1.辨析except和besides,except for1)except“除.

4、之外”不包括所说的东西例:Igetupearlyevery day exceptSunday.(不包括星期天)2)besides的意思是“除了.之外,还有”例:We should learn many subjectbesidesEnglish.(包括英语在内)3) except for “在整体中除去某个细节部分” 前后所指内容不同类 例: She did well in the English exam except for a grammar mistake.2.not.anymore= nomore 不再 not.anylongernolonger 不再3. either(2) ; n

5、either(2) ; all(3); both(2); none(3); 肯(单) 否(单) 肯(复) 肯(复) 否(单)就近原则:eitheror (要么要么) neithernor(既不也不) not onlybut also(不单.而且)1. Do you often _your friends homes? Yes, we doA. drop by B. drop off C. drop at D. drop on2.Where would you like to go this Mid-Autumn Festival? Id like to go_.A. everywhere re

6、laxing B. somewhere relaxing C. peaceful anywhere D. peaceful somewhere3.When you want to work for our country in the future, _, we should have strong body and rich knowledge.A. at first B. first of all C. for the first time D. after all4.Liu Qian as a little boy was so _ his own magic world that he

7、 seldom went out to play with other children. A. good at B. mad about C. popular with D. afraid of5. You look sad. What has happened? Everyone _ us to win the match, but we lost.A. expects B. expected C. hopes D. Hoped解析:1.A. drop by 顺便来访 drop off 减少,落下2.A.形容词修饰不定代词后置,everywhere relaxing 任何一个令人放松的地方

8、 somewhere 指某一个地方3.B.at first 最初,一开始,first of all 首先, 最重要的, for the first time 第一次,after all 毕竟4.B.be mad about 迷恋于, be good at 擅长,be popular with 受欢迎, be afraid of 害怕5.B.expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事 hope to do sth 希望某人做某事基础演练I. 英汉短语互译1美国 _2顺便访问_3毕竟_4生气;大动肝火_5把擦掉_6脱下(衣服等)_7握手_8. for the first time_9.

9、be supposed to do sth. _410. as soon as _11. be expected to do sth. _21 512. invite sb. to do sth. _213. keep sb. doing sth. _14. on time _15. make an effort_根据首字母和汉语提示写出所缺的单词l. Please tell me how to g_问候)the foreign guests.32. We must v_(重视)time.3. Im used to my e_(每日的)life.4. The teacher was m_(生气

10、的)at me because I failed in the exam.【 :21 】5. We must obey the t_(交通)rules.6. The teacher is using a piece of c_粉笔)to write on the blackboard.21 7. Please show me your p_(护照)8. The teacher is telling us about table m_ (礼仪)9. The fisherman lives on the east c_(海岸)10Its polite to k_(敲)on the door bef

11、ore entering a room. 用所给单词的适当形式填空l. People in Japan are supposed _ (bow) when they meet for the first time.【 :21 】2. She_ (greet) Pauls mother the wrong way last night.3. I felt _ (relax) lying in the sun. What a good time!4. I think you should _ (ask) what you are supposed to wear.5. In Switzerland

12、, people never visit a friends house without _ (call) first.6. He _ (be) supposed to arrive at 8:00, but he arrived at 9:00.7. Though you failed this time, dont give up _ (study) . You still have a lot of chances.8. The main thing is _ (learn) how to be polite.9. Remember _ (turn off) the light when you leave the room.10. I think his idea is worth _ (consider) .IV. 单项选


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