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1、 55级高三一轮复习导学案 55级高三一轮复习导学案模 块 知 识 点 回 扣.运用所学短语完成下列语段Mr. Smith (作为而出名) an excellent teacher. He is our teacher (也) our friend. We (对留下印象深刻) his lessons and in class we try to (记录) every word he says. With time going on, his hair (变白). He still continues teaching.II.完成句子1 (据记载) there have been lots of

2、 earthquakes in this area.2They (本来打算) to come to the meeting on time, but they were late again.3Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher (有史以来)4 (在的影响下) a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.5On hearing the news of the accident on the way home, the mo

3、ther (变得苍白) and worried about her child.6He was (不知所措) for what to say to the teachers question obviously he was (陷入深思) just now.7 he got seriously ill (直到才) he knew the importance of health.重点单词 1.audience 2.genius plex 4.record 5.touring 6.tune 7.peasants 8.musician II 1.conductor poser 3.talented

4、 4.musical 5.mixed 6.Lost 7.directing;director;direction 8.influencing;influence;influential回扣:I 1.is known as2.as well as 3.are impressed with 4.make a note of 5.goes white II 1. It is recorded that 2.had meant 3.of all time 4.Under the influence of 5.went pale 6.at a loss;.lost in thought 7.It was

5、 not until . that 8.It is recorded thatBook 2 Module 3Music重 点 单 词()单词拼写1The (观众) was impressed by his amazing performance.2His son is very clever that everyone consider him to be a (天才)3This is a (复杂的) problem.Nobody knows how to solve it.4We want to keep a (记录) of certain facts about all the pupil

6、s in one class.5The famous singer was always (巡回演出) in different countries.6Hell sing a different (曲调) when he has to earn his own money.7After the harvest, (农民) began to prepare the soil for seed.8Over the years Ive come to the conclusion that shes a very great (音乐家)()用所给词的适当形式填空1He is too experien

7、ced a (conduct) to mind what the critics say.2There is no doubt that he is an extremely talented (compose)3He may be a very (talent) designer, but as a manager hes a dead loss.4Learning a (music) instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.5Concrete is made of cement, sand and gravel

8、(mix) with water.6 (lose) in the dark, we had to ask a native to take us to the hotel.7There was a police officer the traffic, so the lost came up to him to ask how to get to the local theatre. The policeman showed him the and he left. (direct)8Shes very good at making friends and people, so she has

9、 a great on me and I like this girl.(influence)1后缀ician高频名词全接触musician n音乐家 physician n. 内科医生electrician n. 电工 technician n. 技术员2后缀or高频名词大观园conductor n指挥;售票员 director n. 指挥;导演actor n. 行动者;男演员 educator n. 教育者inventor n. 发明者 translator n. 翻译者重 点 短 语()完成下列短语1be known 作为而出名 2change . . 把变成3 all time 有史以

10、来 4as as 也;不仅而且5be impressed 对留下深刻印象6 deaf 变聋 7if 如果这样的话8split 分裂 9no 没门10make a note 记录()选用上述短语填空1People who work and live in noisy conditions may .2You should the key points that the teacher says.3She a successful singer and composer.4There were so many people in the room that they had to into sev

11、eral groups.5John, his wife and children, is going to visit China next week.6We all strongly what our teacher had said at the graduation ceremony.7Hard as the metal is, it can be liquid at high temperature.8He is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists . 1系动词go高频短语展示go deaf变聋 go pal

12、e 变得苍白 go bad 变坏,变质go wrong 出毛病 go blank 变得茫然 go hungry 挨饿2if省略结构小结if so假如这样的话 if anything 如果有什么的话if anybody 若有(任何)人的话 if ever (即使有也)极少,难得if necessary 如果有必要的话 if not 不然的话;否则if possible 如果可能的话 if any 即使有重 点 句 式1 (在那里工作了30年后), Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. 仿写 (被要求加班)that evening, I missed a wonderful film.2 (截止) he was 14, Mozart (已经谱写) many pieces .仿写 (截止)he was twelve, he (已学完)m


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