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1、英语热词:鹰爸 eagle dad2012-03-06 17:27:27 Tag: 英语新闻 英语阅读 我要评论(0)英语热词:鹰爸 eagle dad:在“虎妈狼爸”引爆家庭教育之争后,“鹰爸”又横空出世。近日,网上一段“裸跑弟”的视频,就引发了网友关注:除夕清晨,一名来自南京跟随父母到美国旅行的4岁男童,在纽约-13的暴雪中裸跑。网民对此教育方式褒贬不一。对此,孩子的父亲何先生表示儿子是早产儿,曾被告知未来可能脑瘫痴呆。在“虎妈狼爸”引爆家庭教育之争后,“鹰爸”又横空出世。近日,网上一段“裸跑弟”的视频,就引发了网友关注:除夕清晨,一名来自南京跟随父母到美国旅行的4岁男童,在纽约-13的暴

2、雪中裸跑。网民对此教育方式褒贬不一。对此,孩子的父亲何先生表示儿子是早产儿,曾被告知未来可能脑瘫痴呆,遂制定残酷的“鹰爸”式训练计划让其健康长大。 请看中国日报网的报道: A man calling himself eagle dad recently stirred up a public controversy after he uploaded a video of his 4-year-old son, whom he had forced to run naked in the snow, to the Internet. 近日,一位自称“鹰爸”的父亲在网络上传视频后引发公众的热议,

3、视频中他强行让自己4岁的儿子在雪中裸跑。 文中的eagle dad就是指“鹰爸”,其educational ideas(教育理念)是:当幼鹰长到足够大的时候,鹰妈妈就会狠心地把幼鹰赶下山崖,幼鹰往谷底坠下时,拼命地拍打翅膀,趁此掌握了基本的本领飞翔。 与此前出现的“tiger mom(虎妈)”、“wolf dad(狼爸)”近似,对“eagle dad(鹰爸)”的教育方式,社会各界也同样是褒贬不一。一项调查显示,70%的网友不认同这种近乎“残酷的鹰式教育”。对越来越趋向于远离严厉的传统教育模式,尊崇宽松自由美国模式的中国家庭教育来说,“如狼似虎”的父母往往让人们嗤之以鼻。 在home educa

4、tion(家庭教育)中,父母也应适度谦抑individual will(个人意志)和personal ideal(个人理想)对孩子的影响,以便与孩子的选择和兴趣形成合理博弈,而不是将孩子完全变成自身教育理念的实验品。 Go head-to-head 针锋相对地竞争2012-03-06 17:13:13 Tag: 英语新闻 英语阅读 我要评论(0)Go head-to-head 针锋相对地竞争:梅丽尔斯特里普是当代演员中最成功的女性。她总共收到过打破纪录的17次学院奖提名,其中获奖三次。本周她以铁娘子中饰演马格利特萨切尔的角色而捧走了奥斯卡女主角奖,这令很多预测人士大为惊讶,他们原以为,影片相助

5、的女主角维奥拉戴维斯会获奖的。 Winners of Best Actress and Best Actor awards Meryl Steep and Jean Dujardin celebrate together during the Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood. Photo by Joe Klamar. 今日短语 To go head-to-head 意思是两人之间头对头地竞争。 例句 今日小常识Meryl Streep is the most successful actress of her generation. She has r

6、eceived a record seventeen Academy Award nominations and won three times. This week she picked up an Oscar for her portrayal of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, surprising many pundits who predicted that Viola Davis would win for her part in The Help. 梅丽尔斯特里普是当代演员中最成功的女性。她总共收到过打破纪录的17次学

7、院奖提名,其中获奖三次。本周她以铁娘子中饰演马格利特萨切尔的角色而捧走了奥斯卡女主角奖,这令很多预测人士大为惊讶,他们原以为,影片相助的女主角维奥拉戴维斯会获奖的。 Theyre both amazing swimmers I cant wait to see them go head-to-head. There can only be one winner. Well have to go head-to-head to decide who it is. 请注意 还有一个意思类似的短语是 neck-and-neck, 它的意思是在竞争或竞赛中不相上下。 At this stage, ei

