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1、时代杂志评出的100部最佳英语小说 2010 The Adventures of Augie March by Saul BellowAll the Kings Men by Robert Penn WarrenAmerican Pastoral美国牧歌 by Philip RothAn American Tragedy美国悲剧 by Theodore DreiserAnimal Farm动物农庄 by George OrwellAppointment in Samarra by John OHaraAre You There God? Its Me, Margaret by Judy Blu

2、meThe Assistant by Bernard MalamudAt Swim-Two-Birds by Flann OBrienAtonement by Ian McEwanBeloved宠儿 by Toni MorrisonThe Berlin Stories by Christopher IsherwoodThe Big Sleep夜长梦多 by Raymond ChandlerThe Blind Assassin盲人杀手 by Margaret AtwoodBlood Meridian血色子午线 by Cormac McCarthyBrideshead Revisited by E

3、velyn WaughTheBridgeofSan LuisRey byThorntonWilderCall It Sleep by Henry RothCatch-22第二十二条军规 by Joseph HellerThe Catcher in the Rye麦田里的守望者 by J.D. SalingerA Clockwork Orange发条橙子 by Anthony BurgessThe Confessions of Nat Turner by William StyronThe Corrections by Jonathan FranzenThe Crying of Lot 49拍卖

4、第49号 by Thomas PynchonA Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony PowellThe Day of the Locust by Nathanael WestDeath Comes for the Archbishop大主教之死 by Willa CatherA Death in the Family by James AgeeThe Death of the Heart by Elizabeth BowenDeliverance by James DickeyDog Soldiers by Robert StoneFalconer by

5、 John CheeverThe French Lieutenants Woman by John FowlesThe Golden Notebook by Doris LessigGo Tell it on the Mountain by James BaldwinGone With the Wind飘 by Margaret MitchellThe Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄 by John SteinbeckGravitys Rainbow by Thomas PynchonThe Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比 by F. Scott FitzgeraldA Ha

6、ndful of Dust一掬尘土 by Evelyn WaughThe Heart Is A Lonely Hunter心是孤独的猎手 by Carson McCullersThe Heart of the Matter事情的核心/问题的核心 by Graham GreeneHerzog by Saul BellowHousekeeping管家 by Marilynne RobinsonA House for Mr. Biswas毕斯瓦思先生之屋 by V.S. NaipaulI, Claudius by Robert GravesInfinite Jest by David Foster

7、WallaceInvisible Man隐形人 by Ralph EllisonLight in August八月之光 by William FaulknerThe Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe女巫狮子和魔衣橱 by C.S. LewisLolita洛丽塔 by Vladimir Naboko 下载pdfLord of the Flies蝇王 by William GoldingThe Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. TolkeinSilmarillionLoving by Henry GreenLucky Jim幸运的吉姆 by K

8、ingsley AmisThe Man Who Loved Children by Christina SteadMidnights Children by Salman RushdieMoney by Martin AmisThe Moviegoer by Walker PercyMrs. Dalloway达罗薇夫人 by Virginia WoolfNaked Lunch裸体午餐 by William BurroughsNative Son by Richard WrightNeuromancer神经漫游者 by William GibsonNever Let Me Go别让我走 by K

9、azuo Ishiguro1984一九八四 by George OrwellOn the Road在路上 by Jack KerouacOne Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest飞越疯人院 by Ken KeseyThe Painted Bird by Jerzy KosinskiPale Fire幽冥的火 by Vladimir NabokovA Passage to India印度之行 by E.M. ForsterPlay It As It Lays by Joan DidionPortnoys Complaint by Philip RothPosession by

10、A.S. ByattThe Power and the Glory权力与荣耀 by Graham GreeneThe Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel SparkRabbit, Run兔子,跑吧 by John UpdikeRagtime by E.L. DoctorowThe Recognitions by William GaddisRed Harvest红色收获 by Dashiell HammettRevolutionary Road by Richard YatesThe Sheltering Sky by Paul BowlesSlaughte

11、rhouse-Five第五号屠场by Kurt VonnegutSnow Crash雪崩 by Neal StephensonThe Sot-Weed Factor by John BarthThe Sound and the Fury喧哗与骚动 by William FaulknerThe Sportswriter by Richard FordThe Spy Who Came in From the Cold柏林谍影 by John LeCarreThe Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起 by Ernest HemingwayTheir Eyes Were Watching God

12、 by Zora Neale HurstonThings Fall Apart瓦解/生命中不可承受之重by Chinua AchebeTo Kill a Mockingbird杀死一只知更鸟 by Harper LeeTo the Lighthouse到灯塔去 by Virginia WoolfTropic of Cancer北回归线 by Henry MillerUbik by Philip K. DickUnder the Net by Iris MurdochUnder the Volcano by Malcolm LowreyWatchmen by Alan Moore & Dave GibbonsWhite Noise白噪音 by Don DeLilloWhite Teeth白色的牙齿 by Zadie Smith考虑到公司仍有部分低层及高层人员的补充,因此在选择招聘渠道供应商的附加值时以配送普工现场招聘会和高端人才交流会为佳,另外根据供应商平台实力,若能给公司提供合适的猎头服务也应当纳入甄选范畴。



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