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1、2016-2017学年第二学期六年段英语学科期末考查卷班级 姓名 座号 成绩 听 力 部 分 40分一、听音两遍,选择你所听到的单词,将其序号写在括号里。10分()1.A.houseworkB.homeworkC.hometown()2.A.mapB.fatC.cake()3.A.busB.funC.red()4.A.highB.lightC.eight()5.A.workerB.nurseC.dancer()6.A.feelB.feverC.famous()7.A.haveB.hasC.hope()8.A.loveB.likeC.lesson()9.A.heavyB.healthyC.hea

2、d()10.A.missB.kissC.chess二、听音两遍,标号。12分A.B.( )( )( )( )( )( )C.D.( )( )( )( )( )( )三、听音两遍判断,相符的画J,不符的画L。 8分 5.6.7 .8.四、听音两遍,圈出你所听到的粗斜体字的单词。6分1. Dont worry. I can help you with your Math English.2. Take this medicine three two times a day.3. What a beautiful school park !4. Doctors Teacher ca

3、n make people strong and healthy.5. Whos this woman man.6.Our reading-room is on the 6th 7th floor. 五、听音两遍,在相应的图片左下方的“ ”内打“”。4分 1. 2. 3. 4. 笔试部分60分一、请默写出5个元音字母的大小写。 5分二、请按正确的格式抄写单词和句子并译成汉语。(注意大小写和标点符号)8分 driver feel grow ( ) ( ) ( ) we can invite her parents to the party ( )三、按括号里的要求完成下列各题。12分 are(过

4、去式) thin(反义词) break (过去式) went(动词原型) see a doctor (英译汉) gave(动词原型) 写出有关基数词的单词_ _ _写出有关序数词的单词 四、选择适当的动词完成词组。12分 【 visit drink have open go climb 】 skating a mountain your eyes a fever some milk our physics Lab五、选择填空。( 只写序号 ) 12分( ) 1.It was Mothers Day yesterday. I this photo of my mom.A. takesB. tak

5、eC. took( ) 2.Whats his job? He is a .A. fatherB. doctorC. flower( ) 3.You have a fever. You drink a lot of water.A. mustB. with C. cant( ) 4.What interesting book!A. aB. amC. an( ) 5.I can help Mom with housework.A. sheB. herC. he( ) 6.The labs are on the floor.A. ninthB. nineC. nineteen 六、图文配对,将序号

6、填在下面的括号里。5分B.A. C.D. E. ( )1. On the bus I can give my seat to old people.( )2. The light is red. You mustnt cross the street.( )3. It was Thanksgiving dinner last year.( )4. He didnt do well in high jump.( )5. I want to be a football player.七、阅读理解,在括号里判断正( T ),误( F )。 6分 I walk very slowly(慢慢地) wit

7、h a big , heavy box in my hands. A boy runs very fast towards me. He is too fast. And he cant stop. Oh, dear! My box drops to the floor and books are everywhere(到处). What can I do? I want to cry(哭). The boy says, “Sorry.” And he helps me to pick up (捡起)all the books. He then helps me to carry the bo

8、x of books to our classroom. Who is he? He is my new classmate. His name is Jimmy and he is from England. We are good friends now.( )1. Jimmy is a new student.( )2. Jimmy carries the books to the classroom.( )3. I drop the box because its too heavy.( )4. Jimmy is an American boy.( )5. I help Jimmy to pick up all the books.( )6. We are good classmate.


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