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1、纪念性发言稿【篇一:纪念性演讲】 my grandfather: loving life life is so irreversible and time goes by. while celebrities names being immortalized in history books, so many people hurried to come and hurried to leave the world peacefully. however, these people were also particularly meaningful to his families and fr

2、iends. my grandfather was just one of these special people. others always called him goody-goody in my small village. what made him so venerable is his passion for helping others all the time and regardless of what he could get from it. it has been said that his behaviour had even influenced the who

3、le villages custom. my grandfather was born in 1941, into a typical poor farmers family in wuhan, hubei province. he lost his mother in 6 and lost his father in 9. then he was taken care of by his uncle and aunt. during chinas big society changes , we could see how hard for a child to make his livin

4、g .however, he was truly an optimistic man. he knew how to find happiness in suffering. when he lacked of food, he might catch fishes in the pond or help others do something for a meal or more. he had no money, so he had not gone to school. but he just used his flexible mind to learn from the elder.

5、 actually, he had a good handwriting. whats more, he learned the living of fluffing cotton(弹棉花). at 16, he got married with my grandma who was also an orphan. then they had three children my father, my uncle, and my aunt. they workedhard to make ends meet. he is ok but sometimes he is over warmheart

6、ed, my grandma said. in the past, people all lived a hard life. though he wasnt a rich man by any means, he gave his extra food to the others. sometime these behaviour caused my grandmas heavier work.with the development of the society, money and food are no longer problems. he did not stop trying n

7、ew things. always energetic, he learned a lot about electricity and he explored how to be a carpenter. my childhood was spent with my grandparents. and my grandpa made many wooden toys for me. he took me to go fishing, swimming, and working in the field. i missed the happy time very much. in 2010, h

8、e was diagnosed with esophageal cancer(食道癌). differ from our worries, he was so calm. though he suffer a lot with chemotherapy treatments, he smiled all the time. though he could not eat anything when his illness outbroke, he smiled to us to show he was ok. as the disease repeated again and again, h

9、e became more and thinner and thinner. in stead of feeling down and defeated by his serious condition, he felted challenged and prepared for his future. his curiosity remained. he insisted to be guider of his two sons new houses. people will remember the man, who had enough love in his heart to shar

10、e with them all that he had. my grandfather died on april 29, 2012, at the age of 71. his death was so sudden. i rushed back home but failed to see him before his going. almost everyone in the village came to hisfuneral. a contented mind is a perpetual feast, my grandpa always told us to keep it in

11、mind. he practiced this all his life.【篇二:发言稿格式六点】 发言稿的格式 发言稿写法比较灵活,结构形式要求也 不那么严格,可以根据会议的内容、需要等情况而有所区别。常见的形式有: 开门见山提出本人要谈的问题及对问题的看法,然后说明理由,最后照应开头对全文做简明扼要的总结。 直接写出要讲的几个问题或几点意见,可用序号1、2、3等表示,问题讲完,即告结束,不写开头和结尾。 汇报经验、情况的发言,内容比较系统,它包括情况叙述、经验介绍、体会收获等,这几方面的内容要连贯地写出来,构成一篇比较完整的文章。 练习写发言稿要注意什么呢? 写发言稿时,要注意三点: 观点

12、鲜明。对问题持什么看法,要明确表态。对尚未认识清楚的问题,要实事求是说明,不要含糊其词,如果是汇报性的发言,要中心明确,重点突出,不必面面俱到。 怎样才能写好发言稿的开头呢? 条理清楚。一篇发言稿要谈几方面的问题,每一方面问题要讲哪些条目。都要安排得有条有理,让人听起来容易抓住重点。 语言简洁明快。发言是直接面向听众,所以,发言的语言一定要简洁明快,尽量不使用冗长罗嗦的句子,更不要使用一些深奥难懂的词句,话要说得准确、易懂,最好运用大众语言。 写一篇发言稿,一般要想好写作的内容。 怎样才能写好发言稿的结尾呢? 发言稿的结尾,一般是发言人表达的美好祝愿。要根据不同的场合,不同的会议,来表示不同的

13、祝福或祝贺。 下面是一个同学为参加竞选班长而写的发言提纲: 题目:竞选班长发言稿 开头:向大家问好。 中间:1介绍自己。 2说明自己为什么要竞选班长。 3说说自己打算如何当好班长。 结尾:表决心。希望大家投自己一票。 (1)发言稿的格式:称呼、问候、致谢等。 (2)发言稿的语言风格:诚恳,坦率,简洁等。 (3)发言的吸引力:条理清楚,有创意等。 开头一般要看会议的内容和对象。如祝教师节大会,开头要向教师问好,如果是运动会,发言稿的开头要向教练员、运动员等问好。总之是要根据不同的人员,用不同的方式和内容来问好。 尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我是六年级二班的云楠,今天 我发言的题

14、目是好习惯伴我成长。 梁启超曾说过,少年智则国智,少年强则国强。我们是祖国的花朵,我们是祖国的未来,但是现在我们周围还有好多学生不文明不讲礼仪。 在我们的校园内、楼梯上总能见到与我 们美丽的校园极不和-谐的纸屑,甚至有的同学认为:反正有值日的同学,扔了又何妨;再例如有的同学在教学楼走廊上追逐打闹, 走路推推搡搡习以为常;甚至还有个别同学故意损坏学校的公共财物。我们很多同学把文化知识的学习放在首位,而常常忽略了社会公德的培养,文明习惯的养成,而这并不应该是我们21世纪中学生的作为。事实上,良好的行为习惯,是我们顺利学习的前提,也是树立健康人格的基矗在学校没有良好的行为习惯的同学就可能目无纪律,不

15、讲卫生,扰乱班级的学习环境。相反,如果我们养成了文明的行为习惯,学习环境就一定是良好的、有序的。我们知道:一个学生具有良好的文明行为习惯,才能构建出优良的学习环境,创设出优良的学习气氛。 同学们,请保留此标记如果我们不在此 时抓好自身道德素质的培养,那我们即使拥有了丰富的科学文化知识,于人于己于社会又有何用呢?所以,在这里,我倡议大家首先应该做一个堂堂正正的人,一个懂文明、有礼貌的好学生。记得一位名人曾说:德行的实现是由行为构成的,而不是由文字。无数事例表明,走向事业辉煌、开创成功人生的关键是高尚的情操。代表民族未来的我 们,需要学习和继承的东西有很多很多,然而最基本的问题是:我们究竟要以什么

16、样的精神风貌,什么样的思想品质和什么样的道德水准去接过人类文明的接力棒。 南开大学校长在镜子上写了一句箴言:“面必争,发必理,衣必整,钮必结,头容正,肩容平,胸容宽,背容直。”作为一个学生,我们必须明白自己的仪表起码必须符合学校的气氛和学生的身份,保持大方、得体的仪表,这才是我们最亮的一面! 美国著名教育家曼恩说:“习惯像一根缆绳,我们每天给它缠上一股新索,要不了多久,它就会变得牢不可破。”同学们,就让我们去为好习惯的缆绳缠上恒心的索链吧。当他牢不可破之时,让我们拉杆起航,成就生命的精彩! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! 发言人:云楠 某年某月某日篇二:发言稿格式 发 言 稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我今天演讲的题目是。


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