8、ther of them could win. Its neck-and-neck! 英语(论坛)中还有很多类似结构的短语,比如 eye-to-eye, face-to-face, cheek-to-cheek, shoulder-to-shoulder 或 back-to-back 不过他们的意思各不相同! Full steam ahead! 全速前进!2012-03-06 17:11:11 Tag: 英语新闻 英语阅读 我要评论(0)Full steam ahead! 全速前进:今日小常识There is a tradition in Ireland and Scotland that w

9、omen are allowed to propose on leap year day. If the man turns her down, 爱尔兰和苏格兰有一个传统:在润年二月二十九这天女子可以向男子求婚,不过万一男子谢绝女方,那么这名男子要给女的买一块衣料(苏格兰)或一件晚礼裙(爱尔兰)。 Fiona Boubert proposes to her partner Neil Kennedy on the Watercress Line steam railway on leap year day - 29 February. Photo by Chris Ison. 今日短语 Full

10、 steam ahead 意思是充满信心地和精力饱满地全速前进。 例句 今日小常识There is a tradition in Ireland and Scotland that women are allowed to propose on leap year day. If the man turns her down, tradition dictates that he should buy her fabric or a fine gown! 爱尔兰和苏格兰有一个传统:在润年二月二十九这天女子可以向男子求婚,不过万一男子谢绝女方,那么这名男子要给女的买一块衣料(苏格兰)或一件晚礼裙

11、(爱尔兰)。 Weve had months of setbacks but now its full steam ahead. We should have the new product out by April. Were going full steam ahead with our plans to extend the kitchen. 请注意 不要把这个短语和另一个短语to do something under your own steam 混淆起来,后者的意思是独立完成某事。 I made the whole film without help; the script, the

12、 direction, the editing I did it all under my own steam. 双语:雷锋在我心中 学习雷锋好榜样(图)2012-03-06 17:05:05 Tag: 英语阅读 英语新闻 我要评论(0)双语:雷锋在我心中 学习雷锋好榜样:雷锋(原名雷正兴,1940年12月18日-1962年8月15日),中华人民共和国中国人民解放军战士。雷锋的形象一直和“无私奉献、谦虚待人、忠于党、忠于人民”联系在一起。1963年的3月,毛泽东主席题词“向雷锋同志学习”,自此雷锋就成为一代代青少年学习的榜样,成为“乐于助人、勤俭节约”的文化楷模。 Lei Feng (Dece

13、mber 18, 1940 August 15, 1962) was a soldier of the Peoples Liberation Army in the Peoples Republic of China. Lei was characterised as a selfless and modest person who was devotedto the Communist Party and the people of China. In the campaign of Learn from Comrade Lei Feng, initiated by Mao in 1963,

14、 Lei became a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty, and dedication; the youth of the country were encouraged to follow his example. 雷锋(原名雷正兴,1940年12月18日-1962年8月15日),中华人民共和国中国人民解放军战士。雷锋的形象一直和“无私奉献、谦虚待人、忠于党、忠于人民”联系在一起。1963年的3月,毛泽东主席题词“向雷锋同志学习”,自此雷锋就成为一代代青少年学习的榜样,成为“乐于助人、勤俭节约”的文化楷模。 今天是3月5日“

15、学雷锋日”,让我们读着雷锋叔叔的语录,一起“学习雷锋好榜样”! 1.人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的“为人民服务”之中去。 There is a limit to ones life, but no limit to serving the people. I would devote my limited life to limitlessly serving the people. 2.要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善不善于挤,愿不愿意钻。 If a person truly wants to study something, they can always find time. The key is whether they can budget their time in an efficient way. 3.我觉得人生在世,只有勤劳,发奋图强,用自己的双手创造财富,为人类的解放事业共产主义贡献自己的一切,这才是幸福的。 For our life, we should be diligent and create wealth with our own hands, devoting oursel


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