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1、苏教版小升初素质教育模拟试卷(一)六年级英语(2015年)学校 班别 姓名 座号(内容:3-6年级知识 时间:40分钟 满分:100)抄写第6模块单词。一、短语互译。1.在2003年10月 2.飞入太空3.为感到自豪 ebacktoChina5.在星期六 6.度过21小时7.去机场 8.JiuquanSpaceCentre9.成为一名宇航员 10.spacetravel11.许多人 12.roundandround13.在饭店里 14.lookup二、看问句选答语。( )1.Where did you go on summer vacation?A. I went to Wuhan. B. I

2、 go by plane.( ) 2.What is Xian famous for?A.Its famous for the warriors.B. Its in Shaanxi province.( ) 3.Where is Moscow?A. Its in China. B. Its in Russia.三、将以下短语的英汉形式搭配起来,连线。1.look out of 在天上2in the sky 往外看3wake up 醒来4have an ice cream 12点半5.go to the park 去公园6.at half past twelve 吃冰淇淋7make a birt

3、hday card 制作生日卡片四、写句子。(课文) 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 五、从右边找出左边问题的答语。( )1.Whocanhelpme?( )2.Whatareyoudoing,Tom?( )3.Whatisthetime?( )4.Howmanycatsarethere?( )5.Whatdoyouwanttoeat?a.Itishalfpastthree. b.Rice,please. c.Iamreadingabook. d.Sorry,Icannot e.Thirteen.六、单项选择。(D)1.Who can help _?A.he B.we C.my D. th

4、em(B)2.Mum is _ in the kitchen.A. cooks B.cooking C.cook【分析】(C)3.What is _doing?A.you B.they C.he(D)4.Listen! A boy _behind the wall.A. singing B.is sing C. sings D.is singing【分析】(A)5.The kite is _.A. flying away B.fly away C.flies away【分析】八、根据汉语提示写出单词。1.It looks(看起来) good.2.I want ahamburger(汉堡包),p

5、lease.3.Please enjoy(享用)your dinner.4.The meal(一餐) is very delicious .5.One dollar(美元) is thirteen cents .【分析】美元和美分这两个词汇如果是复数,加S。6.I want a hot dog and he wants (want) a hot dog , too.7.What does she want (want)?She wants (want) some rice.十、请将下列单词和对应的图片连起来。 watch TV ride a bike go to school play foo

6、tball listen to music十一、你知道下面的句子表示的是什么时间吗?请根据句子的意思给各时钟画上相应的时间。1. Its half past seven. 2. Its twelve oclock.3. Its half past one. 4. Its half past eleven.5. Its five oclock. 6. Its half past two 苏教版春季学期素质教育复习试卷(二)六年级英语(2015年)学校 班别 姓名 座号(内容:3-6年级知识 时间:40分钟 满分:100)抄写第7模块单词。一、下面是一选择合适的词填在横线上。When How mu

7、ch How Whose What1. are you? Fine, thank you。【分析】How are you? Fine, thank you。是固定搭配。2. is she going to do? She is going to go shopping.3. bag is this? Its Sams.【分析】Whose的意思是谁,所以回答是人称。4. are you going to eat ? At half past twelve.【分析】when表示时间,所以后面回答是时间。5. is it ? Its five dollars.【分析】How much is it?表

8、示问多少元。二、幅全国部分城市的天气情况图。请跟据图上内容将表示天气状况的词填入下列的表格中。XianGuangzhouBeijingShanghaiLhasaHaikou三、将汉语前的字母代号填入相应的英语短语前。( )1.helpme ( ) 2.birthdayparty ( )3.buythings( )4.runaway ( )5.pickup ( )6.getoffthebus( )7.makeacake ( )8.falldown( )9.notatall ( )10.lookatA. 捡起 B.下车 C.逃跑 D.看. E.做蛋糕F.掉落 G.帮助我 H.生日聚会 I.一点也不

9、 J.买东西四、选择题。( )1. Were have a picnicin the park.A.go to B. going to C. going【分析】going+ to+动词原形( )2. is it? Its 8 dollars.A. How many B. How much C. How old【分析】How much is it?表示问多少元,回答是钱数。( )3. are you wearing these clothes?Because I m a dancer.A. What B. When C. Why【分析】Because是因为,Why是为什么。所以选C。( )4.W

10、hat do you want? I want two .A. hamburger B. cola C. hot dogs【分析】two是复数,所以选 hot dogs。( )5. colas do you want? Four colas, please.A. How many B. How much C. How【分析】How many是多少,回答是Four (4)colas, please。( )6. are you going to go to school?At half past seven.A. When B. What C. Where【分析】when表示时间,所以后面回答是时间。( )7.Whatdoyouwant ?A.eat B.eating C.toeat【分析】want+ to+动词原形( )8.How isit?Its$20.A.many B.much C.old( )9.Doyouwantsomerice? A.Yes,Iwant. B.Yes,Ido. C.No,youdont【分析】用Do来问



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