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1、unit 4 Dont eat in class.单词规则规章,到达 大厅礼堂 听, 打架, 抱歉, 在外面, 穿戴,重要的, 安静的, 练习, 碟,盘 在-以前,以前, 脏的,厨房, 更多的, 吵闹的, 阅读, 非常讨厌, 感受,记住, 幸运, 保持, 头发 学习 短语:1. in class 在课上 in the classroom 在教室里2.arrive late for class = be late for class 上课迟到arrive in +大地方arrive at +小地方3. (be) on time准时 4. fight with sb.和某人打架5. must +动

2、词原形必须做某事= have to do sth.不得不做某事6. bringto把带到来 Bring your book to school (me).7.eat outside在外面吃饭 wear a uniform穿制服 wear glasses戴眼镜8. practice the guitar练习吉它 practice playing the guitar练习弹吉他9. on school nights在上学的晚上 on school days在上学的日子10. too many +可数名词复数 too much +不可数名词表示太多11. make ones bed铺床make br

3、eakfast做早饭make friends交朋友12.help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth. help sb. with doing sth13.too肯定句中表示“也”。 either否定句中表示“也”I can play chess. She can, too./I cant play chess. She cant, either./I cant watch TV, I cant play chess either.14.think about = think of考虑、认为如:How do you think about this sweater?你觉

4、得这件毛衣怎样?15. make rules制定规则 follow the rules 遵守规则break the rules违反规则用法16. keep (+名词或代词)+形容词,表示保持某物怎么样keep quiet保持安静keep your hair short保持头发短keep your room clean保持房间干净17. learn sth.学习某事learn Englishlearn the guitar ,learn to do sth.学习做某事learn to speak English / learn to swim18. be strict (with sb.)对某人

5、严格My mom is strict with me.19. remember记住,常用短语有:(1)remember sth./sb.记住某物、某事、某人Please remember this sentence.请记住这个句子。(2)remember to do sth.记住做某事(事情还没做)Remember to bring your homework to me.记得把你的作业拿给我。(3)remember doing sth.记得做过某事(事情已经做了)I remember reading this book.我记得读过这本书。重要短语句子在上学日, On school days

6、, 在上学日的晚上 on school nights 每个星期六,every Saturday 饭后,after dinner 饭前 before dinner, 放学后 after school , 每天早上every morning2不要上课迟到,你必须准时.Dont be(arrive) late for class. we must be on time ,3. 不要在走廊里跑.Dont run in the hallway ,4.不要在教室里吃东西,你必须在餐厅里吃.In the classroom , Dont eat in the classroom , You must eat

7、 in the dining hall ,5. 不要打架. Dont fight ,6规则是什么?我们必须上课准时,What are the rules ? We must be on time for class .7我们可以在教室里吃东西吗?不,我们不能,但是我们可以在餐厅里吃,Can we eat in the classroom ,? No, we cant , But we can eat in the dining hall ,8他必须在学校里穿校服吗?Does he have to wear a uniform at school ?9我上学日晚上不能外出,I cant go o

8、ut on school days10他有时会帮助妈妈做早饭,饭后他经常帮助妈妈洗盘子,I sometimes help my mom make breakfast , After dinner I often help my mom do the dishes ,11.不要在课堂上听音乐.Dont listen to music in class ,12它是我在学校的第一天,Its my first day at school ,13上课不迟到,这是非常重要的,Dont arrive late for class , this is important / It is it is impor

9、tant not to arrive late for class ,14.这是一个很好的学校,但是有许多制度. This is a great school but theres a lot of rules ,15.我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗? Can we bring the music players to school ,16.我们总是不得不穿校服. We always have to wear the uniform ,17我们也必须在图书馆里保持安静, We also have to be quiet in the library ,18.他喜欢在空闲的时间里帮助妈妈做饭.

10、 he likes to help his mom make dinner in the free time ,19.不要把脏盘子落在厨房里. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the ,20.在我能看电视前必须读书. I must read a book before I can watch TV,21太多的制度太可怕. Too much rules are terrible ,22.我知道你的感受 I know how you feel 你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗? Can you tell me how I can get to the train statio

11、n, 23. 他们制定制度来帮助我们 They makes rules to help us ,24. 我们必须遵循这些制度 We must follow these rules ,25 学生们必须穿校服,留短发。 Students have to wear a uniform , And keep hair short26我不想让猫抓到. I dont want the cat to get(catch) me ,27我妈妈对我很严格, 她对她的工作也很严格. My mother is strict with me , she is strict in her job。28我们认为最好遵守制

12、度 We think it is best to follow the rules ,.知识讲解, Section A1. arrive late for 迟到,侧重到达的时间晚 be late for 迟到 侧重于状态 arrive late for class/school. = be late for class/school. 上课/上学迟到2. on time准时 按规定时间或指定时间做某事 不早不晚 in time及时 不迟到或在规定时间之前或接近所规定时间做某事 没有迟到,时间还充裕 He always go to school on time.他总是按时上学。 Fireman

13、reached the house on fire in time.消防员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。3. 祈使句 表示请求,命令或建议 祈使句无主语,主语you常省去,动词原形谓语当, 句首加dont否定变 朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。 肯定的祈使句(1) 实义动词原形+其他 Have a seat here. 请这边坐。(2) be动词原形+形容词+其他 Be a good boy!(3) Let sb do sth. Let me help you. 让我来帮你。(4) 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。This way, please. = Go this way, pleas

14、e. 请这边走 否定的祈使句(1) Dont+实义动词+原形 Dont forget me! 不要忘记我! (2) Dont be+形容词+其他 Dont be late for school! 上学不要迟到! (3) Dont let sb do sth Let +宾语+ not + 动词原形+其它成分 Dont let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。 (4) No+Ving. No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼4. hear listen sound 听 hear听说侧重于听的内容 Im sorry to hear that you are ill



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