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1、一, Greeting 打招呼1. How are you?Hi! How are you?Im fine. How are you?I feel great! Thanks!Hi how are you?Im happy!Why are you happy?Today is my birthday!Wonderful! Happy birthday to you!2. How is your English?Hi! How is it going?Good! How are you?Im fine. How is your brother, mark?Mark is ok. How is y

2、our sister, Jane?Jane is great! She is a college student.How are your parents?They are fine. How are your parents?They are fine too. How is your English?Just ok. How is your English?So far, so good. How is Marks English?His English grammar is excellent. His pronunciation is perfect. He sounds like a

3、 native speaker of English. But he only talks about girls.Oh! What a playboy!3. How are you doing?Hello, Jane! How are you doing?I feel sick.Oh, no! Whats the matter?Im thirsty and hungry.Hello, Mike! How are you doing?I feel thirsty and hungry.Poor boy!Do you want something to eat?I sure do!Well, l

4、ets go to get a pizza and a glass of orange juice.Thats a wonderful idea!Lets go!Ok!Hi, Jane!Hi, peter! How are you doing?Im thirsty and hungry.Me too! Im starving! Im simply starving!Do you want something to eat?I sure do!Lets go and get a hamburger.How about a hamburger and a chocolate shake?That

5、sounds great! That sounds lovely! Sounds great! Sounds lovely!Lets go!Lets go!4. Whats the matter with you?How do you feel today?I feel awful!Whats the matter with you?I have a terrible toothache. Its a terrible toothache!Take an aspirin, and go to see the dentist.I will. Thanks for the advice!You a

6、re welcome!How are you feeling today?I feel bad。Whats the matter with you?I have a terrible headache. I bumped my head on the desk.Take an aspirin and drink some water!I will. Thanks for the advice.You are welcome.You look unhappy today. Whats wrong with you?My tongue hurts. I bit my tongue. I bit m

7、y tongue while I was eating.Take it easy. Slow down. Dont eat so fast. Enjoy your food.I will. I sure will.You dont look good today. Whats wrong with you?I have the hiccups. They wont go away.Drink some milk.I will.You look sad today. Whats the matter with you?I feel lonely.Call up one of your frien

8、ds.I feel bored.Find a book to read. Go to see a movie. Play a computer game. Go out for a walk.But I feel sleepy.Go to bed.But I cant. I have lots of homework to do.You look depressed. Whats the matter with you?Im laid off. Im spending all my savings.I am so sorry to hear that.Being laid off is no

9、fun. You spend all of your savings.I believe you!I have a family to support. Life is hard! What should I do?Ask your wife to get a job.But he doesnt have any skills.Then she needs to go to school!You are right. I should go to school too!Maybe you can live with your parents.Ill ask them. Thanks for t

10、he advice.Hello, Jane! How are you doing?I feel sick.Oh, no! Whats the matter?My stomach is killing me. I ate six onions.Six onions? Onions are good. But six onions are far too many. You should never eat six onions! Youll get sick, sick, sick!I know. I know! I feel as sick as a sick dog! I want to b

11、arf!How could you eat six onions?Im sorry. I like onions.Do you want more onions?No! ii dont like onions anymore.Ill never do it again! Thats a promise!Should I take you to hospital?No, Ill be ok. Wheres the bathroom?Over there.Im really sorry youre sick. Ill go and tell Whitney. Shell come and help

12、 you.Ok. Thank you.Take care!5. Hi, Dennis! I havent seen you for a long time. Howve you been?Hi, dennis! I havent seen you for a long time. Howve you been?Just fine. I traveled across China. It was a wonderful experience.China is a big country.Yes, you should visit China. You would enjoy it. It wou

13、ld be a wonderful experience for you. I saw many people there. The countryside was green. The mountains were wild and tall. It was a wonderful vacation.But Im glad youre back.So am I.Im so glad youre back.So am I.6. Where did you go?Where did you go? How long were you gone?I went to Mexico. I was go

14、ne for one year.Howve you been?Just fine. Mexico was an excellent experience.What did you do in Mexico?I attended the University of Mexico. I was busy studying Spanish. On the weekends I traveled a lot.That sounds great! That sounds wonderful.What have you been doing?Ive been writing computer progra

15、ms. I make a lot of money. But I feel bored. So, I often practice taking pictures.That sounds great! That sounds like a wonderful hobby.7. Hello?Hello? Good morning!Good morning! May I speak to Jan, Please?This is Jan.Hi, Jan, this is Dennis.Dennis? Dennis who?Dennis Erickson.Oh, hi, Dennis! We havent talked for over a year. How are you?Im fine its so good to hear your voice.Its so good to hear your voice.Its good to hear your v


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