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1、Its fun to jump教学目标1. 语音知识与语言技能目标(1) 能够听说认读并书写单词:fun run duck under。(2) 能够通过阅读故事总结u在单词中的短音发音 。(3)能够根据发音规律拼读符合发音规律的词,并阅读小故事。2.学习策略(1) 能在图片和文字的帮助下读懂故事。(2)能自主发现,归纳出在单词中的短音发音 。3.情感目标(1)通过小组活动培养孩子合作互助能力。(2)在教师引导下,孩子总结出不能随意嬉戏,树立培养孩子的安全意识。教学重难点(1)掌握元音字母u在闭音节单词中的读音 。 (2) 掌握发音规律后看词会读,听词能拼,能够运用拼读法阅读小故事。教学准备 绘

2、本 单词图片 课件。教学过程I. Pre-reading1.Greeting. 2.Disco warm up T: Children, is it fun? Are you happy?Ss:.3.Watch a short movie about Mr.U.T: Great! Our friends are happy,too. Here comes the first friend- Mr-U . Why is he happy? What does he like to do? Now lets watch a short movie about it.Ss: T: Mr-U like

3、s to jump. What does he jump over?4.Present the topic Read story about Mr. U. T: Today we will read a story about Mr-U. Well know what does Mr.U jump over.II While-reading1. Get to know what does Mr-U jump over(1) Watch, read and circle What does Mr-U jump over? (Step1. Watch Step 2. Read and tick)

4、duck drum sun buscup nut mushroom T: Mr.U likes to jump. What does he jump over? Now lets watch and get the information. Then we will read and tick. Feedback:T: Children, What does Mr.U jump over? Who can stick the pictures to the blackboard, and read it out.(教学意图:引导孩子获取相关信息后,让孩子上台贴相关图片且读单词,充当小老师,树立

5、其自信心) (2)Find out the same sound and letterT: Children, we know Mr. U jumps over so many things: Duck, drum, cup, mushroom and sun.Can you find out the same pronunciation and the same letter?-引导学生发现短元音 (u T: Pay attention to my mouth.找同学示范-同桌示范T: Can you read it to your partner?)(3) Listen and clapT

6、: We know Mr. U jumps over so many things: Duck, drum, cup, mushroom and sun.All the words contain . But can you listen and clap the word contains ? ( bus pencil drum work duck sun mushroom cup bag)(4) Read the words in pairsT: Boys and girls, your listening is so great. But can you read the words?

7、For example:m-u-sh-room. Now do it in pairs.(设计意图:先示范mushroom,降低读次难度,在几次试上后,发现先示范难词,学生到最后输出较为顺利。)(5) Point and sayT:Have you finished? I point and you say!设计意图:通过游戏的方式进行反馈,了解孩子是否能运用拼读法读单词。 (6)Read the story silently and underline the words contain u ( Tips:1.Read the story silently; 2. Underline the

8、 answer.)T: You can speak the words so well. Can you find out the words contain u in the story? Now lets read the story silently and circle the answer.设计意图:再次引导孩子进行无声阅读,发现其他包含u发短元音的单词;同时能培养孩子的阅读技巧,提供孩子自主熟悉文本的机会。2. Read the story and enjoy more funT: Children. Mr. U can jump over so many things. Why

9、does he like to jump? Lets read the story again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ss:.T:Yet, Its fun to jump. That why Mr.U likes to jump.(设计意图:通过听音跟读,再次总结课文主题。)3. Add the story of Mr.U( Blending)T: Mr.U can jump those things. Can he jump over anything else? Lets have a look. Try to

10、 discuss in pairs. For example: h-u-t.设计意图:运用拓展故事的情节进行blending,在于情境的完整性和激发孩子们的兴趣。4.Emotion EducationT: Mr.U likes to jump. Its fun to jump. But can I jump over the chair? Can I jump over the desk? We cannot jump over something dangerous. They will hurt us!III. Post reading 1.Read the story about Gus

11、文本:Run, duck, run.Under the sun, under the sun.Run, duck, run.On the nut, on the nut.Run, duck, run.In the mug, in the mug.Run, duck, run. Run, run, run.Its fun to run.T: Here comes our second friend. Its name is.(gus,引导孩子拼读)We know Mr.U likes to jump. What about Gus? What does he like to do?(1) Pre

12、dict about what does Gus like to do. 设计意图:引导孩子进行预测,发散思维,提高孩子的想象力。(2) Read and answer What does he like to do? T: Maybe he likes to .lets read the story and answer the question. 设计意图:第一次进行自主阅读,大概理解故事内容,对整体故事有初步的理解。(3) Read and underline the answer(读完后与同桌校对答案) Where does Gus run? T:Gus likes to run. B

13、ut where does he run? Read the story again and under the answer. T: Finished? Discuss with your partner. (4) Read the story in group and act it out Step 1. 4 students a group. Step 2. Each person read 2 pictures. Step 3.Show it.2. Image and add a story of GusT: We know the duck likes to run. It runs

14、 under the sun. It runs in the mug. Where else can it run? Now can yo try to image about where can the duck run,fill in the blanks, and complete the story.Little (duck) likes to (run). It is (fun) to run. It runs (under) the (sun). It runs in the . It runs on the . . It runs the .Reference words(参考词汇)介词:in, on, under. Hut gust tub3. Homework1.Read the story Its fun to jump to your parents or friends.讲Mr.U的故事给父母亲或者朋友听。2.Write a story about the duck-Gus.续写Gus的故事。 Gus likes to run. It runs.3.Read more picture books. Recources for picture books:http:/ 拓展阅读:


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