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1、小学六年级下册英语3月份 月清检测一、选出不属于同一类的词。( )1.A.chicken B.hotdogC.menu D.noodles( )2.A.orange B.apple C.fruit D.peach( )3.A.monkeyB.panda C.bear D.pear( )4.A.shorts B.shoesC.coats D.colas( )5.A.six B.seven C.eleven D.book二、英汉短语互译。1.一个热狗 2.threedollarsandfivecents_3.在12点_4.haveourfavouritedish 5.在山上 6.在池塘上 7.在这

2、张照片上 8.有趣的一天 9.fly away 10.have a lovely time 三、单项选择。( )1.Were looking _ some ducks.A. in B. at C. near( )2.Shes _ her homework.A. do B. did C. doing ( )3. The _ are playing in the park.A. child B. childs C. children( )4. -How are you, Mike? You look so_. -Its raining outside. I cant play football.A

3、. happy B. excited C. sad( )5. The ducks _ in the water . A, is swimming B, are swiming. C are swimming( )6.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:A.How much is a hot dog? B. Here you are. C. How much is a hamburger?( )7. A dog _ under that tree. A. sleeping B, is sleeping C, sleep ( ) 8. I want _ some tea ,please . A. t

4、o drink B. drink C. drinking ( ) 9.I am going to _in my bedroom. A. does B. playing C. rest ( ) 10. How much is it ? It is _. Athirteen dollar and one cents.B. thirteen dollars and one cents. C. thirteen dollars and one cent. 四、连词成句。1.hot I a want dog please (.)_2.do want what you eat to (?)_3. are

5、going to when we eat (?)_4. It snow Harbin will (.)_5.sun the shining is (.)_6.cows the water are drinking (.)_五.阅读理解,根据对话内容,判断正“T”误“F”。 (阅读 一)Mother:Sally,canyouhelpme,please?Iwanttogoshopping.Sally: OK.Mum.Whatdoyouwanttobuy?Mum:Someeggs,someoranges,somemilk,andsomechickenforsupper. Whatcanwehavef

6、orlunchtomorrow?Sally:Idontknow.Mother:Oh,yesitis.Somefish.Sally:Isfishveryexpensive(昂贵的)?Mother:Yes,itis.Butdadlikesfish.Sally:Whataboutsomerice?Mother:Iwantsomenicebread.Sally:OK.Letsgo.()1.Sallyandmumwanttobuysomefood,somemilkandsomefruit.()2.Theywanttobuysomebread.()3.Fishischeap.(便宜的)( )4.Sally

7、sfatherlikesfish.()5.Sallywantstohavechickenandriceforlunchtomorrow.(阅读 二) I Can See You John has a parrot. It is a nice bird. Everyday John says to it, “Hello! I can see you!” Soon the bird can say “Hello! I can see you!”One day John is at school. A thief (小偷)comes into Johns room. He wants to stea

8、l(窃取) something. A voice comes, “Hello! I can see you!” The thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.快速判断,对的写T,错的写F( )1.John is a policeman. ( )2. John has some birds. ( )3. The thief wants to take some things away from the room. ( )4. The bird can say some Chinese. ( )5. The thief sees John and goes away.



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