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1、1.In most cases, these signals originate as sensory data from the real world: seismic vibrations visual images, sound waves, etc.DSP isthe mathematics, the algorithms, and the techniques used to manipulate these signals after they have been converted into a digital form.在大多数情况下,这些信号来源于人对真实世界的感觉,比如地震

2、的震动,视觉图像,声音波形等。数字信号处理是一种数学工具,是一种用来处理那些将上述信号转换成数字形式后的信号的算法和技术。2.Fouriers representation of functionsas a superposition of sines and cosines has become Ubiquitous for both the analytic and numerical solution of differential equations and for the analysis and treatment of communication signals函数的傅里叶表示,

3、即将函数表示成正弦和余弦信号的叠加,这种方法已经广泛用于微分方程的解析法和数值法求解过程以及通信信号的分析和处理。3.If f (t ) is a nonperiodic signal, the summation of the periodic functions ,such as sine and cosine, does not accurately represent the signal. You could artificially extend the signal to make it periodic but it would require additional conti

4、nuity at the end points .如果f(t)是非周期信号,那么用周期函数例如正弦和余弦的和,并不能精确的表示该信号f(t)。你可以人为的拓展这个信号使其具有周期性,但是这要求在端点处附加连续性4.A digital filter is a mathematical algorithm implemented in hardware, firmware, and software that operates on a digital input signal to produce a digital output signal for achieving filtering o

5、bjectives.数字滤波器是一种数学算法,它可以用硬件,固件和软件来实现。它作用于数字输入信号产生数字输出信号从而达到滤波目标。5.The basic idea of Fourier series method is to design an FIR filter that approximates the desired frequency response of filter by calculating its impulse response.用傅里叶级数设计FIR滤波器的基本的理念是计算出此滤波器的单位冲激响应来逼近所期望的滤波器的频率响应。6.If the signal has

6、 sharp transitions, it is necessary to window the input data, so that the sections converge to zero at the endpoints如果信号有急剧的过渡,就有必有对输入信号加窗,这样信号在端点处就会收敛于零。7.Theconceptsofsignalsandsystemsariseinawidevarietyoffields,andtheideasandtechniquesassociatedwiththeseconceptsplayanimportantroleinsuchdiverseare


8、在科学技术中发挥了重要作用。8.Withoutsomerestrictions,whenthecharacterizationofasystemrequiresacompleteinput-out-putrelationship,knowingtheoutputofasystemtoacertainsetofinputdoenotallowustodeterminetheoutputofthesystemtoothersetsofinputs.当系统的特性描述要求完整的输入输出关系时,如果没有约束条件,即使知道了系统对某 些特定输入产生的输出时,我们也并不知道系统对其他输入产生的输出。9.An



11、12.Oneofthemostimportantmotivationsforthedevelopmentofgeneraltoolsforanalyzinganddesigningsystemsisthat systemsfrommanydifferentapplicationshaveverysimilar mathematicaldescriptions.许多具有不同应用的系统都有相类似的数学描述,这是开发系统分析和设计通用工具软件的最重要的动机之一。13.Electronic amplifiers are often symbolized by a simple triangle sha

12、pe ,where the internal components are not individually represented.电子放大器一般都表示成三角形形状,内部器件并不分别表示出来。14.An increasingly positive voltage on the(+)input tends to drive the output voltage more positive,and an increasingly positive voltage on the(-)input tends to drive the output voltage more negative.增大同向

13、输入端的电压,会使输出电压增大;增大反向输入端的电压,会使输出电压减小。15.Because we know that both inputs of the op-amp have extremely high impedance,we can safely assume they wont add or subtract any current through the divider.因为我们知道,运算放大器的两个输入端之间有无穷大的电阻,所以我们完全可以假设他们没有增加或分担任何电流。16.In other words,we can treat R1 and R2 as being in

14、series with each other:all of the electrons flowing through R1 must flow through R2.换句话说,我们可以认为R1和R2串联,即通过R1的电流一定会通过R2。17.FPGAs,which do not use operating sytems,minimize reliability cincerns with true parallel execution and deterministic hardware dedicated to every task.FPGA不使用操作系统,减少了对每项任务并行操作和确定的

15、硬件分配的依赖性。18.Digital communication protocols,for example,have specifications that can chang over time,and ASIC-based interfaces may cause maintenance and forward compatibility challenges.例如,数字通信协议规范可能随时改变,基于ASIC的接口则保持稳定且兼容。19.VHDL is an acronym for Very high speed intergrated circuit(VHSIC)Hardware Description Language which is a programming Language that describes a logic cir cuit by function,data flow behavior,and/or structure.VHDL是甚高速集成电路硬件描述语言的缩写,它是一种通过函数、数据流和(或)结构描述逻辑电路的可编程语言。


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