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1、 学校 班级 姓名 考号 20172018学年第二学期期末质量检测题小学四年级英语试题时间:60分钟;总分:100分,其中卷面分5分 。等级 一、英汉互译。(10分)1、一个聪明的小学生 2、这些朋友 3、洗衣服 4、野餐 5、在周六 6、do the housework 7、go swimming 8、next week 9、乘坐飞机 10、a nice teacher 二、词形转化。(10分)1、 take (现在分词) 2、come (过去式) 3、so(对应词) 4.、 long (反义词) 5、many (同意词组) 6、travel (过去式) 7、 were not (缩写形式)

2、 8、people(复数) 9、English(国家名) 10、will not(缩写形式) 三、选出不同类的单词。(10分)( )1、A、take B、cook C、weather( )2、A、Monday B、clever C、cool( )3、A、beautiful B、famous C、ball ( )4、A、robot B、naughty C、clever ( )5、A、young B、singC、 old ( )6、A walk B talk C milk ( )7、A fish B meat C water ( )8、A my B him C your ( )9、A was B

3、nice C had( )10、A time B today C yesterday四、从B栏中找出A栏问句的答语,将序号写在题前括号中。(20分) A B ( )1、Will you take your ball tomorrow? A、Forty.( )2、Whats this? B、Yes, he was .( )3、Can the robot walk? C.Yes, I will. ( ) 4.W ill they do our homework? D、It will be hot. ( )5、What will the weather be today? E、Yes, it can

4、.( )6、Was your father at home? F、No, they wont.( )7、Whats twenty and twenty? G.Its a book about China.( )8、Did you visit New York? H、Yes , I did .( )9、You are nice. I、Yes, it is .( )10、Is the Tower Bridge famous? J、Thank you! 五、读句子,选出错误的一项并改正。(10分)1、( )I will playing football tomorrow. A B C2.( )My

5、father can plays table tennis A B C3.( )Sam is talk with Daming. A B C4.( )These are my friend A B C5.( )In Sunday ,I will go swimming. 学校 班级 姓名 考号 A B C六、单项选择题。(20分) ( )1. I phoned Grandma. A. on B. / C. to ( )2.Im going to TV .A. look B. see C .watch ( )3. He didnt Mum.A. helps B.helped C.help ( )

6、4. He played the computer.A. on B. in C.at ( )5 We football tomorrow .A. play B. played C. will play ( )6.This panda is short ,but that one is .A.fat B.tall C.small( )7. house is it ? Its Linglings . A.Whos B.Whose C.What( )8.Its close the Queens house .A.on B.about C.to( )9. Today is Tuesday and to

7、morrow is .A. Wednesday B. Monday C .Thursday ( )10. Kate will Grandma next Tuesday .A. visit B. vsited C. visits七、根据天气符号写出正确的单词。(10分) 1、It will be _ _( )in Bejing tomorrow.2、It will be_ _ ( )in Zhengzhou tomorrow.3、It will be _ _( )in Hangzhou tomorrow.4、It will _ _ ( )in Guangzhou tomorrow. 5、It will _ _ ( )in Yinchuan tomorrow.八、选词填空,完成小故事。(5分)bumped went bought thirsty carried Sam and Daming_for a bike ride yesterday.And then they were hungry and_.So they_a watermelon.And then Sam_the watermelon on the bike.And then Sam fell off his bike.And the watermelon_ Damings head.


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