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1、guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and de

2、velop three strict three real of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to. 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai

3、, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich one country, two systems practice and advance country unified, and

4、 go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI , Secretary of a

5、series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the partys theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteri

6、stics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the wise men to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit,

7、grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geos

8、cience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance four a full strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law

9、 ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI , on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology

10、to highlight the learning of the XI on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI , education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the t

11、heme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to银行人员竞聘面试方案一、背景 按照*银行人才管理科学化要求,根据*银行改制的整体部署,此次银行各部门经理、主管、领班的竞聘在职位分析的基础上,采用面向社会、公开招聘信息、科学化的履历筛选、结构化面试、管理人员心理测试、无领导小组讨论、党委讨论决定、公示的程序方法,确保人才的素质和能力水平适应*银行发展的要求。二、说明本次竞聘面试采用结构化面试的方法。一般来说,面试按照结构化或标准化程度的高低可以分为结构化面试、


13、所要求的个人素质和能力;针对性,能够反映职位对人员素质的特殊要求;实用性,保证测评要素含义明确,杜绝含义间相互交叉重复。在对*银行所有部门经理、主管、领班职位分析的基础上,确定通用管理性测评要素的不超过10个,主要的测评要素包括: 仪表举止:一般没有专门的题目对应,主要是来自对应聘者的外貌、体态、衣着、举止以及精神状态的观察所获得的信息。 思维和言语表达能力:思维能力是指应聘者对考官所提出的问题进行综合分析的能力。考察的主要指标有:是否能抓住问题的实质、分析问题是否全面、思维是否具有逻辑性、灵活性、条理性、是否善于把握事物之间的联系等等。由于面试是一种口头言语的交流过程,因此在面试中直接反映出

14、来的就是应聘者的言语表达能力。言语表达能力主要考察的是应聘者是否能够将自己的思想、观点、建议和意见等等清晰而流畅地用言语表达出来。考察的具体内容包括表达的流畅性、逻辑性、准确性和感染力等等。在现行的结构化面试技术中,一般将应聘者的言语表达能力与思维能力放在一起考察。 解决问题能力 合作精神和灵活度 人际交往意识与技巧 应变能力 组织管理与协调能力 进取心与成就动机 角色认知 自我控制能力。此外,除了上述一般能力或素质外,在结构化面试中还通过设置一些专业性较强的题目来考察应聘者的专业素质能力。3、确定测评要素权重根据*银行部门负责人职位类别的特点,赋予各类职位测评要素以不同的权重。4、制定评分要


16、包括用人部门主管(部门的主管领导)、有较高的知识水准的相关专业人员(内外部人事专家)、组织人事部门主管(集团人力资源部经理)以及与工作有密切联系的其他部门的代表等。合格的考官人应具备: 良好的个人品德和修养 具备相关的专业知识 掌握相关的人员测评技术 了解*银行的状况及职位要求 丰富的社会、工作经验一般来说,考官小组成员数量大约在5-7人左右,其中一名为主考官,必要时可配备一名副考官,考官组成应考虑专业知识结构、职务、年龄以及性别的搭配。对于主副考官而言,还需具备一定的心理学知识和面试技巧。2、组织考官培训面试前应将职位说明书、面试试题、评价标准、应聘者人背景资料交到面试小组成员手中,并在主副考官的带领下,考官小组成员对面


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