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1、海乘常见问题汇总及详细解答 面试必背1. How are you doing?Hows your day?How are you?Whats up?都是问你好吗?跟你打招呼呢 你只要回答Im great/good/super good! What about you, Sir/Miss? 乐呵的且富有情感的回答2. Are you ready for this interview? 准备好面试没?3. Are you feel nervous? 紧张啊你?4. Whats your name?或 How can I addressed you?你叫啥名儿?别只会听whats your name

2、!5. Give me some information about yourself。Can/could you introduce yourself (to me)?Please introduce yourself。以上三种说法都是让你做自我介绍。6. Which position do you applying for? You applying for which position?句子顺序不同都是问的:你申请的啥职位?7. How did you know the cruise/our ship/our boat? 你是咋知道我们邮轮/轮船/船 的?How much do you

3、know the cruise/our ship/our boat? 你对我们了解多少?这个一定要听明白了问的是什么,不要听差劈了!8. Would you mind to tell me something about your working experience?Can you say something about your working experience?Give me some information about your last job, please.这几句话都是问你的工作经验是什么,首先一定要听明白问题问的是什么,如果没听清可以有礼貌的再问面试官一次Pardon me

4、 Sir/Miss. I didnt get it.对不起,先生/女士,我没听清。如果你听清楚,但是不确定可以问: Sorry/Excuse me, Sir/Miss. Could you be more specific? 对不起,先生/女士,您能在详细点吗? 这句是相当拿分的一个句子,一定要谨记!工作经验的部分在面试过程中是至关重要的部分,几乎决定你面试成功与否,回答时,不要只回答你做过什么,一定要细致化,时间、地点、工作职位、工作主要职责,工作内容的详细描述,能说多少说多少,但是一定不要显现出背诵的痕迹,要自然,像是在唠嗑的感觉,把自己推销出去,堵上面试官的嘴,让他觉得你很NB.一个问题

5、回答的出色你就妥了!当然,如果你回答不过完整,接下来面试官就有可能问你一下的问题了:Could you describe your daily work?能不能跟我唠唠你日常工作都干啥?Could/can you tell me something about your last job/work?能不能跟我唠唠你上个工作都干啥啊?Give me some information about your last job/work跟我说说你上个工作情况啥的。 Could/can you say something about your work there?你上个工作在那儿都干啥啊?Why di

6、d you leave/quit you your last job?因为啥不干了?9. When and where you study/go to school/college/university?你什么时候在哪上的学/大专技校/大学?When and where you graduated?你什么时候在哪毕业的?Whats your education background?Tell me something about your education background.Give me some information about your education background.

7、Can you/could you/will you say something about your education background.问的都是你的教育背景和学历情况,一定要详细作答,哪年,在那个学校,学的是什么。不要给面试官再问你下面的问题的机会!Whats your major?或者 what did you learn there?你的专业是什么?或 你在那学到了什么?What did you do after graduated?After graduation, what did you do?你毕业以后都干啥了?10. Where do you live? Where a

8、re you from? Whats your address? Where is your hometown? 你住在哪?从哪里来?你的地址是哪里?你的家乡是哪里?答:I live inXXX. Im fromXXX .My address isXXX XXX XXX.My hometown isXXX.我住在XXX市。我从XXX来。我的地址是XXX XXX XXX 我的家乡是XXX。11. How long it takes you from your hometown to here by bus/train? How far away from here to your hometow

9、n? 从你家乡到这里做公车/火车需要多长时间?这离你家乡有多远?答:It takes aboutXXX hours by bus/train. It is aboutXXX kilometers.从我家乡到这里坐公车/火车需要XXX个小时。这里离我的家乡有XXX千米。12.Do you have any brothers or sisters ? What is your brother or sister doing?你有兄弟姐妹么?你的兄弟姐妹都是做什么的?答:Yes, I have. /No,I havent . He/she is a XXX. 我有/没有兄弟姐妹。我的兄弟姐妹是做XX

10、X的。13.问:What is your father/mother doing? Whats the occupation of your parents?你父母都是做什么的?你父母的职业是什么?答:They are XXX .我的父母都是做XXX 的。我父母的职业是 。14.问:Who will take care of your parents when you are abroad?你在国外的时候谁来照顾你的父母?答:I think my brother and my sister will take care of them. /They are still young, and i

11、s no problem for them to take care of themselves.我在国外的时候我的兄弟姐妹会照顾好我的父母。/我的父母还很年轻,他们能自己照顾好自己,没有问题。15. Do you like English? Why? How long have you learned English? Why do you think English is important? How to improve your English?你喜欢英语么?为什么?你学了多久英语?你为什么认为英语很重要?如何提高英语水平?答:Yes, I like it, because it is

12、 very useful. I have learned itfor XX.Because its the first language in the world, at the same time i think English means opportunities for me in the coming future, i can learn more things by English, Not only broadened horizons, but also to understand cultural diversity, in my opinion, Improving En

13、glish has five points, more watching, more listening, more reading, more speaking, more writing, and take every chance u have to practice it, to use it everyday. 我喜欢英语。因为英语是一门很有用的语言。我学了XX年英语。我觉得英语重要是因为英语是现在世界各国的通用语言,于此同时,我想英语在不远的将来对我来说意味着机遇,通过英语我能学到更多东西,不但开阔了我的眼界,而且还了解了多元的文化。提高英语主要有五点,多看多听多读多说多写,同时每

14、天抓住每一个机会去练习去使用。16.Can you speak other foreign languages except English? 除英语外,你还可以说其他外语么?答:Except English, I can also speakXXX./No ,I cant.除了英语我还会说XXX。/不,不会别的语言了。17.If the guest complains to you, what do you do?如果客人向你抱怨,你会怎么做?答:If the guest complains to me, I will smiling with the guest. Ask what the

15、 problem, and try my best to solve the problem asap, to do what ever i can to make my customer satisfied.如果顾客向我抱怨,我会以笑脸相迎。问哪里出了错误,尽自己最大的努力尽快解决问题,尽我所能使我的客人满意。18. How much do u know about our company (Ship name)? 你对我们公司(船名)了解多少?这个问题涉及到你们申请的航线,需根据具体航线作答。常见问题问答技巧汇总:1. Tell me something about yourself(self-introduction) 自我介绍/自我评价回答:1),I am a person with strong interpersonal skills and have the ability to get along well with people. I enjoy challen


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