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1、文题之间词汇转换本堂目标 识别短句问答题干与文章中的词汇转换,培养不同词汇之间的转换意识。 30分听讲在短句问答题中,识别提干对原文的转换是最基本的。题干通过各种不同表达方式的转换,或词汇转化或句法转化来增加考生识别原文信息的难度。实际上,把握这种转换,对于考生快速找到答案出处具有关键作用。经过我们对历年真题的研究,发现题干和原文在词汇方面的转换形式主要有以下几种。一 不同词形之间、近义词或短语之间的转换单个单词之间的转换是最常见的。这种转换包含两种。第一种是将原文中的动词、名词形容词、副词在题干中变成了别的词性的词,当然句子结构也会同时发生变化。比如possession, alternati

2、ve变成了alternatively。第二种是将原文中的某个单词转换成了它的近义词,如将victory变成了success,或者是将它转换成了在逻辑上的近义词,如将victory变成了finish,甚至再加上词性转换变成了finishing.逻辑近义词的识别较难。真题示题1 原文 There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. 题目 47. Whe

3、re do girls get the notion that they need to be thin in order to be considered beautiful?_解析 From TV and fashion magazines. 题干中的get 对应首段句中giving,notion对应ideas后的同位语从句内容与文中ideas about后的宾语从句相同,故giving前的动作发出者即为这种观念的来源。由于问题是整句且疑问词为where ,所以答案也应为整句,句首需加介词from,故答案为From TV and fashion magazines.原文One of the

4、 top track coaches in the in the U,S. Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the dwsign of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent 题目 47.while serving as a track coach ,Bowerman tried to design running shoes that were _解析Lighter and more shock-absorbent 有题干中

5、的bowerman定位答案处。句中的in an attempt to 同义转述为题干中的tried to ;题干中的that 引导的定语从句描述的是running shoes 的特点,故为答案。真题示例3 原文、United93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11,2001,and is certain to ignite an emotional debate. 题目 48.The movie “united 93”is sure to give rise to _ 解析An

6、 emotional debate .本题的线索词是:United 93”,从而将答案出处锁定。题干中的sure 与certain 是同义转述,give rise to 是ignite (引发)的同义转述,所以ignite 后的宾语an emotional debate即为答案。词汇、短语、句子之间的转换 这里的转换这的是不同一个层面上的转换,这结构性转换,就是把词汇变成了短语或句子,把短语变成了句子或单词,或者把句子变成短语或单词,或者一种句子结构变另一种句子结构,这种转换的幅度比前一种的幅度大。题干是对原文意思的展开火精简。如将原文一句话中承接前文的一个副词accordingly转换成了b

7、ecause 引导的一个从句,从句中加入了前文中的信息。真题示例1 原文Once he received his degree, Knight traveled to Japan to contact the Onitsuka Tiger Company, a manufacturer of athletic shoes. Knight convinced the companys officials of the potential in the US 题目 During his visit to Japan, Knight convinced the officials of the On

8、itsuka Tiger Company than its product would have 解析The potential in the U.S. 题干中的convince sb that.是对原文中convince sb of sth 的同义转述,是原文的短语转化为题干的从句。真题示例2 原文In its early years the organization operated in an unconventional manner that characterized its innovative and entrepreneurial approach to the indust

9、ry. Communication was informal;.50题目 In the earl years of Nike, communication within the company was usually carried out _ 解析Informally.题干中的communication was usually carried out 是对原文communication was informal 的同义转述,两句中的谓语发生了结构性的转换。Informal为形容词,故应将其该为副词informally.明否定与暗否定之间的转换明否定是指明显的否定词,它有两种形式,一种本身就是

10、否定词,如not, neither , nothing等。另一种是带有表示否定意义的前缀或后缀的词,如un-,im-, non-, dis-,de-,-less 等.暗示否定没有否定标志,但是本身具有某种消极意义的词,如fail,lack,ill,exclude,failure,cancel,delete等。真题示例1 原文The company did not have the money to hire “experts”, and there was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which

11、 to recruit those knowledgeable in the field. 题目49. Blue Ribbon Sports was unable to hire experts due to the absence of _in North America.解析Established athletic footwear industry . 句子中的明否定did not 转换成了明否定unable ;句子中的明否定no 转换成题干中的暗否定absence. 真题示例2原文 They often find themselves excluded from mothers sup

12、port networks, and are eyed warily on the playground .题目47. Unlike women ,men often get little support or information from _解析 Mother s support network .该段末句明确提到了they.excluded from mothers support networks, 题干将原文中暗否定词excluded from 转换正明否定词little. 明比较与暗比较级之间的转换明比较指的是有明显的比较级标志,如worse, better, best, wor

13、st ,more, less, most, least,-er,-est.暗比较指的是单词/短语本身含有(使)使某事物的数量、质量、状态发生了变化的意思,如shorten, enlarge, worsen, relieve, increase, decrease, outdo等真题示例原文We ease out consciences, shulman writes, by describing these people as “lowskilled” though theyre not important or intelligent enough to deserve more. 题目49

14、 Some Americans try to make themselves feel guity by attributing the poverty of the poverty of the working people to _解析 (their)lack of skill/ (their) low skill.目中的明比较短语feel less guilty 是原文中的暗比较短语ease our consciences 的转换。Attributing对应原文中的describing。原文中的these people 的是前文中的处于poverty level 的人们。Attribut

15、e。to 结构要填入一个名词性短语。 二 大文中常设题处本堂目标 学会在阅读时识别常设题处,以此来提高阅读效率,明确做题时应该重点留意何处。 30 分钟 听讲命题者在设题时,必然有一定的倾向性,一篇文章在那些地方常设题是有一定规律的。考生如果掌握了这些对应的规律,就能在第一遍快速阅读短文时,在这些可能会出题的地方轻轻划上记号,等看完短文开始做题时,针对题干中的关键词,迅速找到做记号的地方,再仔细分析、查找确定答案。这样就能节省不少时间,避免通读全文和做题的盲目性。 我们在研究、总结了近10年的六级真题,发现主要有以下10处容易成为设题处;一 篇首 、篇尾、段首、段尾、处参考 根据前一堂讲到的文章模式,篇首或段首往往是文章开门见山地提出主题火中心思想;篇尾或段尾处一般是概括或总结性的陈述,经常会总结中心思想、得出某种结论或建议。 因此,文章的篇首、篇尾、段首、段尾处经常被当作设题处,而且大多是考查对文章或段落主旨的理解


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