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1、活动邀请函模板英文【篇一:英文邀请函模板】 june 25th,2007 to:(邀请客户所在的公司) attn: (客户的名字) re: invitation for business trip i, (你的名字), on behalf of (你公司的名字) would like to invite 客户的名字to visit our office in 公司所在城市, china in the 日期. the main purpose of this trip is to give you more ideas on business view here. at the same tim

2、e to try implementing the agreement, which is under discussion/negotiation for some time. all the traveling and accommodation expenses in china will be borne by your company. name:客户的名字 (passport number: 护照号码 ) yours truly, xxxx 如邀请两人,请分别准备邀请函。 邀请函格式: 受邀人姓名, 受邀人职务, 受邀人公司名称, 受邀人公司地址, 受邀人公司电话, 受邀人公司传真

3、 date: 日期 dear mr. (受邀人姓,或姓名), this is a formal invitation to invite you to visit our plant, located in (邀请人公司地址),china,from . to .(访问时间). we confirm that we will make the itinerary and all other arrangments for your visit in china. we also confirm that all the expenses during your stay in china wil

4、l be covered by (受邀人公司名称). please attach this letter of invitation, together with the visa application form to apply for a visa in the nearest chinese embassy in (受邀人所在城市)。 we look forward to seeing you in china very soon. yours sincerely, 邀请人姓名 邀请人职务 邀请人公司名称 邀请人公司签证【篇二:英文邀请函格式】 a formal visa invita

5、tion格式 公司抬头 to attention: a formal visa invitation dear sir or madam: we are very pleased to invite mr. come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. the business trip will start from 18th april 2005 . and because the long business co-operation in future between 对方公司 名 and us, they will

6、 come to china for many times. please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of * in china. all expenses of journey to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. we send you our kinde

7、st regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) its our great honor to invite you to visit xxx company located at (address) in august, 2003. this visit will provide an opportunity for you to

8、 make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. xxx company, as one of your distributors in china, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future busin

9、ess cooperation. please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. yours truly, 办理邀请外商来华签证申报所需材料:(除英文之外的外文材料,请附中文翻译件并盖邀请单位公司章) 1、邀请外国人来华签证申报表 2、被邀请的每一人的护照复印件 3、双方购销合同 4、对

10、方公司营业执照(如果今年贵公司未曾办理邀请函,也须提供营业执照) 上述四项材料为一份材料,您需要提供共三份材料。(部分国家有特殊要求,请点击“邀请有关国家商人来华最新要求”) 请您按次序装订好,到外侨办审核。一份材料由义乌外侨办留存,另二份材料经外侨办审核、签字、盖章后,由企业经办人送或特快寄金华市外侨办办理。外侨办的办理时间为随到随办,3-5分钟;外侨办的办理时间一般为3个工作日。外侨办办理好签证通知后,将电话通知“联系人”去金华取。 如何填写签证中的申请表呢? 在邀请外国人来华签证申报表中: “被邀请人情况”栏必须打印。被邀请人“国籍”和下面的“签证地”须用英语填写。 外商系首次来华时,“

11、来华事由”栏要详细填写有关该公司的性质、经营范围等情况,以及如何与该公司结识的,本次来访的主要目的等内容。对于办理二次和半年多次往返的申报,“来华事由”栏要写明最近半年来华共有多少次和本次要申请多次往返的充分理由。 “邀请单位担保意见”内容大致如下: 兹有我公司*国客商*(护照号码为*)于200*年*月来义乌进行合法正当的商务活动,停留时间为*天,我公司担保客商在此期间不产生违反法律的行为。 “在华停留天数”最长为25天。 对于“签证地”与“国籍”不一致的客商,要求在每一份材料中附上该客商在“签证地”之国的居留证复印件,并注明“这是某某在某地的居留证。”,由邀请单位盖上公章。 办理多次往返的,

12、要求企业前半年已邀请该客商五、六次来华,并在每一份材料中附上该客商的每次来华签证记录、海关出入境记录和贸易额凭据。 “领导签名”栏,企业法人代表或其委托领导须亲笔签名(企业经办人不可擅自代签,也不可以盖领导签字章),后盖公章。 “联系人”要填写企业经办人自己的联系方法(为不耽搁您的宝贵时间,最好写上手机号),而且要表中所写的“联系人”本人去金华取签证通知,不可委托快递公司取。 护照的复印件必须包含如下四项内容: 1、外商的姓名全称; 2、国籍; 3、护照的有效期; 4、护照的号码; 如果有身份信息,必须是商人身份,不可是与商务无关的身份。 双方购销合同要求是由外商签字、我方企业负责人签字并加盖

13、公章后生效的合同或售货确认书等材料的复印件,以证明双方之间的经贸关系。 各种附件不可以使用感应传真纸,感应传真纸上的内容必须经复印后,方可使用。 各企业邀请外商来华,由各企业外事专办员到义乌外侨办办理。以上小小资料,供参考! 一般邀请函有国外客户要来参观公司索要,还有政府邀请函是政府邀请一些人士进行政治活动所发出的信,一般来说,公司的邀请函就可以让客户办visa了。至于那些要你出据地方政府有关签证的, 就不要理他了. 办了邀请函后,你公司要对他在中国的不法事情付有相应的法律责任. 办理的步骤是:准备客户的营业执照复印件一份和护照的第一页 你们公司要准备: 营业执照复印件一份 申请报告一份 证明

14、双方交流的信函2-3封 入境申请表2份 这是我找到的一份短小的邀请函,你们也可以有自己的风格,邀请函没有太具体的格式的. 下面紧供参考: name of your company place of your company tel: invitation this is to acknowledge that we cordially invite our client 客户名称地址电话传真 passport no. , delivered expiration date date of birth: to visit 目的地 abound 日期 the manager name: signe

15、d _ invitation letters invite your guests with warmth and friendship! be sure to include in your invitation letter: the name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hostess?)exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?) what type of social event is being held the date, address, and time of the event directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find what type of dress is appropriate or preferred the phone nu


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