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1、绿色倾斜句:为可替换上一句的句子,防模板重复,第一次看只看黑色以2011年爱心和时政热点”小悦悦事件”人们冷漠缺乏爱心来说明同样一篇模板的变通。 ( 第一段,简单描述图画)I was profoundly shocked/moved by what I have seen in this picture /cartoon/ drawing/ painting which is so symbolic/ interesting /educational and instructive .As is apparently demonstrated in the drawing above,爱心像一

2、盏明灯越在黑暗中越亮love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places. /Shocked /moved as me, what I have seen in this picturewhichis so symbolic and instructive ,as is apparently demonstrated above,_(描述图画内容).(The other picture informs us that_用来描述图二,如果有图二). what a philosophic and thought-provoking/ compellin

3、g scene it is!(最后一句的可替换句However symbolic/ interesting /educational and instructive it may seem at first glimpse ,this cartoon does carry rather thought-provoking/ compelling implications . / The picture , at the first glimpse , seems to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its

4、superficial meaning.)(出题的哪幅图画不让人深思呢?)我被图画描述的内容深深的震撼/感动了,它是这么的有象征意义/有趣/有教育意义/有启发性。像上幅图画中描绘的那样_。这是多么有哲理和让人深思/引人注目的场景啊!(你第一眼看它也许会觉得它有象征意义/有趣/有教育意义/有启发性,然而这幅卡通图画确实有让人深思/有引人注目的意义/这幅图你第一眼看到它也许觉得简单,然而再多看一眼你就会看透它表面意义)(消极主题意义的第二段,原因段)Obviously /Evidently, the drawing mirrors a current phenomenon about 人们爱心缺乏

5、people lack of love(主旨)is both inspiring and thought-provoking . Therere numerous reasons why it is and I would like to explore the most typical ones. For one thing ,with the miraculous economic better-off brought about by more than thirty-year of reform and opening up, people tend to pay more atten

6、tion to self-interest and talk less about the spirit of奉献我们的爱的精神devoting our love(主旨词).For the other ,there are an increasing number of people who are not realizing 爱心对建设和谐社会的重要性the importance of love in building up a harmonious society (主旨). Undoubtedly, the nightmare will knock our door, if we tur

7、n blind to the problem.明显的是,图画生动形象的描写了一个让我们受到启发和深思的目前社会现象-这种现象的形成有很多原因,在这里我只说下最典型的原因。一方面,随着改革开放带来的30年的经济奇迹,人们把精力放在了自我的兴趣上,很少再谈论-。从另一方面说,有越来越多人对-不了解也是不可忽视的重要原因。毫无疑问,如何我们再对-睁一只眼闭一只眼的话,噩梦将会降临。(积极主旨意义的第二段,原因段)Obviously /Evidently, the drawing mirrors a current phenomenon about 爱心对社会的重要性the importance of

8、 love to society(主旨)is both inspiring and thought-provoking . Therere numerous reasons why it is and I would like to explore the most typically ones. For one thing ,with the miraculous economic better-off brought about by more than thirty-year of reform and opening up, people tend to put more attent

9、ion on 爱心,最好的例证是陈光标love ,the best example is Chen Guangbiao(主旨).For the other ,there are increasing numbers people who are realizing爱心对和谐社会的重要性the importance of love to build up a harmonious society(主旨)is indispensable to us. Undoubtedly, 奉献爱心devoting our love(主旨) to us is just like water to fish an

10、d wing to bird.明显的是,图画生动形象的描写了一个让我们受到启发和深思的目前社会现象这种现象的形成有很多原因,在这里我只说下最典型的原因。一方面,随着改革开放带来的30多年的经济奇迹,人们能把越来越多的精力放在了。从另一方面说,有越来越多人对意识的增强也是不可忽视的重要原因。毫无疑问,-对于我们就像水对鱼、翅膀对鸟儿一样重要。 (第 三 段,措施段、总结段,一般用于消极意义主题) as far as Im concerned/ personally , lack爱心love(主旨词)will lead to the corruption of public moral and i

11、rredeemable financial losses ,and even building harmonious society will become an empty talk. There are some immediate measures that should be taken before its too late. On one hand, “eight honors and eight disgraces ” advanced by H u Jin t a o should be publicized so as to enhance our scenario of t

12、raditional virtues . On the other hand ,its the responsibility of the government and mass media to enhance peoples awareness of爱心love (主旨)as soon as possible ,and at the same time ,strengthening the regulations and Laws should be done.(替换句On the other hand, we should appeal to authorities that expli

13、cit laws were worked out (implemented) to control/protect爱心意识peoples love consciousness).Only when these above-mentioned steps are carried out can we succeed in solving the problem, and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.(最后一句替换句In brief, only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy a

14、tmosphere can we witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.)我认为,如果缺少将导致公共道德的危机和不可估量的经济损失,甚至建设社会主义和谐社会将成为一句空话。在造成严重后果之前,需要马上采取及时有效的措施。一方面,胡主席提出的八荣八耻作为社会基本准则必须在人民大众中普及,来提高人们的传统道德。另一方面,尽可能快的提高人们的意识,是政府、媒体、学校的责任。于此同时,要加强关于的法律法规建设。只要以上提到的措施实施了,我们的世界才是充满活力的、有意义的、多彩的。(总之

15、,只有在一个合理的、繁荣、健康的氛围中我们才能见证人们可以享受他们的生活已经到了极处的理想场景。)( 第四段,备用段,即举例段、意义段、总结段,用于不适合写措施的题目,可代替第三段或第二段,一般用于积极意义主题)looking around, we can find similar happenings are too numerous to list, the most persuasive example is George Soros.His对东欧国家的爱心love of eastern European countries(主旨)has been pivotal in helping eastern European countries develop democratic societies and market economies .If he hadnt done the good deed , eastern European countries would not get the achievements now. we should learn from him so as to keep bright the key that opens the treasury of g



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