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1、.some natural catastrophe devastates all life on Earth.总会有大灾难毁灭地球上的所有生物 But life goes on.可生命在继续 And what little remains is made stronger.存活下来的生命变得强大When the meter is blue,thats full adhesion.灯是蓝的 就是吸住了 Easy way to remember, blue is glue.很容易记 蓝色 吸住 - And when its red?- Dead. 那红色呢 - 死了No diamonds, no

2、codes.先给钻石 再给密码 No codes, no diamonds.先给密码 再给钻石 Kill this one.杀了他The plan was for us to stop him together.原计划是我们一起阻止他 BENJI: Well, what are you going to do?那现怎么办 Change the plan.改变原计划 ETHAN : And youre an arms dealer.你是军火商 BOGDAN : No, no, no. Sergei. Sergei.不 谢尔盖 Hes independent defense coordinator

3、. Right?他是独立的防御协调人 对吗 That you are. Very classy job.这是份很高尚的工作 Im not buying. Im selling.我不是要买 我是要卖 Youre selling.你要卖 Selling what?卖什么 The future.未来 Yeah, I got all I need, thank you.那个我自己有 谢谢 ETHAN : Our countries are on the brink of war.我们两国在战争边缘 War is very good for business.打仗好啊 我能发财 Nuclear war?

4、核战争呢A man with information like that知道这种情报的人 would be a potential terrorist.通常是潜在的恐怖分子 And to your government,对你们政府来说 a potential terrorist is a terrorist.潜在的恐怖分子等于恐怖分子(宁可错杀,绝不误放)I cannot help you.我不能帮你 I certainly cannot tell you我绝对不会告诉你 that Russia quietly sold an obsolete俄罗斯曾经悄悄地卖了一个淘汰的 tactical

5、satellite to a certain telecom in Mumbai.战术通讯卫星给孟买的电信公司 And whoever gave them that idea?是谁出的主意 An enterprising third party.某个独立的第三方 Working on commission.拿人钱财,替人消灾Helping old friends. Making new ones.援助老友,结交新朋 ETHAN : Whatever happened, happened.过去的就让它过去吧 We still have a chance to clean this up,我们还有

6、机会补救 but we have to do it now.不过 得赶快行动 And we have to do it together.而且要一起行动So, I hear the insurance companys refusing to pay the claim on that car you crashed, Ethan.我听说你撞坏的那辆车保险公司不肯赔,伊森 Something about intentional 100-meter他们说 故意让车从百米高空垂直坠下 vertical drops not being covered.不属于赔付范围 Go figure.奸商I me

7、an, look,we were unprepared,我们没准备 in the dark. Disavowed.没情报 也没支援 And the only thing that functioned properly那时候唯一运转正常的 on that mission was this team.就只有这个团队 I dont know how we ended up together,我不知道是怎么撑过来的 but Im glad we did.但是我们成功了 严格执行现金管理制度和现金使用范围,遵守银行结算制度,现金银行存款按时间顺序逐笔登记,每日结出余额现金当日核对,银行存款月终必须与银行核对,做到日清月结。


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