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1、评语阅读理解【篇一:评语阅读及参考答案】 评语阅读及参考答案 那年我上小学三年级。寒假前到学校拿学期成绩单。回家时我和六七个没带书包的好友同行。刚领的成绩单拿在手上,已经被我们折得皱巴巴了。 “老师给你们什么评语?”阿益问。“还没看,不知道。”包括我,好几个人都这么说。反正不会是什么好话,我心想。 “来猜我的是什么。”阿益掀开成绩单一角,露出老师的评语的最后一个字:“马”。 “害群之马?”我说。 “没那么糟!”阿益掀开成绩单。 我刚刚看错了,是“焉”。“心不在焉”的确比“害群之马”好多了。 “你的呢?”他们问。我也翻开一小角,露出评语最后两字:“用功”。“上一个字是不吧!”大家起哄说,“不用功

2、。” 我再翻开一些,看到的字出乎意料,是“又”。聪明又用功?礼貌又用功?乖巧又用功?不管前面是什么,总之,是个好评语。我高兴又害羞,便把成绩单压着,不让同学看。直到走到家门口,才翻开看整句评语:活泼又用功。 活泼,我当之无愧,但实在想不起自己哪里用功了?我上课时玩磁铁、涂鸦?老师看到我们,总是皱着眉头,怎么觉得我用功?难道老师在开玩笑? 整个寒假期间,那句“活泼又用功”的评语,却在脑海中挥之不去,还自动变成歌词,配的是无敌铁金刚的旋律。我也就手舞足蹈、心甘情愿地收拾玩心写作业。 ?始专心上课、写作业,从进步奖领到前五名、前三名的奖状、还参加作文、朗读比赛? ?一学期过去了。也多了些期待。我翻开

3、成绩单内页,右边是交错的“优”和“甲”,左边则是这学期的评语“努力进取”,就在上学期评语“活泼又用功”的旁边。 ?回家的路上,阿益接过我的成绩单,说:“我这学期的评语跟你上学期的一样!” ?他厌恶我无意的挖苦,丢还我成绩单。 ?我这才仔细看清楚,原来墨渍下那个“又”字其实是“欠”字。突然,脑海里伴着我整学期旋律变得荒腔走板。?十多年后,我自己当了老师,在给学生写评语时,我用快干墨水工整书写,学生不必透过误解或猜测,就能直接感受善意和鼓励。 ?学生也把对我的“评语”,写成节日小卡。我仔细读过以后,把它们收集在纪念品盒子里,也收藏在心里。跟我小学三年级的成绩单一起。 1.本文按照时间顺序写了两部分

4、内容,请概括。(6分) (1)小学三年级时,; (2)十多年后,。 2.第段画线句运用了什么句式? 句式: 该句反映了我当时和心理。(3分) 3.第?段画线句富有语言表现力。请选择一点简要分析。(4分) 4.本文给我们多方面的启示,不恰当的一项是( )(3分) a. 写字端正清楚很重要。 b. 误会往往能助人进步。 c. 经历是一笔人生财富。 d. 鼓励欣赏会给人力量。 5.本文标题“评语”不可以改为“误读”,请简述理由(6分) 参考答案 1.(1)由于我误读了老师的评语,给了我努力的动力,让我提高了成绩。一学期后,我才得知是误读。 (2)我当了老师,尽量书写工整,不引起学生误读。并且收到了学

5、生给我的评价。 2.排比、急切、疑惑 3.【提示】本题间接考查了描写方法,能答出“画线句运用了什么描写方法,其表达效果是什么”即可。 4.b 5.【提示】本题考查“标题的好处或作用”,同时两个题目加以比较即可。 从结构上看:“评语”这个题目作为文章线索,贯穿了“小学时老师评语对我的作用”和“十年后我作为老师写评语给学生”两部分,如果改为“误读”,只涵盖前一部分。“评语”这个题目也能够引起读者的阅读兴趣。 从内容角度看:“误读”带有不积极的语言色彩,看似在批评老师的字迹不清。而作者想要表达的是,通过老师的评语让“我”获得了鼓励和进步,并在以后的人生中引以为戒,其中不乏对老师的感谢之情。【篇二:初

6、一英语阅读理解练习20篇(附答案)】 阅读理解练习二 ( 1 ) jim goes to tokyo. he wants to see his aunt. but when he walks out of the station, he cant find his way. the city is now quite different. he sees a man outside a police station, so he goes up to ask him for help. the man looks at him for a long time, then says, “im s

7、orry, sir. im from another city. im standing here and want to find a policeman. he may tell you the way.” 1. jim goes to tokyo _. a to see his friendb to see his father c to see his classmated to see his aunt 2. he goes to tokyo _. a for the first time b for the last time c not for the first time d

8、only one time 3. the man _. a works in tokyo b knows jim c doesnt live in tokyod like the city 4. the man _. a doesnt know the wayb answers at once c doesnt want to answer d doesnt like jim 5. the best title is “_”. a going to londonb seeing his aunt c seeing a policeman d asking the way d a c a d (

9、 2 ) my name is chen lan. my home is in gulangyu. it is in xiamen. it is near the sea. culangyu is a small place, but it is very nice and clean. there are no cars, no buses or no bikes. people only walk. so it is very quiet. people go to visit gulangyu by ship. our house is in the middle of gulangyu

10、. behind our house there is a big tree. my grandfather tells me that the tree is very, very old. there are many birds in the tree. we call it a “bird tree”. our house is near the sea. the sea is big and blue. there are a lot of fish in the sea. after school, i go there and catch fish with my friends

11、. it is very interesting. i like fish and i like catching fish. () 1. gulangyu is an island岛屿. () 2. chen lan tells us a lot about her parents. () 3. there are no traffic交通 in gulangyu. () 4. chen lan always goes fishing alone. () 5. chen lan is from xiamen. t f t f t ( 3) “joe, you are a very old d

12、og,” said policeman fred. “today is your birthday again. i remember you were 14 years old last year. but you are still the best police dog in the world!” “arf! arf!” barked joe. “you are welcome,” said fred. “ now lets get your birthday dinner. show me whereyou want to eat. joe led fred down the str

13、eet. good smells came from all the eating places. but joe wandered on闲逛. at last he stopped at a small place. he smelled around the door. then he pushed the door open. “is this where you want to eat?” asked fred. but joe did not bark an answer. he put his nose to the floor and ran across the room. t

14、hen he jumped on a man at a table! “good boy, joe!” said fred. joe and fred have looked for the robber for ten years. “and now you have found him!” joe and fred took the robber to the police station. then fred said, “all right, joe, you have done your work. well done! congratulations. now do you wan

15、t that birthday dinner?” “arf!” barked joe, “arf! arf!” “lets go,” said fred. “im hungry, too.” 1. how old is joe? a fifteen. b five.c thirteen.d fourteen. 2. how many years have the police and joe looked for the robber? a 13. b 10.c 6.d 7. 3. in the story, joe says “arf! arf!” twice. the first time he means “_”. a hello! how are you? b thank you. c oh. no. im not a good dog.d im sorry to hear that. 4 fred wants to give joe a dinner because _. a its joes birthday b today is freds birthday c fred found an eating place d joe caught the robber 5 joe is great,


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