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1、-欢迎登陆明师教育官网浏览更多的学习资讯!-人教版九年级上英语期末试卷题号总分得分听力测试 (20%)A听短文,选图画。(短文读两遍)Jack的父母恰巧都要出差,他需要独自照顾自己几天。请听他爸爸在临走之前叮嘱他要做的五件事情。然后按顺序将图画上面的字母编号填在题号后面的横线上。 _ _ _ _ _B根据所听句子,选择正确答语。( ) A. Dinosaurs. B. Pandas. C. Tigers. D. Sharks.( ) A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.( ) A. A key. B. A glass. C. A jacket.

2、 D. A stamp.( ) A. Jan. 1. B. March 4. C. Dec. 25. D. Oct. 1.( ) A. Surfing. B. Playing football. C. Swimming. D. Scuba diving.C根据你所听到的对话内容和所提问题,选择正确答案。( ) A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( ) A. In a bookshop. B. In a video shop. C. In a library. D. In a reading room. ( ) A. To buy a book. B. To

3、borrow a book. C. To buy a video tape. D. To borrow a video tape.( ) A. Red Star Over China. B. Gone with the Wind. C. Bill Gates. D. Chicken, Run.( ) A. David. B. Jim. C. Ling Feng. D. Lin Tao.D根据所听短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (R) 与误 (W)。( ) Cousteau lived near the sea when he was a child.( ) Cousteau loved the s

4、ea very much.( ) There are more than 3,000 members of the Cousteau Society all over the world today.( ) Cousteau told people that it was very important to save the environment under the sea.( ) Cousteau encouraged people to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.单项选择 (15%)A指出能填入相

5、应空白处的最佳答案。( ) The ice in the lake is more than one metre . Its so strong that you can skate on it.A. long B. wide C. deep D. thick( ) Her father gave her a computer on his birthday.A. twelve B. twelfth C. twelveth D. the twelfth( ) The farmers get and mutton from sheep.A. cotton B. woolen C. wool D.

6、 beef( ) There are so many things in the supermarket that I cant decide .A. what to buy B. what Ive bought C. to buy what D. what shall I buy( ) Im sorry I didnt hear . Beg your pardon?A. what youve said B. what have you said C. youve said what D. what are you saying( ) Would you mind me how English

7、 words?A. to tell; to remember B. telling; remembering C. telling; to rememberD. to tell; remembering( ) Hes never visited the Great Hall of the People, ?A. hasnt he B. has he C. dose he D. doesnt he( ) The football match is Chinese Japanese.A. onto B. betweenand C. fromto D. amongand( ) “Would you

8、like something to eat?” “ , thanks. Im feeling sick now. I feel like .”A. Yes; eating something B. No; to eat nothing C. Yes; to eat nothing D. No; eating nothing( ) “How long did it you to finish the composition?” “ half an hour.”A. take; For B. cost; In C. take; / D. cost; /B指出能替换句中划线部分的选项。( ) Up

9、till now we have learned twelve units.A. Just B. So far C. Today D. Already( ) Please wait for me. Id like to go with you.A. ask B. help C. visit D. join( ) Yesterday he was away from school because he was sick in hospital.A. at school B. not at school C. going to school D. didnt come to school( ) “

10、Shall I go to a friends birthday party tonight, Dad?” “OK! Have fun at the party.”A. Have a rest B. Sing and dance C. Drink more D. Enjoy yourself( ) We cant go and have a drink. There are twenty more trees to be planted.A. Well plant twenty more trees. B. We have planted only twenty trees.C. We mus

11、t plant twenty trees today. D. Twenty trees must be planted today.情景交际 (10%)A指出排列顺序正确的选项,使所给语句成为一段文理通顺的对话。( ) Here you are. Yes. Please show me a pair of sunglasses. Can I help you, madam?A. B. C. D. ( ) Whats your trouble? How long have you been like this? I often dream frightening dreams when Im a

12、sleep. Ever since last month. A. B. C. D. ( ) Im afraid not. She isnt here now. Hello! This is Kate speaking. Could I speak to Ann? Well. Would you please ask him to call me back? See you later. Certainly.A. B. C. D. ( ) How far is it from here? Go down this street and take the first turning on the left. Excuse me, wheres the nearest bank, please? Thanks a lot. Its about 350 metres away. A. B. C. D. ( ) Have you got the CD “Hero”? Three days. Good evening! Can I help you? Let me se



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