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1、第一学期阶段性学习八年级英语A(2)班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_一、词汇(10分)1. He is an (诚实的)boy, so l believe what he says.2.There are always some (广告)when you watch your favourite TV programmes(节目).3.May is a t friend, you can talk to her about everything.4.When l feel b or unhappy, he talks to me and tells me funny jokes.5.Climbi

2、ng hills is (健康的)than watching TV.6.In our history there were a lot of h_(those who you admire very much)7.After I came to this school, I knew how to cook _(美味的) food.8. Who is a_(can) to work out the difficult maths problem.9. Among those students Amy got the most p_ in the English exam.10. China i

3、s a country with a long _ (历史).二、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Why not _(share) these things with the children in poor areas?2.Which city is _(far) to the sea, Beijing or Tianjin?3.English is not as _(difficult) as Chinese.4.The seat is very hard . I feel very _(comfortable) when I sit on it.5. I am _ (will) t

4、o teach these children.6.If somebody _ (worry) me, Jim always helps me.7.The story made me quite _ (bore).8.Who is _ (strong) of the two boys?9.Do you have anything _ (think) about?10.Will you go skating if it _ (not rain) next Sunday?三、单项选择 (15分)( )1. He is always able to make us _ in class.A. to l

5、aughing B. to laugh C. laughing D. laugh( )2.-He must be a true friend, isnt he?- Of course he is. He seldom _ a bad word about others.A. speaks B. talks C. says D. tells( )3.We all think him one of the _ in our school.A. best teachers B. best teacher C. good teacher D. better teachers( )4. We dont

6、need to got to school this afternoon. -But there is _ homework for us to do. I hate it!A. much too B. too many C. many too D. too much( )5.Both Andy and Lucy are generous _ their friends.A. for B. with C. to D. of( )6.What do you _ this American film? It is very interesting.A. think B. think of C. f

7、ind D. see( )7. Kitty is as _ as my sister.A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest( ) 8. The number of the teachers in our school _ growing.A. are B. am C. is D. have( ) 9. He is a Japanese man , but he can speak _ English.A. few B. little C. a few D. a little( )10. Who has _ money of th

8、e three children? Kitty does.A. less B. more C. the least D. the fewest( ) 11. I didnt know _ to do things _ myself last year.A. how; from B. what; for C. how; for D. what; with( ) 12. My shoes _ the same size _ his.A. is; as B. are; like C. is; like D. are;as ( )13. Its winter now. The weather is g

9、etting_.A. very cold and colder B. colder and colder C. more cold and cold D. coldest and coldest( )14. China is one of _ in the world.A. the oldest country B. much older country C. the oldest countries D. oldest countries( )15. Little Jimmy is eight years old, but we have seven candles only, we nee

10、d _ candle.A. only one B. some more C. one more D. one much四、句型转换 (每空一词,10分)1. My father is very generous and helpful . (对话线部分提问)_ your father _?2. Amy is fifteen years old. Millie is fifteen years old too. (同义句)Amy is _ old _ Millie.3. He couldnt go to school because he was ill. (同义句)He couldnt go

11、to school _ _ his illness.4. Mary and her sister live in the same bedroom. (同义句)Mary _ a bedroom _ her sister.5. PE is useful. Art is more useful. Science is more useful than Art. (合并为一句)Science is _ _ useful of the three subjects.五、汉译英 (每空一词,10分)1. 他视力不好,因此总是戴着眼镜。He has _ _, so he always wears glas

12、ses.2. 我们的教室比他们的明亮得多。Our classroom is _ _ than theirs.3. 确保在周五之前完成工作。_ _ you can finish the work before Friday.4. 我的空闲时间比约翰少。I have_ free time _ John.5. 我的包和你的包一样大。My bag is the same _ _ yours.六、完形填空。 (10分)Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 20th century,because many changes

13、will take place in the new century,but what will the changes be?The population is 46 fastThere will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live 47 than before 48 will be much smaller and more useful,and there will be at least one in every homeAnd computer studies will be one of the important subjects at 49 People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century,and they will have more free time for sports, 50 TV and travelingTraveling will be 51 . And many more people will go to other countries for holidaysMore land will be used fo


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