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1、Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。 A year from now, you will wish you had started today.明年今日,你会希望此时此刻自己已经行动了。So, there is that kind of a boundary as well, and that is a place where trouble is likely to emerge.因此,也有那种边界,而边境线上恰恰是最容易发生争端的地方Now if you e

2、xpand that to sicence and to practice and whatever. Its your pursuit of life. 如果你将之延展到科学或者实践或者其他什么,你那是你自己的生活追求。And scientists have been working on this for years and theres been progress, but its still a very difficult challenge. 科学家们对此已经研究很久了,并取得了进展,但仍有很大挑战The polis makes, a good polis, following g

3、ood laws, makes its citizens better. 一个良好的城邦,必会建立完善的法律,并施惠于民。 A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again. 生活,令人满意的生活,丰富的生活包括了起起落落,包括了痛苦和再次振作,包括了失败和再次奋斗。 Im inclined to think theres more to the best kind of

4、life than just having pleasure and avoiding pain. 我倾向于认为人生有比享受快乐、避免痛苦更好的东西。In the course of traveling, cultures encounter other culture and they often encounter cultures that are very different from their own. 在旅行过程中,文化与文化相互碰撞,人们常常会遇到,与其自身所处文化截然不同的另一些文化。The soul has a very intimate connection with t

5、he body, but the person is not the soul and the body. 灵魂和肉体有着非常亲密的联系,但是人并不是灵魂加肉体。The spirit to whom Milton is praying was the actual vehicle through which God created the universe.正是弥尔顿所祈祷的这个圣灵,指导上帝创造了宇宙。In the country of China,the most widely recognized corporate logo, other than from Chinese compa

6、nies, is KFC. 在中国,最为人们熟知的公司标识不是来自于中国的公司,而是肯德基。But when you asked them why they didnt try it the answers tended to be I would look silly. 但当你问他们为什么不尝试时,他们的答案往往是“这样做会很傻”。So its not just merely the case that in fact we are all going to die; its a necessary truth that were all going to die. 我们都会死去,这不仅是一

7、个事实,还是必然的真理.If youre just spending your life floating in the scientists lab, youre not actually accomplishing anything. 如果你只是在科学实验室里做些浅显的事,你实际上没有完成任何事情。You can be passive if it isnt any good but if you are more active, you may find things. 如果没什么好处你确实可以被动点,但如果你主动些,也许会发现意外的惊喜。Again, when you traveling

8、 around Europe, if youre lucky to do that, youll see these big fortified towns. 如果你有幸能周游欧洲的话,你会见到那些大型的要塞城镇。The sounds of sense are all part of language in use, which people are using to do things with. 理性的声音蕴含在所有在运用的语言中,人们利用它来处理事情。Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don t take pride in them, take

9、pride in your decision and hardwork. 庆幸你的天赋并好好利用吧,但不要因为天赋而沾沾自喜,应该为自己的勤奋和决断而自豪。Its one of the things about God: he knows good and evil and has chosen the good. 这就是上帝的一个特别之处:他能够分辨善恶并且择善而从。Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they dont just contribute to our feeling good, they also con

10、tribute to our wellbeing. 积极情绪不仅有助我们成功,让我们感觉良好,还能让我们获得幸福。The final exam: you should do well if you read, and if you come to lecture and if you attend section. 如果你好好读书、积极听课、参与讨论,期末考试就轻而易举。And happier people are more successful, because they have more energy and work harder.越快乐的人越成功,因为他们有更多精力,工作更努力。So

11、metimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you.有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears.懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。Reserve one meter sunshine and put them in atrium. Elated wind, tap my heart window.预定一米阳光,装进心房。欢畅的风,轻敲我的心窗。 Get outside every

12、 day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.每天出去走走,奇迹就在身边。Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.微笑和沉默是两把利器:微笑解决很多问题,沉默避免许多问题。 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能

13、保持平衡。Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 与其抱怨玫瑰丛长满了刺,还不如感激刺丛里竟生出了玫瑰。Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. 行动不一定带来幸福,不行动就肯定没有幸福。I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. 我发现,我

14、越是努力,就越发幸运。托马斯杰斐逊 Dont make promises when youre joyful. Dont reply when youre sad. Dont make decisions when youre angry. 别在喜悦时承诺,别在悲伤时回答,别在愤怒时决定。The happiest people are not those who have the best of everything, but who make the best out of everything. 最幸福的人不是拥有最好一切的人,而是把一切都变成最好的人。The lifes battle i

15、s never won by the fastest or the strongest, but by the man who thinks he can.人生之战的胜利并不取决于最快或最强,而是你认为自己能不能。Do not say that opportunities never come. It did come but you just werent willing to give up what you had.不要说机会从未出现;它曾经来过,只是你舍不得放下已拥有的。Face the past with the least regrets, face the present wit

16、h the least waste and face the future with the most dreams.不悔恨过去;不荒废现在;充满梦想,面对未来。Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi如同明日将死那样生活,如同永远不死那样求知。圣雄甘地Success is simple. Do whats right, the right way, at the right time. 成功很简单:在合适的时间用恰当的方式做正确的事。Nobody is bored wh


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