四年级上册英语模块测试 Module 9外研三起(含答案)

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1、外研三起四年级上册英语Module9 模块综合检测听力部分一、根据录音选出图片。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B. 二、翻译出听到的单词和词组的意思。( ) 1. A. 跳高 B. 跑步 C. 跳远( ) 2. A. 在公园 B. 去学校 C. 回家( ) 3. A. 一百 B. 二百 C. 三百( ) 4. A. 体育 B. 语文C. 英语( ) 5. A. 打篮球 B. 踢足球 C. 打乒乓球三、根据录音判断下面图片与录音是“”否“”相符。( ) 1. ( ) 2. (

2、) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 四、听录音再现当时情景,将下面句子排序。A. No, Im going to do the high jump.B. Were going to have a sports day.C. Are you going to run?D. Good luck to you!_笔试部分一、读一读,连一连。 (1) 天 A. month(2) 怎么样? B. luck(3) 月 C. subject(4) 运气 D. day(5) 科目E. How about?(6) 米 F. winner(7) 胜利 G. park(8) 冠军 H. now(9) 公园 I.

3、win(10) 现在 J. meter二、划线部分有错,请改正过来。1. Is Amy go to school? _2. We are going with swim._3. We is going to play football. _4. Do you going to run? _5. What are you going on do this month? _三、选出正确答案。 ( ) 1. We _ going to eat some bananas.A. is B. are C. am( ) 2. Are you _ to school?A. go B. going C. goe

4、s( ) 3. _ is she going? At 6:00.A. Where B. What C. When( ) 4. He _ from China!A. am B. is C. are( ) 5. _ are you going to do this month?A. When B. Where C. What四、把下列单词排列成一句话,注意大小写,并加上标点。1. they, going, are, table tennis, to, play (.) _2. win, to, going, I, am, (.) _3. sports, good, on, day, luck (.

5、) _4. going, were, home, now (.) _5. are, you, what, going, to, do (?)_五、情景再现。A. Were going to have a sports day this month.B. Happy birthday!C. Good luck on sports day!D. Im going to do the high jump.E. Im going to run in the park.(1) 祝同学运动日好运,你会说: _(2) 想对爸爸妈妈说本月有运动日,你会说: _(3) 小明过生日,你会说: _(4) 你要去公园

6、跑步,你会说: _(5) 你将参加跳高,你会说: _参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. Hello, Im Sam!2. Im going to run.3. He is going to do the long jump.4. Xiaoming is going to play football.5. English is my favourite subject.6. There is a lion in the zoo.二、1. do the long jump2. in the park3. two hundred4. PE5. play table tennis三、1. I like

7、swimming.2. PE is not my favourite subject.3. I like doing the long jump.4. Were going to school by bus.5. Im the winner.四、1. Were going to have a sports day.2. Are you going to run?3. No, Im going to do the high jump.4. Good luck to you!听力答案一、1-6 BABBAB二、1-5 CABAC三、1-5 四、BCAD笔试部分一、(1)-(10) DEABCJIFGH二、1. gogoing 2. withto 3. isare 4. DoAre 5. onto三、1-5 BBCBC四、1. They are going to play table tennis.2. I am going to win.3. Good luck on sports day.4. Were going home now.5. What are you going to do?五、(1)-(5) CABED 6 / 6


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