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1、 2017-2018学年第二学期五年级英语期中复习班级: 姓名: 座号: 一、写出下列单词或词组的中文意思。1.hometown 2. Sun Moon Lake 3.tour 4. under 5. next to ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6.look for 7.pick up 8.spring outing 9. climb the mountain 10.brown( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )11.over there 12. Easter 13.thirsty 14. elephant 15. get on( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二 、根据中文意

2、思写出下列单词。1. 中国 2. 湖 3. 地图 4. 小山 5.父,母,家长 6. 饿的 7. 上颜色 8. 藏 9. 花园 10.水 11. 照相机 12.天空 13.云 15. 头发 16.害怕 三写出下列句子的中文意思。1I played chess with my dad.( )2There is a map over there .( )3There are some bears under the tree.( )4 . Im going to hide the eggs. ( )5 . We are going for a spring outing. ( )6. I m go

3、ing to take a camera with me. ( )四. 根据I栏问句,从II栏中选择正确的答句,将序号填入题前的括号内。 ( )1、Did you eat the bananas? A. I am going to hide the eggs.( )2、Were you in Taiwan? B. She is looking for the eggs.( )3、How was your winter vacation? C. I saw pandas.( )4、What animals did you see? D. No, I wasnt.( )5、What are you

4、 going to do? E. No, we didnt.( ) 6. What is she doing? F. It was wonderful.五、选词填空。1、 Im _ the Easter eggs. ( hide / hiding)2、 Im going to _ the Easter eggs.3、I often_ chess with my dad. ( play / played)4、How was your winter vacation? I _ chess with my dad.5、Miss Gao is going to _ a photo. ( take / taking ) 6、Now she is _ a photo of her pupils. 7、She is picking up _ egg. ( a / an )8、Im going to take _ umbrella with me. 9、Im going to take _ camerawith me.六、模仿范例,写一写。 例: shesing She is singing . She is going to sing. Theydance Hewatch TV Shetake a photo Iget on the bus


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