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1、特级教师课堂讲义 SBII Unit 22 A tale of two cities1. 用see,watch,notice 填空:1).Did you _ anything else unusual?2).He was too tired to _ how hungry he was.3).They _ train until it disappeared in the distance 4).Who is _ the children while their parents are on vacation?5)._ out for cars while crossing the road.

2、6).Can you _ the tower over there? Can you _ what is going on then?注:see 看见,查看。 Watch 注视,观看,看护,监视 notice 注意到,擦接到2改错 7)Loud noises can be heard out in the street. 8)The young couple must quarrel about money again.2. 对已发生情况的推测有两种形式 对目前情况的推测对已发生情况的推测对将来可能发生的情况推测Must be Must be doingMust have doneBe sur

3、e toWill surely doMay beMight be doingMay have doneMight have doneMay/might doEg.1)Mr Li hasnt returned. He must have been waiting for his uncle at the airport. 2)She couldnt have been writing. So far as I know,she has been ill since last month.选择:9)The Kates together with a cousin of _ went for hol

4、iday. A.their B.them C.hers D.thei句型转换:10)This daughter of hers is very lovely.= 11)We think much of that invention of his=4.译:12)这是我第一次游览浦东开发区。 13)这是我目睹过的最可怕的情景。 14)The burning building lit up the night sky. 15)His face lit up when she was present.5.句型转换 16)It took him aged to answer the door.=He _

5、 _ _ to answer the door. 选择:17)How much did you _on the second-hand air conditioner.A. cost B.took C.paid D.spent 18)He _ this bike for 600 yuan. Though it was a bit expensive,I think it was reasonable. A.offered B. paid C.spent D.cost READING I1.选择:19)At that shop on show is a new of computer,_ mak

6、es it attractive to students.A.its low price B.ehich C.that D.the low price of which 注:I live in the room whose windows face to the south. Whose windows_ _ _ _2.单词辨析 1)活着的(作表语,前制定语) 2)活着的(作表语,宾补,后制定语) 3)live (1)活着的(作前置定语,常修饰动物或无生命的东西);(2)adj/adv、实况直播的 4)lively (1)生动活泼的 (2)精力充沛的练习:用适当的形式填空: 20)I am a

7、fraid he is no longer _ . 21)No _ things exist on the moon. 22)To my great joy,I find him _ . 23)He is referred to as one of the greatest writers _ . 24)The room was _ with laughter. 25)They are doing an experiments on a _ mouse. 26)Though he is in his eighties ,yet he is _ . 27)Mr Li always makes h

8、is lessons _ and interesting. 28)We watched the football game on _ television.3. 选择:29)_ the officals lost words,Bill looked at him angrily.A.To B.At C.With D.By 注:at 因听到或看到。而 常与表示感情的adj/adv连用 例如:1)She was surprised at what he said. 2)I am pleased at the news.4译:30)把钱存入银行 31)从银行取款 32)在这个村庄户户有存款5Dist

9、urb vt.make sb upset/uneasy 令人心神不安 disturb sb;be disturbed to do eg.What disturbed the workers was that they might be fired at any time. He was disturbed about his wifes serious illness.比较:interrupt,trouble 干扰,打搅,捣乱 1)The noise in the street disturbed my study. 2)A light wind disturbed the smooth su

10、rface of the lake.译:33)她获悉母亲得急病后,感到焦躁不安。 34)我不希望有人在这个时间来打搅我。6.mental 1)精神的,心理的 He is being treated in a mental hospital. She was mentally disturbed by his sons death. 2)智力的,脑力的 (physical 生理的,体力的) 1)Well have a mental test today. 2)Now there is a great difference between mental labour and physical la

11、bour in our country.7.1)in peace:quietly,peacefully 安静地,平静地 2.be at peace with sb 3)make peace with sb译:1)The old man spent the rest of his life in peace. 2)My only wish is to live in peace.8.for no good reason 无正当理由,莫明其妙 for no reason无缘无故的 口译:35)不要莫明奇妙地惩罚孩子。 36)我们要求老板就无缘无故地解雇工人一事公开向我们道歉。9解释:1)Dont

12、worry .Two nurses attended on the patient day and night. Watch 2)Who is it up to attend(on)? Look after/take care of 37)出席医学大会 38)上学 39)听关于历史讲座10Keep silent over about对。保持沉默1) She kept silent about the secret.2) She kept silent about the secret.11.fall in love with sb/sth 爱上(瞬间动作)。Be in love with sb

13、.与。相爱(状态)1) Immediately I saw the American actress,I felt in love with her.2) They had been in love with each other for four years before they got married.12.1)She is weak.She looks as if she has been ill for a long time. As if 陈述能性很大,用陈述句的内容可2)The chockstick is partly in a glass of water. It looks

14、as it were broken. As 陈述的内容为不切实际想象或夸大地比喻用虚拟语气 1)主语as if were 2) 主语 +as if+ had done 3)主语as if would do did were doing13.改错 40)The doctor did everything that he could rescuer the drowing boy,but he didnt succeed. 选择41)-He promise that she _ get a nice present on her birthday. -Will it be a great surprice to her? A.should B.must C.would D.shall14make sure of sth/doing sth;make sure that 从句 1)弄清楚 2)see to 确保,设法做到1) Mr Li,do make sure of your students success.2) I will make sure of his arri


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