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1、高考英语听力指导,Read before you listen.听前预读 Catch the key words. 抓关键词 Take notes quickly. 快速笔记 Be in a good mood. 心态良好,Listening skills,短对话:一般命题思路,借车?一般是借不到的 考试?比较难,要熬夜,老师一般比较严厉 事故?比较光明,不会死人 讲座?题目比较有趣,内容一般比较复杂难懂 作文?一般要修改polish或重写rewrite 娱乐?男生一般喜欢在家里玩,女生一般喜欢高雅艺术theater 医院?需要预约make an appointment 买票?基本上是买不到的

2、,1、时间运用技巧: 画重点 及时转移注意力 2、预测原则:适用于长对话,预先构建情景 3、关键词原则 4、听力速记:速记符号、缩写形式 5、词汇:高三学生需要掌握尽可能大的词汇量,以备不时之需!,第一步:看,高考听力有一半的信息靠听,而另一半的信息靠阅读。 迅速浏览题干和所给选项,做到有备而发!,化被动为主动!,听力原则:,高考听力有一半的信息靠听,而另一半的信息靠阅读。 迅速浏览题干和所给选项,做到有备而发!,化被动为主动!,忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有较大差异的部分。,例1:Whats the mans suggestion? Buying expensive things. Buyi

3、ng cheap things. Buying necessary things.,读题技巧一:,例2: A: He went to see his doctor in his spare time yesterday. B: He visited his friends when he was free yesterday. C: He called on an old farmer after work yesterday.,What does the man want to order? A . 50 TV sets B. 15 computers C. 50 personal comp

4、uters,C,两个有交集的选项往往是正确答案。,读题技巧二:,预 判 原 则,Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies? A. He has just become a father. B. He wears dirty clothes. C. He is a smoker.,1. 常识判断原则,排 除,Why did the woman buy a heavy coat for Jimmy? Winter is coming soon. B. Jimmyll go into the mountains. C. Jim

5、my has caught a cold.,排 除,Whats the mans response to the womans suggestion? A. He doesnt take it seriously. B. He has rejected it. C. He has accepted it.,2. 同义同错原则,如果两个选项表意相同或相近,就意味着它们都不能选。,关注焦点,【2008年全国卷第11题】 What does the woman think about the mans idea? A.Its interesting. B. its worth trying. C.

6、its impractical.,关注焦点,为了干扰考生判断,往往会设一个与正确答案相反的选项作为陷阱,也就意味着如果两个选项的意思完全相反,那么答案很可能是其中的一个。,3. 反义有解原则,Why does the woman plan to go to town? A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank.,答案很可能是A或C,长对话中一般设计23个问题,这些问题往往形成了一个信息链,考生可以从中预测听力测试内容,有时甚至问题本身就泄

7、露了答案。,4.呼应原则,例1: 1. What was the man doing? A、Buying clothes. B、Selling clothes. C、Having a suit made. 2. Why didnt the person take the suit? A、It was too big. B、It was too expensive. C、It was out of fashion.,A,15.Why did the officer want to see the drivers license? A. The driver was speeding. B. Th

8、e driver was a stranger. C. The driver took the wrong turn. 16. What is the speed limit in business area of that city? A. 25 miles per hour. B. 20 miles per hour. C. 35 miles per hour.,A,10. What can we learn from the conversation? A John Smith is now out of work. B John Smith changed his job three

9、weeks ago. C More than one Mr. Smith works in the company. 11. Where is John Smith working now? In a bank nearby. B. In a faraway company C In a Bank of China far away.,【2005年全国卷第8,9题】 8.Why does the man feel surprised? The woman has found a new job. the woman doesnt feel like leaving. C. The woman

10、disagrees with him. 9. What does the woman say about her department? There is a lack of trust. B. there are serious problems. C. There is too much pressure.,第二步:听,为了避免心理紧张等情绪,可做深呼吸,放松心情,使自己处于最佳心理状态。如果某一句话听不明白,暂时放弃,以免影响后面的答题。,听完听力后,不要再回过头去检查或修改自己的答案。因为,据统计学原理及对学生进行采访的结果表明:在大多数情况下,改动越多,错误率越高。,2相信第一感觉,

11、小对话典型题型分析(part1),1.场景型问题,2.人物关系及身份题,3.数字型问题,5.观点态度题,4.推理判断题,一、场景型问题,解题技巧: a.分析选项目, 预测可能出现的词汇,短语,句子. b.仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词,特别是场景词汇及习惯用语.,menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich,take medicine, pill , headache, blood pressure fever,luggage, single room, double room, room number ,reserve, book,餐馆(restaura

12、nt),宾馆(hotel),mail, deliver, stamp envelope, telegram,邮局(post office),医院(hospital),where,M: What would you like to have, madam ? W: I a cup of coffee and chicken sandwich.,Where does the conversation probably take place? (2011重庆) A. In a restaurant B. On a farm C. At home,二、人物关系及身份题,解题技巧: 仔细辨认对话中的职业

13、相关词,抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。 b.在听人物之间关系的题目时,说话人之间的语气尤其重要,如果是上司跟下属之间的关系,语气一般较强硬,有命令的意味;而如果是夫妻之间,则语气较为甜蜜,随意;朋友之间较亲切;服务员对顾客一般较尊敬。,职业与人物间的关系,husband and wife,assistant and customer,doctor and patient,teacher and student,解题技巧: a.要注意区分-teen和-ty及four和five的发音;辨别多位数,如电话号码,门牌等。 b.无论是哪种计算,其特点是计算都较简单,一般不会超出口算和心算的范围。在做题的过

14、程当中,最好做简要的笔记。这类题的特点是学生听到什么就选什么往往会错。,三、数字型问题,When does this conversation take place? A. At 5:00. B. At 5:15. C. At 4:45.,W: Oh, no. Its five oclock already, and I havent finished my homework. M: Dont worry. That clock is fifteen minutes fast. You still have time to do it.,C,What was the normal price

15、of the T-shirt? (2010全国一No.2) A. 15 B. 30 C. 50,B,W: So what did you buy? M: A T-shirt, it was a real bargain. I got it half price, saving 15 dollars.,四、推理判断题,解题技巧: 1捕捉“弦外之音“,如降调表示赞同肯定;升调表示怀疑、惊讶或否定。 2侧重but词后的信息,这些词后的信息往往比较重要。,3注意一些语法结构的运用,如虚拟语气表示与事实相反;否定比较级结构表示最高级; I wish I could be in 2 places at o

16、nce. It couldnt be better. I couldnt agree more. You can never/ not be too careful I have never seen a better film.,What does the man mean? Hell explain them. He doesnt know them, either. He knows them very well.,语气,W: Can you explain these difficult words for me? M: Me?,B,W: Hi John. How is your exam? M: It couldnt be better. W: Really? But remember this: hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.,否定比较级表示最高级


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